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Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committee
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
3:00 PM or 15 Minutes After Session, 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Foung Hawj - Chair, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen Vice Chair, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Steve Green, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator John A. Hoffman, Senator Mary K. Kunesh, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Kelly L. Morrison, Senator Nathan Wesenberg

Absent: No Members Absent

Meeting cancelled

Call To Order

Meeting canceled.

S.F. 4523: Senator Hauschild: Ways to increase the recovery of critical materials from end-of-life products advising task force to commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency established.

S.F. 3796: Senator Kunesh: Community tree planting grants appropriation.

S.F. 4910: Senator McEwen: Climate-change adaption costs study appropriation.

S.F. 4534: Senator Wesenberg: Eagles and Loons impact study requirement.

The meeting was adjourned at

Senator Foung Hawj, Chair
Maikao Vue, Legislative Assistant