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State and Local Government Operations and Oversight Committee
Friday, March 27, 2009
10:00 AM, Room 112, Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Tony Lourey - Vice Chair, Senator Don Betzold, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Dick Day, Senator Chris Gerlach, Senator Joe Gimse, Senator John Marty, Senator Rick E. Olseen, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Claire A. Robling, Senator Katie Sieben, Senator Jim Vickerman

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 10:14 AM.

S.F. 1837: Senator Olseen: Chisago City and Lindstrom joint venture establishment.

S.F. 1033: Senator Marty: Local government rent control provisions modification.

S.F. 916: Senator Dibble: Electric vehicle infrastructure and incentives for adoption and use of electric vehicles.

S.F. 1226: Senator Dibble: Minnesota council on transportation access creation.

S.F. 1551: Senator Senjem: Autism spectrum disorder task force.

S.F. 1410: Senator Kubly: Minnesota noxious weed law modifications, noxious weed and invasive plant species assistance fund and advisory committee establishment.

S.F. 1118: Senator Higgins: Sentencing guidelines commission report review requirement; out-of-state juvenile placement reports repeal.

S.F. 1705: Senator Kelash: Commuter rail corridor coordinating committee membership modifications.

S.F. 1343: Senator Berglin: Hennepin county special transportation services pilot project establishment.

S.F. 1566: Senator Berglin: Medical assistance (MA), MinnesotaCare and general assistance medical care (GMAC) health care eligibility provisions modifications; drug utilization review board establishment; traffic accident data sharing; medical assistance liens and real estate.

S.F. 1253: Senator Wiger: Omnibus prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provisions modifications.

S.F. 867: Senator Saltzman: Charter school requirements and organization provisions modifications.

S.F. 568: Senator Scheid: City donated public safety equipment civil liability immunity extension.

S.F. 837: Senator Pappas: Election candidates income tax payments distribution from general account eligibility modification.

S.F. 160: Senator Pappas: Election candidates and campaign workers multiple unit residences access authority.

S.F. 1153: Senator Pappas: Domestic partners health insurance eligibility.

S.F. 768: Senator Sieben: Election ballot validity and automatic recount provisions.

S.F. 1507: Senator Vickerman: Feeding Minnesota task force.

S.F. 532: Senator Rest: Electronic mail (e-mail) notification for department of administration rule proposals and hearings.

S.F. 791: Senator Rest: Runoff election requirement.

S.F. 1125: Senator Pappas: County offices appointment and consolidation provisions.

S.F. 157: Senator Rest: Presidential primary establishment; campaign finance and public disclosure public official definition expansion; soil and water conservation district supervisors election provisions modifications; primary election voter eligibility requirements.

S.F. 1564: Senator Olseen: Parks and trails legacy grant program for local governments establishment.

Senator Olseen moved that S.F. 1564, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:04 PM.

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Peter Brickwedde, Legislative Assistant