S.R. No. 2, as introduced: 88th Legislative Session (2013-2014) Posted on January 8, 2013
1.1A senate resolution
1.2relating to rules; adopting temporary rules for the 88th session of the Legislature. 1.3BE IT RESOLVED, by the Senate of the State of Minnesota: 1.4The permanent rules of the Senate for the 87th session of the Legislature are adopted as the 1.5temporary rules for the 88th session, to be effective until the adoption of permanent rules by a 1.6majority vote of the Senate, subject to the following conditions: 1.7A bill may not be introduced on the first day. 1.8The rules referred to above are amended as follows: 1.9 7.3The omnibus tax and appropriation bills are: 1.10 (1) the omnibus tax bill; 1.11 (2) the E-12 education appropriations bill; 1.12 (3) the higher education and workforce development appropriations bill; 1.13 (4) the health and human services appropriations bill; 1.14(5) the environment, economic development and 1.15 appropriations bill; 1.16 1.17 1.18 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 An omnibus appropriation or tax bill may not be divided. 2.79.STANDING COMMITTEES 2.8The standing committees of the Senate are as follows: 2.9 2.10Capital Investment 2.11Commerce 2.12Education 2.13Environment and Energy 2.14 2.15Finance 2.16Health 2.17Higher Education and Workforce Development 2.18Jobs, Agriculture and 2.19Judiciary 2.20 2.21Rules and Administration 2.22State and Local Government 2.23Taxes 2.24Transportation and Public Safety |