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Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
1:00 PM, Livestream YouTube


Present: Senator Warren Limmer - Chair, Senator Mark Johnson - Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Karla Bigham, Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Andrew Mathews, Senator Sandra L. Pappas

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Warren Limmer called the meeting to order at 1:03

S.F. 82: Senator Jasinski: Murder in the first degree attempt penalty increase.

Presentation: S.F. 82-Jasinski: Murder in the first-degree attempt penalty increase.

Kiffmeyer moves A-1 amendment is amended by A-4 amendment.

Amendment adopted.

Kiffmeyer moves A-1 amendment, as amended.

Amendment adopted.


    Arik and Megan Matson

    Rachel Cornelius, Waseca County Attorney

    Brian Peters, Executive Director – MPPOA

Members discussion and questions.

Sen Ingebrigtsen moves that SF 82 as amended be recommended to pass and move to committee on finance.

Motion Prevailed.

Senator Ingebrigtsen moved that S.F. 82, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 903: Senator Anderson: Addition of registrants from other states to the Predatory Offender Registry when offense facts require registration in Minnesota authorization.

Presentation: S.F. 903-Anderson, B.: Addition of registrants from other states to the Predatory Offender Registry when offense facts require registration in Minnesota authorization.


    Drew Evans, Superintendent - Bureau of Criminal Apprehension

Senator Anderson moves that SF903 be recommended to pass and move to general orders.

Motion Prevailed.


Senator Anderson moved that S.F. 903, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1177: Senator Senjem: Oral fluid roadside testing for drug-impaired driving pilot project authorization.

Presentation: S.F. 1177-Senjem: Oral fluid roadside testing for drug-impaired driving pilot project authorization.

Senator Johnson moves the A-2 authors amendment.

Amendment adopted.


    Mike Hanson, Director - Office of Traffic Safety (OTS)

Senator Latz moves that line 1.17 the word expert is deleted and replaced with evaluator.

Oral amendment adopted.

Sen Latz moves that on line 1.21 after “any” insert “legal, on 1.21 delete “relating to the” and on line 1.22 delete “stop or arrest”.

Oral amendment adopted.

Senator Latz moves that on line 1.29 the word participant’s is deleted and replaced with participants’.

Oral amendment adopted.

Senator Latz moves that SF1177 as amended be recommended to pass and be sent to general orders.

Motion prevails.


Senator Latz moved that S.F. 1177, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

March 10, 2021 Agenda

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30

Senator Warren Limmer, Chair
Sage Petrusa, Legislative Assistant