Quorum is Present.
Member Attending Remotely: Senator Weber
Member Absent but Excused: Senator Dziedzic
Minutes from 3.30.23 were approved as presented.
Senator Johnson
Charity Brault, Executive Director, Northwest Minnesota Multi-County Housing & Redevelopment Authority
Mark Finstad, Commissioner, Northwest Minnesota Multi-County Housing & Redevelopment Authority & Representing Ultima Bank
Senator Nelson moved the A2 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A2 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Pappas
Nichole Goodman, Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of St. Paul
Senator Klein moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Gustafson
Brad Wise, County Sheriff, Anoka County
Brad Johnson, County Attorney, Anoka County
Senator Klein moved that SF 1258 be recommended to pass. The motion prevailed.
Senator Seeberger
Artika Roller, Executive Director, Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Julie Risser, Citizen
Senator Miller
Senator Nelson moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Nelson
Nathan Jesson, Representing the League of Minnesota Cities
Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair |
Christie Blood, Legislative Assistant |