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Judiciary and Public Safety Committee
Friday, April 19, 2024
9:00 AM, 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Ron Latz - Chair, Senator Clare Oumou Verbeten Vice Chair, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Justin D. Eichorn, Senator Jeff R. Howe, Senator Michael E. Kreun, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Judy Seeberger, Senator Bonnie S. Westlin

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Ron Latz called the meeting to order at 9:09 AM

S.F. 5437: Senator Kunesh: Department of Education Office of Inspector General authority expansion provision.

The following individuals testified on S.F.5437: Maren Hulden, General Counsel, Minnesota Department of Education;

Discussion only.

S.F. 3667: Senator Oumou Verbeten: Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota assistance to incarcerated individuals to apply for the Fresh Start Program appropriation.

The following individuals testified on S.F.3667: Paul Schnell, Commissioner, Department of Corrections; A-3 Senator Oumou Verbeten moved, adopted by voice

As amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 5337: Senator Latz: Public safety policy and appropriations provisions modifications.

The following individuals testified on S.F.5337: Alex Carney, Critical Response Group; John Cunningham, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Public Safety; Kate Weeks, Office of Justice Programs; Christine Zimmer, Sheriff's Association; Jeff Potts, Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association; Jordan Haltaufderheid, Department of Public Safety; Rosario de la Torre, Esparanza United; Marcia Milliken, Minnesota Children's Alliance; Alejandro Caceres-Aranda, Graduate Student; 9:46 PM Senator Latz passed the gavel to Senator Westlin A-1 Senator Latz moved, adopted by voice. A-2 Senator Seeberger offered. A-10 Senator Kreun moved to the A-2, adopted by voice. A-2 as amended by the A-10 Senator Seeberger moved, adopted by voice. A-6 Senator Oumou Verbeten moved, adopted by voice. A-11 Senator Oumou Verbeten moved, adopted by voice. A-13 Senator Oumou Verbeten moved. Senator Kreun requested a roll call vote for the adoption of A-13 amendment. 5/4 (Ayes: Latz, Oumou Verbeten, Carlson, Pappas, Westlin; Nays: Limmer, Eichorn, Howe, Kreun) MOTION PREVAILED A-4 Senator Pappas moved, adopted by voice. A-14 Senator Oumou Verbeten offered Senator Seeberger moved to orally amend A-14 as follows: Page 1, line 19 after "shall" insert "consider" Page 1, line 19 delete "record" and insert "recording" Page 1, line 19 delete "forward" and insert "forwarding" Counsel given authority to make technical corrections reflecting this change The A-14 and proposed oral amendment were laid on the table pending further conversations on amendment language. 11:05 AM Senator Westlin called a recess. 11:07 AM Senator Westlin called the committee back to order Senator Seeberger withdrew their oral amendment Senator Oumou Verbeten moved the following oral amendment: Page 1, line 5 delete "report required" and insert "reports" Page 1, line 18 delete "officer" and insert "agency shall consider requiring its officers" Page 1, line 19 delete "conducts a" and insert "conduct", delete "stop" and insert "stops", delete "shall" and insert "to" Page 2, line 18 after the comma insert "and the law enforcement agency so requires" Page 2, line 20 after the comma insert "and the law enforcement agency so requires" Page 2, line 24 after "agency" insert "that collects data under this section" Page 2, line 27 delete "subject to the requirements of this section" Page 2, line 32 delete "required to" and insert "that" Page 3, line 12 after "agency" insert "that reports under" and delete "covered by" Senator Kreun requested a roll call vote for the adoption of Oral amendment. 5/4 (Ayes: Latz, Oumou Verbeten, Carlson, Pappas, Westlin; Nays: Limmer, Eichorn, Howe, Kreun) MOTION PREVAILED Senator Oumou Verbeten moved the following oral amendment: Page 2, line 29 delete "required" and the comma Page 2, delete line 30 Page 2, line 31 delete everything before the period adopted by voice Senator Oumou Verbeten withdrew the A-14 as amended Senator Kreun requested a roll call vote for the passage of S.F. 5337 to the 5/4 (Ayes: Latz, Oumou Verbeten, Carlson, Pappas, Westlin; Nays: Limmer, Eichorn, Howe, Kreun) MOTION PREVAILED

Senator Latz moved that S.F. 5337, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4985: Senator Westlin: Excess proceeds from sales of tax-forfeited property distribution modifications, environmental remediation of tax-forfeited property grant provisions, and appropriation.

The following individuals testified on S.F.4985: Dan Rogan, Resident Services, Hennepin County; Joe Henderson, Division of Land and Minerals, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; 11:51 AM Senator Latz passed the gavel to Senator Seeberger 11:58 AM Senator Seeberger passed the gavel to Senator Latz

Senator Westlin moved that S.F. 4985, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Taxes Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2795: Senator Latz: Data protection in certain tax proceedings modification.

The following individuals testified on S.F.2795: Gauri Samant, Greater Minneapolis, BOMA St. Paul, NAIOP Minnesota; Rebecca Holschuh, Hennepin County Attorneys Office; Josh Hoogland, Hennepin County Assessor; 12:12 PM Senator Latz passed the gavel to Senator Oumou Verbeten 12:23 PM Discussion on SF 2795 was paused in order to take up SF 4874 12:34 PM Discussion resumed 12:48 PM Senator Oumou Verbeten passed the gavel to Senator Carlson 1:01 PM Senator Carlson passed the gavel to Senator Seeberger

Discussion only.

S.F. 4874: Senator Wiklund: Minnesota public-sector organizations cybersecurity incidents reporting requirement provision.

The following individuals testified on S.F.4874: Brandon Hirsch, Director of Government Relations, Minnesota IT Services; A-4 Senator Carlson moved, adopted by voice Senator Limmer offered the following oral amendment: Page 4, line 18, after “governor” insert “, the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over public safety and state and local government,” adopted by voice

As amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

Document Requirements Document submission has closed. Documents must be submitted as a 1 page PDF with the title including name, title/organization, bill #, pro/con. Documents may be emailed to Only documents submitted in the requested format and received by Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m.

Testimony Request Instructions Testimony closed. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair and is subject to change. This form will close Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:03 PM

Senator Ron Latz, Chair
Zach Cullen, Legislative Assistant