S.F. 5430: Senator Mann: Minnesota Paid Leave Law provisions modifications.
The following individuals testified on S.F.5430:
Brad Lehto, Minnesota AFL-CIO; Edward Reynoso, Teamsters Local #320; Evan Rowe, DEED;
Following oral amendment described by counsel:
Page 50, Line 19 delete "gathered from any person" and insert "collected, created, or maintained"
Page 50, line 22 delete "These data" and insert "(b) Data classified under paragraph (a)"
Renumber the remaining parentheticals.
Senator Pappas moved, adopted by voice
Senator Pappas moved that S.F. 5430, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 4939: Senator McEwen: Limited drivers\' licenses for certain participants in treatment court establishment, requiring treatment court coordinators to provide certain information, providing for notification of termination from treatment court, and classifying data.
The following individuals testified on S.F.4939:
Rich Neumeister;
1:06 PM Senator Latz passed the gavel to Senator Oumou Verbeten
1:09 PM Senator Oumou Verbeten passed the gavel to Senator Latz
Discussion only.
S.F. 4162: Senator Kupec: Motor carriers of railroad employees insurance coverage increase requirements and civil penalties created.
The following individuals testified on S.F.4162:
Mark Triola, Hunegs, LeNeave & Kvas Law Firm; Joel Mueller, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen; Nick Katich, Smart Transportation Labor Union Representative; Laura Roads, Minnesota Department of Transportation;
Be laid over.
S.F. 4161: Senator Kupec: Maximum train length establishment and penalties provision.
The following individuals testified on S.F.4161:
Mark Triola, Hunegs, LeNeave & Kvas Law Firm; Amber Backhaus, United Strategies; Andy Davis, Stinson LLP; Kevin Baldwin, BNSF Railway; Tom Wilcox, Transportation Counsel; Nick Katich, Smart Transportation Labor Union Representative;
Be laid over.
S.F. 4780: Senator Fateh: Transportation network companies regulations provisions.
The following individuals testified on S.F.4780:
Adam Dunnick, MPLS Downtown Council; Nicole Blissenbach, Commissioner, Department of Labor and Industry; Joel Carlson, Uber; John Reich, Lyft; Mohamed Egal Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association; Stephen Cooper, Cooper Law Firm;
3:39 PM Senator Latz called a recess
3:54 PM Senator Latz called the committee back to order
Senator Oumou Verbeten moved the following oral amendment to the A-31
Page 13, Line 21, before "A" insert "Unless the TNC or the driver requests an additional 15 days,"
adopted by voice
Senator Oumou Verbeten moved the A-22 as amended by the amended A-31, adopted by voice
Senator Howe requested a roll call vote for the passage of S.F. 4780, as amended, to pass without recommendation and re-referred to the Finance committee
5/4 (Ayes: Latz, Oumou Verbeten, Carlson, Pappas, Seeberger; Nays: Limmer, Eichorn, Howe, Kreun)
Senator Oumou Verbeten moved that S.F. 4780, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.
Document Requirements Documents must be submitted as a 1 page PDF with the title including name, title/organization, bill #, pro/con. Documents may be emailed to judiciary@senate.mn. Documents must be submitted in the requested format and received by Tuesday, May 7 at 5 p.m. to be included.
Testimony Requests The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair and is subject to change. Email nicole.kaplan@mnsenate.gov by Tuesday, May 7 at 5 p.m. Confirmation will be sent by Wednesday, May 8 at 9 a.m.