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Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy Committee
Thursday, March 11, 2021
3:00 PM, Livestream YouTube


Present: Senator David H. Senjem - Chair, Senator Andrew Mathews - Vice Chair, Senator Roger C. Chamberlain, Senator Nick A. Frentz, Senator Jerry Newton, Senator Jason Rarick, Senator Patricia Torres Ray, Senator Paul J. Utke

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator David H. Senjem called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM

S.F. 1018: Senator Senjem: Sunset for recovery of gas utility infrastructure costs elimination.

Senator Senjem moved that S.F. 1018, be recommended to pass.

S.F. 582: Senator Rarick: Bioincentive program modification and appropriation.

S.F. 1566 Housley - Energy Transition Legacy Office establishment; transition communities and workers advisory committee creation; state transition plan for communities and workers impacted by the retirement of power plants development requirement; appropriating money


  • Mayor Mary McComber, City of Oak Park Heights
  • Greg Pruszinske, Becker City Administrator
  • Ellen Anderson, Climate Program Director, MCEA
  • Jamie Fitzke, Center for Energy and Environment
  • Audrey Partridge, Center for Energy and Environment


S.F. 1612 Matthews - Energy utilities facility retirement inclusion of information on efforts to minimize impacts to workers requirement


  • Thor Underdahl, Minnesota Power
  • Kurt Zimmerman of Local 160, IBEW
  • Duane Peters of Local 23, IBEW


S.F. 1018 Senjem - Sunset for recovery of gas utility infrastructure costs elimination


  • Patrick Schillinger, Vice President State Legislative & Local Affairs, Minnesota Energy Resources Corp
  • Grania McKiernan, Exel Energy


S.F. 582 Rarick - Bioincentive program modification and appropriation.

  • Brendan Jordan, The Great Plains Institute


S.F. 1304 Westrom - Existing easements held by rural electric cooperatives to be used to provide broadband service authorization


  • Brian Krambeer, President/CEO, MiEnergy Cooperative
  • Tim Mergen, CEO, Meeker Cooperative Light and Power
  • Tony Mendoza, MN Cable

Senator Rarick moved that S.F. 582, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Agriculture and Rural Development Finance and Policy Committee.

S.F. 1304: Senator Westrom: Existing easements held by rural electric cooperatives to be used to provide broadband service authorization.

Senator Utke moved that S.F. 1304, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee.

S.F. 1566: Senator Housley: Energy Transition Legacy Office establishment; transition communities and workers advisory committee creation; state transition plan for communities and workers impacted by the retirement of power plants development requirement; appropriating money.

Senator Frentz moved that S.F. 1566, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Rules and Administration Committee.

S.F. 1612: Senator Mathews: Energy utilities facility retirement inclusion of information on efforts to minimize impacts to workers requirement.

Senator Mathews moved that S.F. 1612, as amended, be recommended to pass.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM

Senator David H. Senjem, Chair
Beth Kleinboehl, Legislative Assistant