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Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee
Friday, March 22, 2024
10:45 AM or At the Call of the Chair, 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Matt D. Klein - Chair, Senator Judy Seeberger Vice Chair, Senator Gary H. Dahms, Senator Zach Duckworth, Senator Nick A. Frentz, Senator Jeff R. Howe, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Jordan Rasmusson, Senator Ann H. Rest, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Matt D. Klein called the meeting to order at 10:50 am

S.F. 4909: Senator McEwen: Terms definition relating to virtual currency.

Senator McEwen presented SF 4909.



Senator Rest offered the A2. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Seeberger offered and oral amendment. Page 4.10 "delete using at least 48-point sans serif type font."  Insert "displayed on a separate from other disclosures and information, in bold-face sans serif font in a size in line with other texts displayed"  Amendment adopted on a voice vote.



Zack Eichten, RockItCoin
Larry Lipka, CoinFlip


Senator Klein laid over SF 4909 as amended.

Senator Klein moved that S.F. 4909, be laid over.

S.F. 3537: Senator Port: Deceptive trade practices definition modification to include the failure to disclose mandatory fees in advertising.

Senator Port presented SF 3537.



Senator Rasmusson offered an oral amendment. On line 2.8 after preferences insert ", or" . Amendment adopted on a voice vote. 

Senator Wiklund offerd the A11. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.



Jill Sims, Hospitality Minnesota 
John Reynolds, NFIB


Senator Seeberger moved that SF 3537 as amended pass and be sent to the Senate Floor. Motion passed on a voice vote.

Senator Seeberger moved that S.F. 3537, as amended, be recommended to pass.

S.F. 4782: Senator Port: Cannabis provisions modifications and appropriations.

Senator Port presented SF. 4782.



Senator Wiklund offered the A1. Motion adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Rasmusson offered the A7. Amendment withdrawn.

Senator Rasmusson offered the A6. Amendment withdrawn.



Charlene Briner, MN Office of Cannabis Management 
Leili Fatehi, Minnesota Cannabis Resource Center
"Senator Klein gave gavel to Senator Seeberger"
Amber Shimpa, Vireo Health
"Senator Seeberger gave gavel to Senator Klein"
Maren Joyce Schroeder, Sensible Change Minnesota
Christel Moon, King Kind, Inc.
John Bartee, Cannabis Retailers and Manufacturers Association
Angela Dawson, Forty Acre Co-op
John Hyduke, Minnesota Marijuana Association
Bob Walloch, CannaJoyMN
Hollies Winston, Coalition for Equity in Legalization
Rashaud Imaun, Collective for Racial Equity and African American Talent in Cannabis
Calandra Revering, Revering Law and Consulting
D. Tomme Beevas, Pimento Jamaican Kitchen
Maseo Phillips, Minnesota Black Chamber of Commerce
Nathan Young, Minnesota Black Chamber of Commerce
Sean Tetreault, King Kind, Inc.
Matt Capentier, Carpfish Creative


Senator Wiklund moved that SF 4782 as amended pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Broadband, and Rural Development. Motion passed on a voice vote.

Senator Wiklund moved that S.F. 4782, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Agriculture, Broadband, and Rural Development Committee.

S.F. 4097: Senator Klein: Department of Commerce technical and housekeeping modifications to various provisions and amending various state statutes.

Senator Klein presented SF 4097.



Senator Klein offered the A1. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Klein offered the A3. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Klein offered the A11. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Klein offered the A12. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Klein offered the A10. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Rasmusson offered the A5. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Wiklund offered the A13. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Dahms offered the A2. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Rasmusson offered the A7. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.

Senator Dahms offered the A4. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.



Peter Brickwedde, MN Department of Commerce 
Ward Einess, Einess Strategies
Kyle Makarios, Teamsters 


Senator Wiklund moved that SF 4097 as amended to pass and be sent to the Senate Floor. Motion passes on a voice vote.

Senator Wiklund moved that S.F. 4097, as amended, be recommended to pass.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 pm

Senator Matt D. Klein, Chair
Tyler Kline, Legislative Assistant