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Jobs and Economic Development Committee
Monday, March 13, 2023
12:30 PM, 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Bobby Joe Champion - Chair, Senator Zaynab Mohamed Vice Chair, Senator Heather Gustafson, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Karin Housley, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Eric R. Pratt, Senator Aric Putnam

Absent: Senator Rich Draheim

Chair Senator Champion calls the hybrid Jobs and Economic Development Committee Meeting to order at 12:33 PM conducted in Minnesota Senate Building room 1100 and over zoom broadcast.

Call To Order

S.F. 1812: Senator Maye Quade: GiveMN grant appropriation Testifier: Jake Blumberg, Executive Director, GiveMN.

S.F. 1812 - Maye Quade: GiveMN grant appropriation presentation begins at 12:36 PM by Senator Maye Quade and ends at 12:37 PM.


S.F. 1812 - Maye Quade: GiveMN grant appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Jake Blumberg, Executive Director, GiveMN., starting at 12:37 PM and ending at 12:39 PM.


Senator Champions moves for 1812 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


Senator Champion moved that S.F. 1812, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1696: Senator Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation Testifiers: Elena Gaarder, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers Jamar Smith, Director, Northside Investment Cooperative Enterprise.

S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation begins at 12:42 PM by Senator Fateh and ends at 12:45 PM.


S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation continues with a testimony by Elena Gaarder, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, starting at 12:45 PM and ending at 12:47 PM.


S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation continues with a testimony by Jamar Smith, Director, Northside Investment Cooperative Enterprise, starting at 12:47 PM and ending at 12:48 PM.


Questions Begin at 12:48 PM and ends at 12:54 PM


Senator Champions moves for 1696 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


Senator Champion moved that S.F. 1696, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1794: Senator Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation Testifiers: Sarah Psick, Minnesota Tourism Growth Coalition Melvin Tennent, Meet Minneapolis Rachel Thompson, Visit Greater St. Cloud (testify via Zoom) Aimee Osborne, Lakewood Lodge, Big Sandy Lake; Community of Minnesota Resorts Jill Sims, Director of Government Relations, Hospitality Minnesota.

S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation begins at 12:55 PM by Senator Hauschild and ends at 12:57 PM.


S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Sarah Psick, Minnesota Tourism Growth Coalition, starting at 12:57 PM and ending at 12:59 PM.


S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Melvin Tennent, Meet Minneapolis, starting at 12:59 PM and ending at 1:01 PM.



S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Rachel Thompson, Visit Greater St. Cloud (zoom), starting at 1:13 PM and ending at 1:15 PM.



S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Aimee Osborne, Lakewood Lodge, Big Sandy Lake; Community of Minnesota Resorts, starting at 1:08 PM and ending at 1:11 PM.



S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Jill Sims, Director of Government Relations, Hospitality Minnesota, starting at 1:11 PM and ending at 1:13 PM.


Questions Begin at 1:15 PM and ends at 1:23 PM


Senator Champions moves for 1794 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


Senator Champion moved that S.F. 1794, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1741: Senator Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction Testifiers: Dr. Gene Gelgelu, President and CEO, African Economic Development Solutions Lisa Kugler, Consultant.

S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation begins at 1:24 PM by Senator Pappas and ends at 1:25 PM.


S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation continues with a testimony by Dr. Gene Gelgelu, President and CEO, African Economic Development Solutions, starting at 1:25 PM and ending at 1:28 PM.


S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation continues with a testimony by Lisa Kugler, Consultant, starting at 1:28 PM and ending at 1:30 PM.


Senator Mohamed moves to pass and re-refer SF 1741 to Capital Investment. The motion prevails.


Senator Mohamed moved that S.F. 1741, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Capital Investment Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1987: Senator Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund Testifiers: Idris Mohamed, Director of Business Development and Housing- African Economic Development Solutions Willemetta Kennedy, Business Owner, Harvest African Market Firaoli Usha, Business Owner, Twin Cities Mobilities Muhim Adbi, Business Owner, Muhim\'s Cafe.

S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation begins at 1:30 PM by Senator Pappas and ends at 1:31 PM.


Senator Pappas offers the A2 amendment. Senator Mohamed moves the A2 amendment. The amendment prevails and the A2 amendment is adopted.


S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Idris Mohamed, Director of Business Development and Housing- African Economic Development Solutions, starting at 1:32 PM and ending at 1:34 PM.


S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Willemetta Kennedy, Business Owner, Harvest African Market, starting at 1:34 PM and ending at 1:36 PM.


S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Firaoli Usha, Business Owner, Twin Cities Mobilities, starting at 1:36 PM and ending at 1:38 PM.


Senator Champions moves for 1987 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


Senator Champion moved that S.F. 1987, as discussed and may become part of the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2035: Senator Hawj: Latino Economic Development Center grant appropriation Testifier: Henry Jiménez, Executive Director and President, Latino Economic Development Center.

S.F. 2035 - Hawj: Latino Economic Development Center grant appropriation presentation begins at 1:39 PM by Senator Hawj and ends at 1:41 PM.


S.F. 2035 - Hawj: Latino Economic Development Center grant appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Henry Jiménez, Executive Director and President, Latino Economic Development Center, starting at 1:41 PM and ending at 1:43 PM.


Questions Begin at 1:44 PM and ends at 1:47 PM


Senator Champions moves for 2035 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


Senator Champion moved that S.F. 2035, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2185: Senator Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation Testifiers: Chris Giesen, Vice President, Government Relations, Community and Economic Development Associates Ron Zeigler, CEO, Community and Economic Development Associates.

S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation begins at 1:47 PM by Senator Nelson and ends at 1:51 PM.


S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Chris Giesen, Vice President, Government Relations, Community and Economic Development Associates, starting at 1:51 PM and ending at 1:54 PM.


S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Ron Zeigler, CEO, Community and Economic Development Associates, starting at 1:51 PM and ending at 1:51 PM.

- Yielded time to Chris Giesen


Questions Begin at 1:54 PM and ends at 1:55 PM


Senator Champions moves for 2185 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:56 PM

Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Chair
Alexis Varner, Legislative Assistant