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State and Local Government and Veterans Committee
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
11:00 AM, 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Kari Dziedzic - Chair, Senator Nicole Mitchell Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Calvin K. Bahr, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Steve A. Cwodzinski, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Omar Fateh, Senator Heather Gustafson, Senator John R. Jasinski, Senator Mark W. Koran, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Erin K. Maye Quade, Senator Kelly L. Morrison

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Mitchell called the meeting to order at 11:08am. The gavel changed at 11:08am to Senator Gustafson. The gavel changed at 11:27am to Senator Mitchell. The gavel changed at 1:04pm to Senator Carlson. The gavel changed at 1:06pm to Senator Mitchell.

S.F. 4429: Senator Mitchell: Minnesota National Guard referral bonus program for referrals that lead to enlistment or commissioning establishment authorization.

Testifier: Ben Johnson Senator Mitchell offered the A2 amendment - adopted by voice Senator Mitchell offered the A3 amendment - adopted by voice Senator Lang offered the A4 amendment - Senator Lang withdrew the A4 amendment

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4429, as amended, be recommended to pass.

S.F. 3471: Senator Kunesh: State School Librarian establishment.

Testifiers: Andi Bodeau, Media Specialist, Osseo Public Schools Sara Swenson, Media Specialist, Edina Public Schools Senator Cwodzinski moved the A3 amendment - adopted by voice Senator Anderson requested a roll call vote for the passage of S.F. 3471, null 8/6 (Ayes: Dziedzic, Mitchell, Carlson, Cwodzinski, Fateh, Gustafson, Maye Quade, Morrison; Nays: Anderson, Bahr, Drazkowski, Jasinski, Koran, Lang) MOTION PREVAILED

Senator Cwodzinski moved that S.F. 3471, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Education Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3474: Senator Kunesh: Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council establishment.

Testifiers: Sara Swenson, Media Specialist, Edina Public Schools Rachel Haider, Media Specialist, Hastings Public Schools Senator Gustafson offered the A2 amendment - adopted by voice Senator Maye Quade offered the A3 amendment - Senator Maye Quade withdrawals the A3 amendment Senator Anderson requested a roll call vote for the passage of S.F. 3474, null 8/5 (Ayes: Dziedzic, Mitchell, Carlson, Cwodzinski, Fateh, Gustafson, Maye Quade, Morrison; Nays: Anderson, Bahr, Drazkowski, Koran, Lang) MOTION PREVAILED

Senator Cwodzinski moved that S.F. 3474, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Education Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 4741: Senator Pappas: Ramsey County and Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority indemnification for excess liability resulting from rail-related incidents occurring at the Union Depot in the city of St. Paul.

Testifiers: Commissioner Trista Martinson, Ramsey County Mike Rogers, Ramsey County Deputy Director of Public Works, Multi-Model

Senator Carlson moved that S.F. 4741, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.

S.F. 4493: Senator Hawj: Pollution Control Agency Capital Assistance Program rulemaking requirement provision.

Testifier: Tom Johnson, MPCA

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4493, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4655: Senator Hawj: Ramsey County Economic Development Authority creation.

Testifiers: Commissioner Mai Chong Xiong, Ramsey County Josh Olson, Deputy Director of Community Development Senator Gustafson offers the A1 amendment - adopted by voice

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4655, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 3753: Senator Hauschild: North Koochiching sanitary sewer board composition modification.

Testifier: Kallie Briggs, North Koochiching Area Sanitary District

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 3753, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4108: Senator Hauschild: Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure establishment and appropriation.

Testifier: Michelle Stockness, Executive Director, Freshwater Senator Carlson moves the A1 amendment - adopted by voice

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4108, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4991: Senator Westrom: Swift County board members of a hospital number requirement modifications.

Testifier: Dan Enderson

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4991, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4183: Senator Fateh: Environmental and public health considerations in comprehensive development guide requirement provision.

Testifiers: Peter Wagenius, Sierra Club North Star Chapter PeggySue Imihy Bean, APA MN Craig Johnson, League of Minnesota Cities Dan McConnell, Minneapolis Building Trades Nick Erickson, Housing First Jack Perry, Environmental Lawyer Tim Keane, Land Use Attorney and Minneapolis Resident Kennedy Pounds, North MPLS Resident and Environmental Advocate John Goetz, Conservationist and President of Smart Growth Minneapolis Meg McMahan, City of Minneapolis

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4183, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4718: Senator Anderson: Battery-charged security fences regulation provisions.

Testifiers: Michael Pate, AMAROK Dr. Mark Kroll, Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of MN Senator Anderson offered the A1 amendment - adopted by voice

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4718, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 4796: Senator Cwodzinski: Hennepin County\'s authority to contract with entities employing persons eligible for public assistance or otherwise requiring rehabilitative services modification.

Testifiers: Michael Rosenfeld, Manager of Negotiated Procurement, Hennepin County Logan Futterer, Productive Day Employment Program, Hennepin County Senator Cwodzinski moved the A1 amendment - adopted by voice

Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 4796, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:53pm.

Senator Kari Dziedzic, Chair
Mikayla Mtanous, Legislative Assistant