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Rules and Administration Committee
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
15 Minutes After Session, 123 Capitol


Present: Senator Erin P. Murphy - Chair, Senator Ann H. Rest Vice Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Nick A. Frentz, Senator Mark T. Johnson, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator John Marty, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Sandra L. Pappas

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Erin P. Murphy called the meeting to order at 11:29 AM

Call to Order The Committee on Rules and Administration is considering granting the listed bills a waiver from Joint Rule 2.03 and is subject to change. Please note: This meeting will focus solely on the reason for the bill\'s lateness, not the merits of the bill itself.

S.F. 1745: Senator Murphy: School-based health centers contract for activities and grants establishment and appropriations -- Pending re-referral.

Chair Murphy presented S.F. 1745 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 1745 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4429: Senator Mitchell: Minnesota National Guard referral bonus program for referrals that lead to enlistment or commissioning establishment authorization.

Senator Mitchell presented S.F. 4429 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4429 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4729: Senator Carlson: Omnibus Elections policy bill.

Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4729 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. Lead Johnson moved that Joint Rule 2.03 be suspended for all further proceedings on SF 4729 and that the previous committee report be adopted and further amended to read: the bill amended and when so amended, the bill do pass and be rereferred to the committee on State and Local Government and Veterans. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. Senator Pappas renewed the motion to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4729 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 5159: Senator Mann: Manufacturers and wholesale distributors prohibition from limiting pharmacy access to 340B drugs.

Senator Mann presented S.F. 5159 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5159 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4837: Senator Wiklund: Oversight of health maintenance organization transactions by the commissioner of health authorization.

Senator Wiklund presented S.F. 4837 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4837 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 5133: Senator Wiklund: Human services forecast adjustments.

Senator Wiklund presented S.F 5133 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5153 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 5082: Senator Wiklund: Human services forecast adjustments and appropriation.

Senator Wiklund presented S.F. 5082 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5082 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4387: Senator Oumou Verbeten: Communication services and other communication devices duties of certain facilities that confine people modifications and phone calls and other communications duties of direct care and treatment programs specification.

Senator Oumou Verbeten presented S.F. 4387 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4387 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3474: Senator Kunesh: Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council establishment.

Senator Kunesh presented S.F. 3474 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 3474 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3471: Senator Kunesh: State School Librarian establishment.

Senator Kunesh presented S.F. 3471 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 3471 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3496: Senator Maye Quade: Compensation for minors appearing in internet content creation provision.

Senator Maye Quade presented S.F. 3496 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 3496 and that the bill's previous committee report be amended as follows: “the bill be amended and when so amended the bill do pass.” THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4431: Senator Westlin: Political contribution refund claims online system establishment, campaign finance and Public Disclosure Board electronic transfer of information allowance amendment to the political contribution refund program, and appropriations.

Senator Westlin presented S.F. 4431 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4431 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 5257: Senator McEwen: Combative sports regulations modification.

Senator McEwen presented S.F. 5257 Senator Pappas moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 5257 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4719: Senator Dibble: Blue Line light rail transit extension antidisplacement community prosperity program establishment and appropriation.

Senator Dibble presented S.F. 4719 Senator Rest moved to suspend Joint Rule 2.03 for all further proceedings on S.F. 4719 and that the bill's previous committee report be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:09 PM

Senator Erin P. Murphy, Chair
Sebastian Gonzalez, Legislative Assistant