Wednesday, March 23, 2022
1:00 PMLivestream YouTube
Present: Senator Carrie Ruud - Chair, Senator Bill Weber Vice Chair, Senator Steve Cwodzinski, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Senator David H. Senjem
Absent: No Members Absent
Senator Carrie Ruud called the meeting to order at 1:05pm
S.F. 3687: Senator Johnson: All-terrain vehicle definition modification.
Senator Johnson presented SF3687-All-Terrian vehicle definition modicification. The bill passed by voice vote and was laid over for possible inclusion.
The following people testified:
J.R. Burke, Director, State Government Affairs, Polaris
Peter Gassert, Duluth Lawn & Sport (Remote)
Ray Bohn, ATV MN
Perry May, State Director, ATV MN
Laura Preus, Div. of Parks and Trails Prog. And Planning Sect. Mgr, DNR
Gary Payne (Remote)
Senator Ruud moved that S.F. 3687, be laid over. -
S.F. 3869: Senator Lang: Transfer requirements modification for certain recreational vehicles.
Senator Lang presented SF3869-Transfer requirements modification for certain recreational vehicles. The bill passed by voice vote and was laid over for possible inclusion.
The following people testified:
Tom Umphress, Amateurs Riders Motorcycles Assn, AMA District 23
Perry May, State Director, ATV MN
Senator Lang moved that S.F. 3869, be laid over. -
S.F. 4131: Senator Ruud: Constitutional amendment providing for the renewal of the environment and
natural resources trust fund.
Senator Ruud presented SF4131-Constitutional Amendment providing for the renewal on the environment and natural resources trust fund. The bill passed by voice vote and was re-referred to Senate Environment Finance Committee.
The following poeople testified:
Dave Carlson, President, Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Alliance (Remote)
Will Clayton, Sr. Regional Representative, Pheasants Forever (Remote)
Brad Gausman, Executive Director, Minnesota Conservation Federation (Remote)
Senator Ruud moved that S.F. 4131, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Committee. -
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm
Senator Carrie Ruud, Chair
Lisa Handrick, Legislative Assistant