Tuesday, March 8, 2016
12 Noon or Immediately Following Senate Session, Room 1100, Minnesota Senate Bldg.
Present: Senator Ron Latz - Chair, Senator Barb Goodwin - Vice Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Dan D. Hall, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Scott J. Newman, Senator Kathy Sheran
Absent: Senator Kari Dziedzic
Senator Ron Latz called the meeting to order at 1:56 pm.
S.F. 918: Senator Rest: Railroad trains with freight two-person crew requirement.
Senator Limmer moved that S.F. 918, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 924: Senator Jensen: Building and construction contract requirements modifications and
Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 924, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1325: Senator Hoffman: Wild animals trapping modifications.
Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 1325, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1196: Senator Dibble: Trust for care of an animal authorization.
Senator Newman moved that S.F. 1196, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1390: Senator Dibble: Residential lease notice of intention to quit and rent increase provisions
Senator Newman moved that S.F. 1390, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1299: Senator Dibble: Drones, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles), law enforcement use regulation.
Senator Newman moved that S.F. 1299, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1440: Senator Rosen: Prescription monitoring program modifications.
Senator Newman moved that S.F. 1440, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1525: Senator Champion: Transportation policy and technical provisions modifications.
Senator Champion moved that S.F. 1525, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1393: Senator Kent: Work zone violations peace officer motor vehicle driver citation.
Senator Goodwin moved that S.F. 1393, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1461: Senator Kent: Construction project schedules data classification.
Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 1461, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1521: Senator Sheran: Health professionals licensing requirements modification.
Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 1521, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 1434: Senator Sheran: Human services data provisions modifications.
Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 1434, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 355: Senator Champion: Convicted felons civil right to vote after incarceration restoration.
Senator Champion moved that S.F. 355, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
S.F. 498: Senator Latz: Portable recording system data classification, destruction and regulation.
Senator Goodwin moved that S.F. 498, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:26 pm.
Senator Ron Latz, Chair
Patrick Rooney, Legislative Assistant