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Taxes Committee
Thursday, March 30, 2023
8:30 AM, G-15 Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Matt D. Klein - Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Aric Putnam, Senator Bill Weber

Absent: Senator Kari Dziedzic

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.

Call to Order

Quorum is Present.

Member Absent but Excused: Senator Dziedzic

Minutes from 3.29.23 were approved as presented.

S.F. 2504: Senator Hawj: Ramsey County authorization to expand the period for redeeming certain lands sold to the state at a tax judgement sale.

Senator Weber moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Hawj
Rena Moran, District 4 County Commissioner, Ramsey County

2504 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 1728: Senator Dahms: Echo 2021 aid penalty forgiveness provision.

Senator Dahms

SF 1728 was laid over.

S.F. 1729: Senator Dahms: Morton 2021 aid penalty forgiveness provision.

Senator Dahms
(zoom) Pam Ring, Clerk, City of Morton

SF 1729 was laid over.

S.F. 3143: Senator Xiong: Mounds View city authorization to impose a sales and use tax.

Senator Xiong
Gary Meehlhause, Council Member, City of Mounds View
Nyle Zikmund, City Administrator, City of Mounds View

SF 3143 was laid over.

S.F. 2549: Senator Xiong: Local sales and use tax authorization modification to provide temporary authority to increase funding for projects authorized in 2021.

Senator Dibble moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Klein moved an oral amendment to delete page 1, lines 7 through 9. The motion prevailed and the oral amendment was adopted.

Senator Xiong
Kevin Zabel, Mayor, City of Oakdale
(zoom) Shaunna Johnson, City Administrator, City of Waite Park

SF 2549 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 1715: Senator Putnam: Interest rate modification on delinquent property.

Senator Putnam
Ron Elwood, Supervising Attorney, Legal Aid

SF 1715 was laid over.

S.F. 2765: Senator Hauschild: Film production credit modification.

Senator Hauschild
Melodie Bahan, Executive Director, Minnesota Film and TV
Brian Simpson, Representing the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 490

SF 2765 was laid over.

S.F. 1757: Senator Nelson: Rochester local sales and use tax authorization extension.

Senator Nelson moved the A4 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A4 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Nelson
Brooke Carlson, City Council President, City of Rochester
Allison Zelms, City Administrator, City of Rochester
John Wade, President, Rochester Area Economic Development, Incorporated

SF 1757 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 2403: Senator Rest: Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport renovation construction materials refundable sales and use tax exemption authorization.

Senator Rest
Mitchell Kilian, Associate Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Metropolitan Airports Commission

SF 2403 was laid over.

S.F. 2405: Senator Rest: Local government debt financing modification.

Senator Rest moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Rest moved an oral amendment to delete Section 1. The motion prevailed and the oral amendment was adopted.

Senator Rest
Joe Bagnoli, Representing the Minnesota Institute of Public Finance, Winthrop & Weinstine

SF 2405 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 1405: Senator Rest: Maximum refund permitted by the political contribution refund program increase.

Senator Rest moved an oral amendment. Page 3, line 4, delete, “retroactively from January 1, 2023” and insert, “January 1, 2024”. Page 3, line 5, delete, “2023” and insert, “2024”. The motion prevailed and the oral amendment was adopted.

Senator Rest

SF 1405 was laid over as amended.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Christie Blood, Legislative Assistant