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Education Finance and Policy Committee
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
3:00 PM, Livestream YouTube


Present: Senator Roger C. Chamberlain - Chair, Senator Justin D. Eichorn Vice Chair, Senator Julia E. Coleman, Senator Steve Cwodzinski, Senator Zach Duckworth, Senator Jason Isaacson, Senator Mary K. Kunesh, Senator Scott J. Newman, Senator Charles W. Wiger

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain called the meeting to order at 3:05

S.F. 960: Senator Chamberlain: Prekindergarten through grade 12 education appropriations.

Senator Chamberlain passed the gavel to Senator Eichorn to chair the committee hearing. He then moved the scs0960 A1 amendment. It passed on a voice vote. Senator Chamberlain then summarized the purpose and intent of SF 960, as amended. 


Senator Wiger offered the 960 A-4. Discussion (Gov. Budget and summer school funding). Roll call requested and granted. 

A-4 failed on a 4-5 vote.


Senator Kunesh offered the 960 A-5. Roll call requested and granted. Discussion of the A-5. TOCAIT.

A-5 failed on a 4-5 vote.


Senator Kunesh offered the 960 A-9. Roll call requested and granted. Discussion of the A-9 ethnic studies and indigenous education.

A-9 failed on a 4-5 vote.


Senator Cwodzinski offered the 960 A-2. Roll call requested and granted. Discussion of government curriculum requirement.

A-2 failed on a 4-5 vote.


Senator Wiger offered the 960 A-10. Discussion of funding of local museum in certain counties. Amendment withdrawn.


Senator Isaacson offered the 960 A-8. Rollcall requested and granted. Discussion of formula increase to the base. 

A-8 failed 4-5 vote.


Final comments on SF960, as amended. Senator Chamberlain summarized again the overall benefits of his omnibus bill. 


Senator Wiger requested a roll call on the passage of SF960, as amended, to be referred to the Senate Committee on Taxes. Rollcall granted. SF 960, as amended, passed 5-4 on a roll call vote and will be referred to Taxes.


Senator Eichorn adjourned the Education Committee on Finance and Policy at 4:25



Senator Chamberlain moved that S.F. 960, be recommended to pass as amended and referred to Taxes Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:25

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain, Chair
Judith Donovan, Legislative Assistant