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Taxes Committee
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
8:30 AM, Room 15, Capitol


Present: Senator Roger C. Chamberlain - Chair, Senator David H. Senjem Vice Chair, Senator Paul T. Anderson, Senator Thomas M. Bakk, Senator Kari Dziedzic, Senator Melisa Franzen, Senator Jeff R. Howe, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Eric R. Pratt, Senator Ann H. Rest

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain called the meeting to order at 8:37

S.F. 1573: Senator Anderson: Individual income tax education expense credit and deduction application to prekindergarten expenses.

Be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill.

S.F. 575: Senator Lang: Individual income and corporate franchise tax federal conformity to section 179 expensing and state treatment modification.

As amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 1449: Senator Pratt: Corporate franchise tax rate reduction.

Be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill.

S.F. 1110: Senator Anderson: Individual income and corporate franchise tax credit for qualifying child care facility payments and appropriation.

As amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 345: Senator Rest: Corporate alternative minimum tax repeal.

As amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 1501: Senator Chamberlain: Property tax penalties, interest and costs distribution modification.

As amended, laid over and may become part of omnibus bill.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:47

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain, Chair
Judith Donovan, Legislative Assistant