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Taxes Committee
Thursday, February 2, 2023
8:30 AM, G-15 Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Matt D. Klein - Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Kari Dziedzic, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Aric Putnam, Senator Bill Weber

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.

Call to Order

Quorum present.
Minutes from 2.1.23 were approved as presented.

Confirmation hearing on the appointment of Bradford S. Delapena to the Office
     of Minnesota Tax Court Judge.

Confirmation on the appointment of Bradford S. Delapena to the Office of the Minnesota Tax Court Judge.

Bradford S. Delapena

Senator Klein moved to recommend Judge Delapena be confirmed by the Senate. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 121: Senator Nelson: Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization.

SF 121 (Nelson) - Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization.

Senator Nelson moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed. The A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Nelson moved an oral Amendment to the A1 Amendment on line 1.5, after "each" insert "county assessor and each". The motion prevailed and the oral amendment to the A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Nelson
Andrew Peters, 7th Army Vietnam Veteran, Army Reserve, Member of American Legion
(zoom) - Chad Stowers, Junior Vice Commander, Rochester VFW
(zoom) - Mike Parry, Commander, Waseca VFW
Manilan Houle, DFL Veterans Caucus Member

SF 121 was laid over.

S.F. 272: Senator Klein: Additional property tax refund modification.

SF 272 (Klein) - Additional property tax refund modification.


Paul Eger, Senior Vice President, Minnesota Realtors
Nathan Jesson, Representing the League of Minnesota Cities
Matt Hilgart, Representing the Association of Minnesota Counties
Patty Nauman, Executive Director, Association of Metropolitan Municipalities

SF 272 was laid over.

S.F. 772: Senator Mitchell: Property tax market value exclusion for disabled veterans increase.

SF 772 (Mitchell) - Property tax market value exclusion for disabled veterans increase.


Senator Mitchell
Trent Dilks, Executive Director, Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota Foundation
Manilan Houle, DFL Veterans Caucus
Matt Hilgart, Representing the Association of Minnesota Counties

SF 772 was laid over.

S.F. 764: Senator Hauschild: Indian tribe owned property tax exemption extension.

SF 764 (Hauschild) - Indian tribe property tax exemption.

Senator Hauschild
Reid LeBeau, Counsel for the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe

SF 764 was laid over.

S.F. 801: Senator Hauschild: Virginia net debt limit exemption authorization.

SF 801 (Hauschild) - Virginia net debt limit exemption authorization.

Senator Hauschild
Larry Cuffe, Mayor of Virginia, Minnesota

Senator Hauschild moved SF 801 be recommended to pass. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 a.m.

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Christie Blood, Legislative Assistant