Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 689 - Emeritus dental licensure creation
Author: Senator Matt D. Klein
Prepared By:
Date: March 11, 2019


S.F. 689 creates an emeritus dental licensure, and makes other changes to the general dentisry licensure requirements.

Section 1 (150A.06, subd. 3) elminates the requirement that the postdoctoral general dentistry residency program be Minnesota-based for purposes of waiving the clinical examination for licensure.

Section 2 (150A.06, subd. 10) establishes an emeritus inactive license for a licensed dental professional who retires from active practice. Specifies that the emeritus inactive licensee may not practice in a dental profession, and that the license is a formal recognition of the completion of the licensee’s career in good standing.

Section 3 (150A.06, subd. 11) establishes an emeritus active license for a licensed dental professional who retires, to practice only on a pro bono or volunteer basis, or limited paid consulting or supervision practice. Specifies practice limitations and renewal requirements.

Section 4 (150A.091, subd. 19) adds application fee for emeritus inactive dental license.

Section 5 (150A.091, subd. 20) adds application fees for emeritus active licenses in dentistry, dental therapy, dental hygiene, and dental assisting.

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