Senator Dziedzic presented SF 4423.
Senator Rest moved the A1. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.
Emily Myatt, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Minnesota Cancer Alliance
Senator Klein moved that SF 4423 pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Motion passed on a voice vote.
Dan Endreson, MN Council of Health Plans
Bentley Graves, MN Chamber of Commerce
Senator Dibble presented SF 2209.
Senator Seeberger moved the A1. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.
Senator Howe moved the A3. Amendment not adopted on a voice vote.
Senator Howe moved the A2. Amendment not adopted on a roll call vote.
Yes-Sens. Duckworth, Howe, Rasmusson
No-Sens. Klein, Seeberger, Frentz, Wiklund, Latz, Rest
Ash Tifa, Rainbow Health
Kat Rohn, OutFront Minnesota
Rebecca Delahunt, MN Family Council & Institute
Senator Frentz moved that SF 2209 as amended pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Motion passes on a voice vote.
Senator Mann presented SF 3926.
Senator Wiklund moved that SF 3926 as amended pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Motion passes on a voice vote.
Senator Mann presented SF 3511.
Senator Latz moved the A4. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.
Dr. Elizabeth Bard-Henke, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Dr. Sam Pace, Hennepin Healthcare
Dr. Eileen Crespo, MN Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Makeda Zulu, Birth Justice Collaborative and University of Minnesota Robert J. Jones Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center (UROC)
Senator Wiklund moved that SF 3511 as amended pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Motion passes on a voice vote.
Senator Mann presented SF 3967.
Senator Rest offered the A1. Motion adopted on a voice vote.
Senator Duckworth offered the A2. Motion not adopted on a voice vote.
Megan Peterson, Gender Justice
Paulina Briggs, WE Health Clinic in Duluth
Renee Carlson, True North Legal
Senator Rest moved that SF 3967 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services with no recommendation. Motion passes on a voice vote.
Senator Klein gave gavel to Senator Seeberger.
Senator Klein moved the A4. Amendment adopted on a voice vote.
Nick Nelson, Resident Circle Pines MN, O&P Technician
Andy Backner
Senator Wiklund moved that SF 3351 as amended pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Motion passes on a voice vote.
Senator Seeberger gave gavel to Senator Klein.
Senator Bolden presented SF 1040.
Senator Latz moved the A1. Motion passed on a voice vote.
Dr. Rose Perpich, Minnesota Dental Association
Ben Wogsland, Delta Dental of Minnesota
Senator Klein moved that SF 1040 be laid over.
Senator Matt D. Klein, Chair |
Tyler Kline, Legislative Assistant |