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Transportation Committee
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
3:00 PM, 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator D. Scott Dibble - Chair, Senator Liz Boldon, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Julia E. Coleman, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Jeff R. Howe, Senator John R. Jasinski, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Senator Kelly L. Morrison

Absent: No Members Absent

Chair D. Scott Dibble called the meeting to order at 3:10pm After each bill presentation and before any action was taken, the committee opened to discussion and possible amendments.

S.F. 3549: Senator Johnson: Issuance of special permits for hauling sugar beets on certain roads in East Grand Forks authorization.

Senator Mark T. Johnson presented S.F.3549 - Issuance of special permits for hauling sugar beets on certain roads in East Grand Forks authorization.

Senator Johnson offered the A1 amendment. Senator John R. Jasinski moved the A1 amendment, and this was adopted via voice vote.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Roger Moe, American Crystal Sugar Company
  • Kyle Makarios, Teamsters Joint Council 32

Chair Dibble laid S.F.3549 over for possible inclusion in a future omnibus.

S.F. 3881: Senator Farnsworth: Designating a portion of marked U.S. Highway 169 between Taconite and Virginia as \"Senator David J. Tomassoni Memorial Cross Range Expressway\".

Senator Robert D. Farnsworth presented S.F. 3881 - Designating a portion of marked U.S. Highway 169 between Taconite and Virginia as “Senator David J. Tomassoni Memorial Cross Range Expressway.”

Senator Farnsworth offered the A1 amendment. Senator Andrew R. Lang moved the A1 amendment, and this was adopted via voice vote.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Dante Tomassoni (REMOTE)
  • Gary Cerkvenik

Senator John R. Jasinski moved that this S.F. 3881 pass and be referred to the floor. This motion was adopted via voice vote and S.F. 3881 passed to the floor.

S.F. 3766: Senator Dahms: Mayor Dave Smiglewski Memorial Bridge establishment.

Senator Gary H. Dahms presented S.F. 3766 - Mayor Dave Smiglewski Memorial Bridge designation.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Marty Seifert, Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities
  • Randy Maluchnik, Carver County Commissioner

Senator Lang moved that S.F. 3766 pass and be referred to the floor. This motion was adopted via voice vote and S.F. 3766 passed to the floor.

S.F. 3798: Senator Westlin: Micheal Gau Memorial Bridge designation.

Senator Bonnie Westlin presented S.F. 3798 - Michael Gao Memorial Bridge designation.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Tim Nelson, Minnesota Dept of Transportation

Vice Chair Kelly Morrison moved that S.F. 3798 pass and be referred to the floor. This motion was adopted via voice vote and S.F. 3798 passed to the floor.

S.F. 3944: Senator Dibble: Transportation policies modifications, technical corrections and appropriations.

Chair Dibble gave the gavel to Vice Chair Morrison.

Chair Dibble presented S.F. 3944 - Transportation policies modifications, technical corrections, and appropriations.

Testimony was heard from the following individuals:

  • Erik Rudeen, Minnesota Dept of Transportation

Chair Dibble moved the A3 amendment, and this passed via voice vote.

Senator Jasinski moved the A2 amendment, and he requested a roll call vote.


  • Dibble
  • Jasinski
  • Coleman
  • Howe
  • Lang


  • Morrison
  • Boldon
  • Carlson
  • Hawj
  • McEwen

Vice Chair Morrison laid S.F. 3944 for possible inclusion in a future omnibus.

Vice Chair Morrison adjourned the committee at 4:24pm.

Vice Chair Morrison adjourned the committee at 4:24pm.

Senator Kelly L. Morrison
Alex Will, Legislative Assistant