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Subcommittee on Legacy
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
6:00 PM, Room 15, Capitol


Present: Senator Richard Cohen - Chair, Senator Terri E. Bonoff, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Michelle L. Fischbach, Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Tom Saxhaug, Senator Katie Sieben, Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf, Senator David J. Tomassoni

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Richard Cohen called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm. A quorum was present.

S.F. 451: Senator Bakk: Chik-Wauk museum and nature center appropriation.

S.F. 1174: Senator Tomassoni: Hibbing historic high school auditorium renovation grant appropriation.

S.F. 1243: Senator Lourey: Moose Lake-Windemere sanitary sewer district grant appropriation.

S.F. 1333: Senator Marty: Como Park zoo and conservatory program development grant appropriation.

S.F. 2040: Senator Reinert: Lake Superior Center Authority Amazing World of the Unsalted Seas exhibit creation appropriation: To be presented by Senator John Marty.

S.F. 701: Senator Ruud: Cuyuna mountain bike system appropriation.

S.F. 556: Senator Weber: Fulda heritage society appropriation.

S.F. 818: Senator Weber: Culvert replacement grants appropriation.

S.F. 1337: Senator Fischbach: Paynesville water treatment plant grant pollution control agency (PCA) appropriation.

S.F. 1583: Senator Saxhaug: Grand Rapids children\'s discovery museum grant appropriation.

S.F. 911: Senator Sheran: Children\'s Museum of Southern Minnesota appropriation.

S.F. 1117: Senator Schmit: Goodhue Pioneer state trail bond issue and appropriation.

S.F. 1754: Senator Scalze: Clean water fund appropriations; clean water council membership modification.

S.F. 1433: Senator Scalze: Comprehensive watershed management planning program provisions.

S.F. 1417: Senator Tomassoni: Greater Minnesota regional parks and trails commission grants appropriation.

S.F. 446: Senator Dziedzic: State band appropriation.

S.F. 579: Senator Dahle: University of Minnesota (U of M) forever green agriculture initiative appropriation.

S.F. 1037: Senator Hawj: African culture, heritage, and arts programs grants appropriation.

S.F. 1069: Senator Hawj: Culturally relevant sport courts and fields establishment and appropriation.

As discussed and may become part of the omnibus bill.

S.F. 875: Senator Hawj: St. Paul Phalen Park Chinese garden appropriation.

S.F. 845: Senator Pappas: Ka Joog for the Fanka program for the arts and Somali cultural heritage programs appropriation.

S.F. 752: Senator Stumpf: Red River watershed management board water quality enhancement and watershed monitoring river watch activities appropriation.

S.F. 393: Senator Metzen: Inflow and infiltration reduction programs grants appropriation.

S.F. 83: Senator Sieben: Washington county Grey Cloud Slough habitat improvement appropriation.

S.F. 1772: Senator Wiklund: Wilderness Inquiry programs grant appropriation: To be presented by Senator Tom Saxhaug.

S.F. 242: Senator Saxhaug: Outdoor heritage fund appropriations.

As discussed, amended and may become part of the omnibus bill.

S.F. 1182: Senator Saxhaug: Minnesota Public Radio, Inc. grant appropriation.

S.F. 1662: Senator Saxhaug: Perpich center for arts education integration networks and Turnaround Arts program appropriation.

S.F. 353: Senator Saxhaug: Veterans voices month appropriation.

S.F. 412: Senator Tomassoni: Minnesota humanities center appropriation.

S.F. 112: Senator Tomassoni: St. Louis and Lake counties regional railroad authority Mesabi trail extension appropriation.

S.F. 2052: Senator Miller: La Crescent Wagon Wheel Trail grant appropriation.

S.F. 2053: Senator Miller: La Crescent Wagon Wheel Trail grant appropriation.

S.F. 326: Senator Sieben: Minnesota children\'s museum appropriation.

S.F. 1900: Senator Sieben: Public television grants appropriation.

S.F. 2065: Senator Schmit: Red Wing Sheldon Theatre renovation bond issue and appropriation.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 pm.

Senator Richard Cohen, Chair
Josh Ney, Legislative Assistant