S.F. 2934: Senator Hoffman: Omnibus Human Services appropriations.
Senator Murphy moved the A28 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Champion moved to amend the A28 amendment: On line 19.18 strike “2029” and insert “2027”
The motion prevailed
Senator Frentz moved the A24 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Murphy moved the A27 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Pratt moved the A29 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Mohamed moved the A31 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Pratt moved the A32 amendment
Sen Pratt moved an oral amendment to the A32 amendment: On line 1.2 delete “$537,045,000” and insert “$287,045,000” and on line 1.3 “page 114, line 26, delete “$37,045,000” and insert “$287,045,000”
Senator Pratt requested a roll call and that the result be recorded in the journal
Three hands were shown
The motion did not prevail
Senator Champion moved that S.F. 2934, as amended, be recommended to pass. -