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Judiciary Committee
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
3:30 PM, Room 15, Capitol


Present: Senator Mee Moua - Chair, Senator Mary A. Olson Vice Chair, Senator Don Betzold, Senator Leo T. Foley, Senator Linda Higgins, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Julianne E. Ortman, Senator Pat Pariseau, Senator Linda Scheid

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Mee Moua called the meeting to order at 3:43pm. Committee Recessed (6:37pm) Committee Resumed (7:36pm)

S.F. 2363: Senator Betzold: Fire departments access to criminal history data on current employees authorization.

S.F. 2717: Senator Sheran: Criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree for sexual contact in secure treatment facilities.

S.F. 2695: Senator Sheran: Pregnant women mandatory drug reporting requirements modifications.

S.F. 2990: Senator Dibble: Service animal (seeing eye dog) intentional harm resulting in inability to perform duties penalties imposition.

S.F. 2595: Senator Dibble: Landlord and tenant expungement in eviction cases procedures modifications.

S.F. 345: Senator Saxhaug: Enhanced drivers license and identification card creation.

S.F. 3031: Senator Pappas: Eminent domain right of first refusal modification for property obtained with federal transit funding.

S.F. 2725: Senator Moua: Gang and drug oversight council membership, duties and governing board modifications, criminal gang investigative data systems and multijurisdictional gang and drug strike forces certification process establishment.

S.F. 3163: Senator Moua: Law enforcement data from other states classification.

S.F. 1659: Senator Higgins: Eminent domain public use and purpose definition expansion to foreclosure.

S.F. 2231: Senator Scheid: Mortgage registry and deed taxes instruments valid security for debt requirements clarification.

S.F. 2232: Senator Scheid: Common interest community certificates provisions modifications.

S.F. 2427: Senator Betzold: Trust and guardianship provisions modifications; distribution status clarifications; relationship and inheritance provisions modifications; emergency and temporary conservator appointment authority.

S.F. 817: Senator Foley: Comprehensive incident-based reporting system (CIBRS) data uses specification.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:46pm

Senator Mee Moua, Chair
James Chang, Legislative Assistant