Friday, April 14, 2023
8:30 AM, 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg.
Present: Senator John Marty - Chair, Senator Nick A. Frentz - Vice Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Gary H. Dahms, Senator Rich Draheim, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Zaynab Mohamed, Senator Erin P. Murphy, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Eric R. Pratt, Senator Torrey N. Westrom, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund
Absent: No Members Absent
Senator John Marty called the meeting to order at 8:38AM.
Call to Order
H.F. 2073: Senator Fateh: Funding and policy related changes provision for the Office of Higher
Education, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the University of
Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic.
Testifiers: Nicole Whelan, Research Analyst, Office of Higher Education
Nekey Oliver, Director of Grants and Government Relations, Office of Higher Education
Senator Pappas moved the A12 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Murphy moved the A11 amendment
The motion prevailed
Senator Draheim moved an oral amendment: On line 49.9 delete section 19
Senator Draheim requested a roll call vote and that the result be recorded in the journal
Three hands were shown
The motion did not prevail
Senator Mohamed moved that the title and contents of HF 2073 be stricken and replaced with the title and contents of SF 2075 as amended
The motion prevailed
Senator Mohamed moved that H.F. 2073, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
The committee recessed until the call of the chair
The committee was called back to order at 3:27PM
The meeting was adjourned at 3:27PM.
Senator John Marty, Chair
Killian Becker, Legislative Assistant