Quorum is Present.
Members Absent but Excused: Senator Dziedzic, Senator Miller
Minutes from 3.28.23 were corrected to show Senator Nelson chaired 3.28.23 meeting. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Senator Kunesh moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Kunesh
Scott Lund, Mayor, City of Fridley
Senator Dibble moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Latz
(zoom) Kersten Elverun, Director of Planning and Development, City of Hopkins
Senator Pratt
Bill Reynolds, City Administrator, City of Shakopee
Senator Wiklund
Holly Masek, Port Authority Administrator, City of Bloomington
Mark Fabel, Executive Vice President of Development and Facility Management, McGough
Senator Bahr
Brian Hagen, City Administrator, City of Ramsey
Sean Sullivan, Economic Development Manager, City of Ramsey
Senator Bahr
Brian Hagen, City Administrator, City of Ramsey
Sean Sullivan, Economic Development Manager, City of Ramsey
Senator Kupec
(zoom) Craig Clark, Co-Chair of the Coalition of Greater Economic Development Committee & City Administrator, City of Austin
Senator Kupec
(zoom) Craig Clark, Co-Chair of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities - Economic Development Committee & City Administrator, City of Austin
Erik Simonson, Representing the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities
Senator Putnam moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator McEwen
(zoom) Chris Fleege, Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of Duluth
Senator Rest moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator McEwen
(zoom) Chris Fleege, Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of Duluth
Senator Hauschild moved the A3 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A3 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Westlin
Jeffry Wosje, Mayor, City of Plymouth
Dave Callister, City Manager, City of Plymouth
Senator Dibble moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Port
Senator Klein
Angela Gorall, Assistant City Administrator, City of Woodbury
Eric Searles, Assistant Community Development Director, City of Woodbury
Senator Klein
Ben Boike, Community Development Director, City of West Saint Paul
Senator Nelson
Christopher Giesen, Economic Development Coordinator, City of Chatfield
Joel Young, City Administrator, City of Chatfield
Cap O’Rourke, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Small Cities
Senator Putnam
Daniel Lightfoot, Intergovernmental Relations Representative & Federal Relations Manager, League of Minnesota Cities
Cap O’Rourke, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Small Cities
Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair |
Christie Blood, Legislative Assistant |