S.R. No. 184, as introduced: 88th Legislative Session (2013-2014) Posted on March 21, 2014
1.1A Senate resolution
1.2designating Excelsior the Ice Dive Capital of Minnesota. 1.3WHEREAS, jumping into the clear, crisp waters of Lake Minnetonka is never a bad 1.4idea, and it provides an especially memorable and enlightening experience for those who do 1.5it on New Year's Day; and 1.6WHEREAS, the experience is all the more fulfilling when the proceeds of the event 1.7benefit a worthwhile charity such as Ride 2 Recovery, a program benefiting mental and physical 1.8rehabilitation programs for our country's wounded veterans; and 1.9WHEREAS, the ALARC Ice Dive in Excelsior completed its 24th event this January, and 1.10the tradition continues to grow; and 1.11NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it 1.12designates Excelsior the Ice Dive Capital of Minnesota. 1.13BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an 1.14enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the 1.15Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to the City of Excelsior.