S.F. 1812 - Maye Quade: GiveMN grant appropriation presentation begins at 12:36 PM by Senator Maye Quade and ends at 12:37 PM.
S.F. 1812 - Maye Quade: GiveMN grant appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Jake Blumberg, Executive Director, GiveMN., starting at 12:37 PM and ending at 12:39 PM.
Senator Champions moves for 1812 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation begins at 12:42 PM by Senator Fateh and ends at 12:45 PM.
S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation continues with a testimony by Elena Gaarder, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, starting at 12:45 PM and ending at 12:47 PM.
S.F. 1696 - Fateh: Community wealth-building grant program creation presentation continues with a testimony by Jamar Smith, Director, Northside Investment Cooperative Enterprise, starting at 12:47 PM and ending at 12:48 PM.
Questions Begin at 12:48 PM and ends at 12:54 PM
Senator Champions moves for 1696 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation begins at 12:55 PM by Senator Hauschild and ends at 12:57 PM.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Sarah Psick, Minnesota Tourism Growth Coalition, starting at 12:57 PM and ending at 12:59 PM.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Melvin Tennent, Meet Minneapolis, starting at 12:59 PM and ending at 1:01 PM.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Rachel Thompson, Visit Greater St. Cloud (zoom), starting at 1:13 PM and ending at 1:15 PM.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Aimee Osborne, Lakewood Lodge, Big Sandy Lake; Community of Minnesota Resorts, starting at 1:08 PM and ending at 1:11 PM.
S.F. 1794 - Hauschild: Explore Minnesota Tourism appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Jill Sims, Director of Government Relations, Hospitality Minnesota, starting at 1:11 PM and ending at 1:13 PM.
Questions Begin at 1:15 PM and ends at 1:23 PM
Senator Champions moves for 1794 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation begins at 1:24 PM by Senator Pappas and ends at 1:25 PM.
S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation continues with a testimony by Dr. Gene Gelgelu, President and CEO, African Economic Development Solutions, starting at 1:25 PM and ending at 1:28 PM.
S.F. 1741 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction presentation continues with a testimony by Lisa Kugler, Consultant, starting at 1:28 PM and ending at 1:30 PM.
Senator Mohamed moves to pass and re-refer SF 1741 to Capital Investment. The motion prevails.
S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation begins at 1:30 PM by Senator Pappas and ends at 1:31 PM.
Senator Pappas offers the A2 amendment. Senator Mohamed moves the A2 amendment. The amendment prevails and the A2 amendment is adopted.
S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Idris Mohamed, Director of Business Development and Housing- African Economic Development Solutions, starting at 1:32 PM and ending at 1:34 PM.
S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Willemetta Kennedy, Business Owner, Harvest African Market, starting at 1:34 PM and ending at 1:36 PM.
S.F. 1987 - Pappas: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund presentation continues with a testimony by Firaoli Usha, Business Owner, Twin Cities Mobilities, starting at 1:36 PM and ending at 1:38 PM.
Senator Champions moves for 1987 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
S.F. 2035 - Hawj: Latino Economic Development Center grant appropriation presentation begins at 1:39 PM by Senator Hawj and ends at 1:41 PM.
S.F. 2035 - Hawj: Latino Economic Development Center grant appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Henry Jiménez, Executive Director and President, Latino Economic Development Center, starting at 1:41 PM and ending at 1:43 PM.
Questions Begin at 1:44 PM and ends at 1:47 PM
Senator Champions moves for 2035 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation begins at 1:47 PM by Senator Nelson and ends at 1:51 PM.
S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Chris Giesen, Vice President, Government Relations, Community and Economic Development Associates, starting at 1:51 PM and ending at 1:54 PM.
S.F. 2185 - Nelson: Rural economic development technical assistance grants appropriation presentation continues with a testimony by Ron Zeigler, CEO, Community and Economic Development Associates, starting at 1:51 PM and ending at 1:51 PM.
- Yielded time to Chris Giesen
Questions Begin at 1:54 PM and ends at 1:55 PM
Senator Champions moves for 2185 to be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Chair |
Alexis Varner, Legislative Assistant |