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Transportation Committee
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
3:00 PM, 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator D. Scott Dibble - Chair, Senator Liz Boldon, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Julia E. Coleman, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Jeff R. Howe, Senator John R. Jasinski, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Senator Kelly L. Morrison

Absent: No Members Absent

Chair D. Scott Dibble called the meeting to order at 3:05pm. After each agenda item, time was allowed for discussion and amendments before any committee action.

S.F. 3526: Senator Mohamed: All Cities designation of lands for pedestrian malls on city rights-of-way authorization.

Senator Zaynab Mohamed presented S.F. 3526 - All Cities designation of lands for pedestrian malls on city rights-of-way authorization.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Steve Huser, City of Minneapolis

S.F. 3526 was laid over.

S.F. 4349: Senator Kupec: Additional fuels that are eligible for hours of service exemption establishment for interstate transport during an emergency.

Senator Rob Kupec presented S.F. 4349 - Additional fuels that are eligible for hours of service exemption establishment for interstate transport during emergency.

Senator Kupec offered the A1 amendment. Senator John R. Jasinski moved the amendment. The motion prevailed via voice vote and the amendment was adopted.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Tim Gross, Fueling MN

S.F. 4349 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 927: Senator Kupec: Transporting petroleum products requirements modification.

Senator Kupec presented S.F. 927 - Transporting petroleum products requirements modification

Senator Kupec offered the A1 amendment. Senator Andrew R. Lang moved the amendment. The motion prevailed via voice vote and the amendment was adopted.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Dave Wagner, MN Propane

S.F. 927 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 4926: Senator McEwen: Certain limitations modification on towing authority.

Senator Jennifer A. McEwen presented S.F. 4926 - Certain limitations modification on towing authority.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Anna Odegaard, Fines and Fees Justice Center

S.F. 4926 was laid over.

S.F. 4641: Senator Mathews: Supplemental warning system requirements modification on school buses.

Senator Andrew Mathews presented S.F. 4641 - Supplemental warning system requirements modification on school buses.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Brad Lundell, MN Assoc. for Pupil Transportation
  • Thomas Risley, Becker ISD 726 (REMOTE)

S.F. 4641 was laid over.

S.F. 727: Senator Nelson: Threshold establishment for accident prevention courses.

Senator Carla J. Nelson presented S.F. 727 - Threshold establishment for accident prevention courses.

Senator Nelson offered the A1 amendment. Senator Coleman moved the amendment. The motion prevailed via voice vote and the A1 amendment was adopted.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Dave Von, Driver Improvement Associates
  • Cheryl Salo, AARP Driver Safety Volunteer

S.F. 727 was laid over.

S.F. 4823: Senator Kreun: Public Safety use of verification systems to verify the identity of participants in the Transportation Security Administration\'s Registered Traveler program authorization.

Senator Michael E. Kreun presented S.F. 4823 - Public Safety use of verification systems to verify the identity of participants in the Transportation Security Administration’s Registered Traveler program authorization.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Amy Hopcian, CLEAR

Senator Jasinski moved that S.F.4823 pass and be re-referred to the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. The motion prevailed via voice vote.


S.F. 4475: Senator Lang: Construction materials special permit application expansion.

Senator Lang presented S.F. 4475 - Construction materials special permit application expansion

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Marty Seifert, Aggregate and Ready-Mix Assoc.
  • Amber Backhaus, Minnesota Regional Railroads Assoc.

S.F. 4475 was laid over.

S.F. 3975: Senator Jasinski: Roadable aircraft registration and operating requirements establishment.

Senator Jasinski presented S.F. 3975 - Roadable aircraft registration and operating requirements establishment.

Senator Jasinski moved the A3 amendment. The motion prevailed via voice vote and the A3 amendment was adopted.

Senator Jasinski moved that S.F.3975 as amended pass and be re-referred to the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. The motion prevailed via voice vote.


S.F. 3817: Senator Carlson: Crash reporting requirements modification.

Senator Jim Carlson presented S.F. 3817 Crash reporting requirements modification.

Senator Carlson moved the A1 amendment.

Senator Carlson then moved an oral amendment to the A1 amendment. On line 2.1, delete “169.011, subdivision 16” and insert “169.783, subdivision 1, paragraph A.” This prevailed via voice vote and the oral amendment was adopted.

Senator Carlson renewed his motion on the A1 amendment, as amended. The motion prevailed via voice vote.

Senator Carlson moved the A2 amendment. The motion prevailed via voice vote.

S.F. 3817 was laid over, as amended.

Chair Dibble adjourned the meeting at 4:29pm.

Senator D. Scott Dibble, Chair
Alex Will, Legislative Assistant