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State and Local Government Operations and Oversight Committee
Friday, March 16, 2007
12:30 PM, Room 123, Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Tony Lourey - Vice Chair, Senator Don Betzold, Senator Dick Day, Senator Chris Gerlach, Senator Joe Gimse, Senator Dan Larson, Senator Claire A. Robling, Senator Jim Vickerman

Absent: Senator John Marty, Senator Sandra L. Pappas

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 12:45 PM.

S.F. 1098: Beltrami county recorder appointment.

S.F. 1350: School board special election petition requirements clarification.

S.F. 1651: Election voting materials in other languages printing and posting requirements.

S.F. 1218: Absentee voting procedures modification.

S.F. 144: Winona county electric power generation facility ownership.

S.F. 1103: Independent contractor exemption certificate requirements and regulations.

S.F. 170: Military hardship special assessments deferment authorization.

S.F. 1558: Election campaign contribution limits for judicial candidates.

S.F. 893: Precinct caucuses date change.

S.F. 1310: Elections provisions modifications.

S.F. 1483: Minnesota council on disability sunset elimination.

S.F. 758: Lobbying activities relevant to ballot questions campaign finance reporting requirements exemption.

S.F. 1597: State employee combined charities campaign registration modification.

S.F. 1755: Charitable organizations joint or cooperative purchasing agreements participation authorization.

S.F. 1509: Hennepin county design build provisions modifications.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30PM

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Peter Brickwedde, Legislative Assistant