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Labor Committee
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
12:30 PM, 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Jennifer A. McEwen - Chair, Senator Grant Hauschild - Vice Chair, Senator Gene Dornink, Senator Glenn H. Gruenhagen, Senator Robert J. Kupec, Senator Bill Lieske, Senator John Marty, Senator Clare Oumou Verbeten, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Nathan Wesenberg

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Jennifer A. McEwen called the meeting to order at 12:42pm.

S.F. 4019: Senator Mohamed: Minimum wages increase provision.

Senator Zaynab Mohamed presented Senate File 4019.


Senator John Marty moved the A-1 amendment.

            The A-1 amendment was adopted along a voice vote.


John Reynolds, State Director for the National Federation of Independent Businesses testified in opposition to SF4019, as amended.


The following individuals testified in favor of SF4019, as amended:

            Rod Adams, New Justice Project

            David Perdomo, COPAL Minnesota

                        Translation services provided by Carolina Perdomo

            Faith Mobly, UFCW Local 663

            Dorimar Cabrera, New Justice Project

            Yashea Williams, New Justice Project

            Bree Richardson, SEIU Member, New Justice Project

            Saru Jarayaman, One Fair Wage

            Lydia Caldwell, New Justice Project

            Sharmarke Hussien, Take Action Minnesota


Member discussion.


SF4019, as amended, is laid over for potential inclusion in the omnibus.


Gavel is passed to Senator Rob Kupec at 1:44pm


Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 4019, as amended, be laid over.. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 4745: Senator McEwen: Workers\' compensation hearing provisions modifications.

Senator Jen McEwen presented Senate File 4745.




Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 4745, as amended, be recomended to pass and be re-referred to the Senate Finance Committee.

            The motion is adopted along a voice vote.

The gavel is passed to Chair McEwen at 11:49am.

Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 4745, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 3947: Senator Mohamed: Minimum wage provisions modifications.

Senator Mohamed presented Senate File 3947.


Senator McEwen moved the A-1 amendment.

            The amendment is adopted along a voice vote.


Josiah Moore, Legislative Coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry offered testimony and walked through the bill.




Senator Bill Lieske offered the A-2 amendment.


Brad Lehto, Secretary-Treasurer for the Minnesota AFL-CIO offered testimony in opposition to the A-2.


Senator Lieske renewed his motion and moved to adopt the A-2 amendment to SF3947.

            The A-2 amendment fails along a voice vote.


SF3947, as amended, is laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus.


Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 3947, as amended, be laid over.. - MOTION ADOPTED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:11pm.

Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Chair
Jack Fischer, Legislative Assistant