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Housing and Homelessness Prevention Committee
Thursday, January 26, 2023
12:30 PM, 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Liz Boldon - Vice Chair, Senator Rich Draheim, Senator Karin Housley, Senator Eric Lucero, Senator Zaynab Mohamed, Senator Susan Pha, Senator Ann H. Rest

Absent: Senator Lindsey Port - Chair

Senator Liz Boldon called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

S.F. 22: Senator Oumou Verbeten: First-generation homebuyers downpayment assistance fund establishment and appropriation.

Senator Oumou Verbeten provided an overview of the bill



- Paul Eger, Minnesota Realtors

- Julie Gugin, Minnesota Homeownership Center

- Jason Peterson, NeighborWorks Home Partners

- Denise Mazone, Mazone Real Estate Group

- Pat Paulson, EXIT Realty Metro

- Inderia Falana, City of Minneapolis

- Julia Nelmark, Midwest Minnesota Community Development Corporation


Discussion on SF0022

- Mr. Peterson joined Senator Oumou Verbeten for discussion


Senator Draheim moved Amendment A7, motion failed


Senator Lucero moved Amendment A6, motion failed


Senator Housely moved Amendment A5, motion failed


Senator Rest moved Amendment A8, motion prevailed


Bill laid over for further consideration

Be laid over.

S.F. 234: Senator Draheim: Housing infrastructure grants pilot program and appropriation.

Due to time constraints, SF0234 was rescheduled

Not heard.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:34 p.m.

Senator Liz Boldon, Vice Chair
Courtney Schaff, Legislative Assistant