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Rules and Administration Committee
Monday, April 29, 2024
15 Minutes After Session Recess, 123 Capitol


Present: Senator Erin P. Murphy - Chair, Senator Ann H. Rest Vice Chair, Senator Mark T. Johnson, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Nick A. Frentz, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator John Marty, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Sandra L. Pappas

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Erin P. Murphy called the meeting to order at 4:42 PM

Call to Order

Disposition of Bills Subject to Joint Rule 2.03 - SF5430 (Mann) - SF4643 (Frentz) - SF3887 (Hawj) - SF5354 (Dziedzic) - SF2026 (Mohamed) - SF4780 (Fateh) - SF2759 (Westlin) - SF4271 (Latz) - SF5244 (Dibble).

S.F. 5430 (Mann); Minnesota Paid Leave Law provisions modifications Senator Mann presented SF 5430. Senator Limmer moved the A10 amendment. Senator Limmer requested a roll call vote for the adoption of A10 amendment. 4/6 (Ayes: Johnson, Eichorn, Limmer, Miller; Nays: Murphy, Rest, Champion, Frentz, Marty, Pappas) MOTION FAILED Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5430 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 4643 (Frentz); Omnibus Pension bill Senator Frentz presented SF 4643. Lead Johnson moved the A2 amendment. Vice Chair Rest requested a roll call vote for the adoption of A2 amendment. 4/6 (Ayes: Johnson, Eichorn, Limmer, Miller; Nays: Murphy, Rest, Champion, Frentz, Marty, Pappas) MOTION FAILED S.F. 3887 (Foung Hawj); Omnibus Environment and Natural Resources supplemental appropriations Senator Foung Hawj presented SF 3887. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 3887 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 5354 (Dziedzic); Advance deposit wagering, card playing, and pari-mutuel betting conduct provisions and historical horse racing and other games authorization prohibition Senator Klein presented SF 5354 on behalf of Senator Dziedzic. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5354 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 4780 (Fateh); Transportation network companies regulations provisions Senator Fateh presented SF 4780. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4780 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 2026 (Mohamed); Speed safety camera enforcement pilot program establishment and appropriation Senator Mohamed presented SF 2026. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 2026 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 2759 (Westlin); Family Law policy bill Senator Westlin presented SF 2759. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 2759 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 4271 (Latz); Omnibus Judiciary and Public Safety policy bill Senator Latz presented SF 4271. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4271 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED S.F. 5244 (Dibble); Legislative Task Force on Guardianship establishment, appointments provisions, and appropriation Senator Dibble presented SF 5244. Vice Chair Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5244 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED

S.F. 5252: Senator Kunesh: Omnibus Education supplemental appropriations.

Senator Rarick invoked Rule 21 on S.F. 5252, presenting the objection before the Rules Committee. Chair Murphy moved a recess of the Rules Committee at 4:38 PM. Chair Murphy reconvened the Rules Committee at 4:44 PM. Senator Miller moved that S.F. No. 5252 be rereferred to the Committee on Education Policy. Senator Miller withdrew the motion. Senator Pappas moved that the previous committee report on S.F. No. 5252 be adopted and further amended as follows: Delete Article 4, section 1. The motion was adopted.

Senator Pappas moved that S.F. 5252, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:54 PM

Senator Erin P. Murphy, Chair
Sebastian Gonzalez, Legislative Assistant