Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hauschild Chief Author List Monday, February 10, 2025 SF 134 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00089 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Little Fork campground and recreational area bond issue and appropriation
SF 135 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00092 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Kawishiwi Bridge replacement bond issue and appropriation
SF 136 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00088 Topic: Counties-Specific Short Description: Koochiching County all-terrain vehicle trail systems bond issue and appropriation
SF 137 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-01676 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: C.J. Ramstad/North Shore State Trail Master Plan all-terrain vehicle use update appropriation
SF 138 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00820 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Proctor utility extensions and upgrades for marked Interstate 35 commercial development bond issue and appropriation
SF 139 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00818 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Rice Lake regional public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 140 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00819 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Rainer public works maintenance facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 363 Hauschild; Weber Revisor No.: 25-01012 Topic: Native Americans Short Description: Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned by an Indian Tribe
SF 515 Hauschild; McEwen Revisor No.: 25-01101 Topic: Airports and Aircraft Short Description: Refundable exemption provision for construction materials used in Duluth International Airport and Sky Harbor Airport projects
SF 517 Hauschild; McEwen; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-00090 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: St. Louis County unorganized area of Ash River wastewater infrastructure improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 519 Hauschild; McEwen; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-01100 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Credit proposal for graduates of aerospace and aviation-related educational programs and employers of program graduates
SF 542 Hauschild; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-01099 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: St. Louis County certain housing development projects construction materials refundable exemption and appropriation
SF 561 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-01751 Topic: Taxation-Property Short Description: Removal of fiscal disparities adjustment amounts contents of proposed property tax notice and tax statement modifications
SF 562 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02160 Topic: Lands-State Short Description: Soudan Underground Mine State Park boathouse sites sale or lease authorization provision
SF 563 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-00998 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: North Koochiching Sanitary Sewer Board composition modifications
SF 564 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-01882 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Revenue threshold requiring cities to perform annual audits modification
SF 570 Hauschild; Eichorn; Farnsworth; Frentz; Kupec Revisor No.: 25-02200 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Wetland Conservation Act determinations efficiency modifications; appropriating money
SF 586 Hauschild; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-01615 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Veterans on the Lake appropriation
SF 588 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Kupec Revisor No.: 25-02091 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Silver Bay Trailhead and Redhead Mountain Bike Park trail development appropriation
SF 592 Hauschild; Kupec; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-02084 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATV's Short Description: All-terrain vehicle grant-in-aid surcharge registration fee addition and nonresident all-terrain vehicle state trail passes fee increase provision
SF 593 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Eichorn; Kupec; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-02083 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATV's Short Description: St. Louis County and City of Duluth all-terrain vehicle trails and studies appropriations
SF 594 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Eichorn; Kupec; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-02082 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATV's Short Description: St. Louis County all-terrain vehicle trails appropriation
SF 613 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-01617 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Veterans on the Lake grant appropriation
SF 681 Hauschild; Eichorn; Rasmusson; Hoffman; Frentz Revisor No.: 25-01351 Topic: Commerce and Commerce Department Short Description: Keys, key chains, and key rings removed from the prohibition on lead and cadmium in consumer products provision
SF 769 Hauschild; Weber; Rest; Nelson; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-00975 Topic: Commerce and Commerce Department Short Description: Certain data centers tax exemption modification
SF 773 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-01943 Topic: Watershed Districts Short Description: Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District authorization to have a three-member board of managers provision
SF 792 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02216 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Boundary Waters Care Center grant appropriation
SF 793 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02127 Topic: Motor Vehicles Short Description: Volunteer first responders warning lights on personal vehicles when responding to a call specification provision
SF 811 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02457 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Eating certain beavers prohibition repealer
SF 843 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02128 Topic: Telecommunications and Information Technology Short Description: Matching requirements modification for the lower population density program
SF 844 Hauschild; Gustafson; Kupec Revisor No.: 25-02162 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Allowed uses of student support personnel aid modification for school districts and charter schools with declining enrollment
SF 1027 Hauschild; Lang; Hoffman; Putnam Revisor No.: 25-01996 Topic: Airports and Aircraft Short Description: Certain airport property tax exemption provisions modifications
SF 1038 Hauschild; Duckworth Revisor No.: 25-02677 Topic: Military and Military Affairs Department Short Description: Duluth Air National Guard Base new aircraft shelters appropriations
SF 1039 Hauschild; Eichorn; Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-02673 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Parks and trails fund appropriation
SF 1040 Hauschild; Eichorn; Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Hoffman Revisor No.: 25-02674 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission appropriation
SF 1050 Hauschild; Miller; Hawj; Eichorn; Rarick Revisor No.: 25-02597 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Outdoor School for All grant program creation
SF 1065 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02310 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Portage public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 1066 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-03011 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Two Harbors public infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 1072 Hauschild; McEwen Revisor No.: 25-02392 Topic: Lands-Tax-forfeited Short Description: Private sale authorization of certain tax forfeited land
SF 1080 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02432 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Ambulance operating deficit grant program establishment
SF 1089 Hauschild; Putnam; Rest; Weber Revisor No.: 25-00071 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Appropriation increase for soil and water conservation district aid
SF 1114 Hauschild; Hoffman; Kupec Revisor No.: 25-02148 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Refundable income tax credit for certain home care providers establishment
SF 1115 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-02479 Topic: Children and Families Short Description: YMCA of the North Camp Northern Lights Lodge appropriation
SF 1116 Hauschild Revisor No.: 25-03007 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Gitchi-Gami State Trail bond issue and appropriation
SF 1128 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Eichorn Revisor No.: 25-02945 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATV's Short Description: Provisions modification for operating all-terrain vehicles on public roads
SF 1129 Hauschild; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-02675 Topic: Environment Short Description: County regulation of gray water discharges from commercial houseboats provision in certain counties
SF 1197 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Kupec; Rasmusson; Eichorn Revisor No.: 25-02198 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: School district seasonal tax base replacement aid establishment
SF 1198 Hauschild; Farnsworth; Kupec; Rarick; Eichorn Revisor No.: 25-02291 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Roof projects authorization as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program