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Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committee
Thursday, April 11, 2024
15 Minutes After Session, 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Foung Hawj - Chair, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen Vice Chair, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Steve Green, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator John A. Hoffman, Senator Mary K. Kunesh, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Kelly L. Morrison, Senator Nathan Wesenberg

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Foung Hawj called the meeting to order at 5:23pm. Senators McEwen, Eichorn, Lang joined by Remote.

Call to Order

S.F. 2894: Senator Kupec: Red River of the North adaptive phosphorous management feasibility assessment development requirement and appropriation.

The following individuals testified on S.F.2894: Ted Preister, Red River Basin Commission (REMOTE) Andy Bradshaw, Wastewater/Stormwater Services Division City of Moorhead

S.F. 4985: Senator Westlin: Excess proceeds from sales of tax-forfeited property distribution modifications, environmental remediation of tax-forfeited property grant provisions, and appropriation.

Senator Hawj moves the A-1 amended, pass by voice vote. The following individuals testified on S.F.4985: Julie Marinucci, St. Louis County Lands & Minerals Director Joe Henderson, Lands & Minerals, MN DNR

S.F. 3561: Senator Morrison: Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act.

Senator Morrison moves the A-20 amendment, pass by voice vote. Oral amendment to the A-20 adopted: on line 12.13 delete everything after the period and delete line 12.14 Senator Hauschild moves the A-22 amendment, pass by voice vote. The following individuals testified on S.F.3561: Amber Backhaus, National Waste & Recycling Association – MN Chapter Tony Kwilas, MN Chamber of Commerce Rick Horton, MN Forest Industries Andy Hackman, AMERIPEN (REMOTE) Dylan de Thomas, The Recycling Partnership Mallory Anderson, Solid Waste Administrators Association, Minnesota Inter-County Association, Partnership on Waste and Energy

Senator Morrison moved that S.F. 3561, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4242: Senator Hauschild: St. Louis County all terrain vehicles (ATVs) trails appropriation.

Senator Hauschild moves the A-1 amendment, pass by voice vote Senator Hauschild moves the A-2 amendment, pass by voice vote The following individuals testified on S.F.4242: Nick Wognun, Prospector ATV Alliance David Clevenger, ATV Minnesota Karen Umphress, ARMCA Tom Umphress, ARMCA Chris Bjork, Straight Arrows Enduro Riders Dan Wilm, Private Citizen of Minnesota

The meeting was adjourned at 6:56pm

Senator Foung Hawj, Chair
Maikao Vue, Legislative Assistant