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Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance Committee
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
1:00 PMLivestream YouTube


Present: Senator Carrie Ruud - Chair, Senator Bill Weber Vice Chair, Senator Steve Cwodzinski, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Senator David H. Senjem

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Carrie Ruud called the meeting to order at 1:05pm

S.F. 3687: Senator Johnson: All-terrain vehicle definition modification.

Senator Johnson presented SF3687-All-Terrian vehicle definition modicification. The bill passed by voice vote and was laid over for possible inclusion. 


The following people testified: 

  • J.R. Burke, Director, State Government Affairs, Polaris
  • Peter Gassert, Duluth Lawn & Sport (Remote)
  • Ray Bohn, ATV MN
  • Perry May, State Director, ATV MN
  • Laura Preus, Div. of Parks and Trails Prog. And Planning Sect. Mgr, DNR
  • Gary Payne (Remote)


Senator Ruud moved that S.F. 3687, be laid over. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 3869: Senator Lang: Transfer requirements modification for certain recreational vehicles.

Senator Lang presented SF3869-Transfer requirements modification for certain recreational vehicles. The bill passed by voice vote and was laid over for possible inclusion. 


The following people testified: 

  • Tom Umphress, Amateurs Riders Motorcycles Assn, AMA District 23
  • Perry May, State Director, ATV MN


Senator Lang moved that S.F. 3869, be laid over. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 4131: Senator Ruud: Constitutional amendment providing for the renewal of the environment and natural resources trust fund.

Senator Ruud presented SF4131-Constitutional Amendment providing for the renewal on the environment and natural resources trust fund. The bill passed by voice vote and was re-referred to Senate Environment Finance Committee. 


The following poeople testified: 

  • Dave Carlson, President, Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Alliance (Remote)
  • Will Clayton, Sr. Regional Representative, Pheasants Forever (Remote)
  • Brad Gausman, Executive Director, Minnesota Conservation Federation (Remote)


Senator Ruud moved that S.F. 4131, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm

Senator Carrie Ruud, Chair
Lisa Handrick, Legislative Assistant