Thursday, April 23, 2015
12 Midnight or At the Call of the Chair, Room 15, Capitol
Present: Senator Richard Cohen - Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion - Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Terri E. Bonoff, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Michelle L. Fischbach, Senator Barb Goodwin, Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Tony Lourey, Senator Scott J. Newman, Senator Sean R. Nienow, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator John C. Pederson, Senator Tom Saxhaug, Senator Katie Sieben, Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf, Senator David J. Tomassoni, Senator Torrey N. Westrom, Senator Charles W. Wiger
Absent: Senator Jeremy R. Miller
Senator Richard Cohen reconvened the committee at 9:22 pm.
S.F. 1764: Senator Tomassoni: Correctional facility butcher training pilot program establishment.
S.F. 811: Senator Wiger: Omnibus pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education appropriations bill.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 am.
Senator Richard Cohen, Chair
Josh Ney, Legislative Assistant