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Taxes Committee
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
8:30 AM, G-15 Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Matt D. Klein - Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Aric Putnam, Senator Bill Weber

Absent: Senator Kari Dziedzic

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 8:34am.

Call to Order.

Approval of the minutes from 3/19/24.

The minutes from March 19, 2024 were approved as presented. 

S.F. 4750: Senator Marty: Department of Revenue disclosure of corporate franchise tax information requirement.


Joanna Bayers, Legislative Director, Minnesota Department of Revenue

Jeremy Ness Corporate Tax Policy & Technical Manager, Minnesota Department of Revenue

Leota Goodney, Retired CPA

Vince Wagner, Rochester Education Association

Eric Bernstein, Coalition Director, We Make Minnesota

Beth Kadoun, Vice President, Tax and Fiscal Policy, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce

Gavin Hanson, Director of Fiscal and Economic Policy, Minnesota Business Partnership 

Todd Koch, CPA, John A. Knutson & Company

Senator Rest moved that S.F. 4750, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4828: Senator Putnam: Agricultural land for agricultural property classification definition modification.

Senator Putnam offered the A2 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A2 Amendment was adopted. 


Kelsey Zaavedra, Herloomista

Valentine Cadieux, Twin Cities Community Agricultural Land Trust and the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance




Senator Rest moved that S.F. 4828, as amended, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The gavel was transferred to Vice Chair Klein.

S.F. 4724: Senator Rest: Class 4d(1) low-income rental housing requirements modification.


Steve Minn, CEO, Lupe Development 

Senator Klein moved that S.F. 4724, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:13am.

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Maddie Hormann, Legislative Assistant