Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2125 - Children in Foster Care Human Services Protections Requirement
Author: Senator Jim Abeler
Prepared By:
Date: March 11, 2019


S.F. No. 2125 requires the commissioner of human services to ensure and provide a list of 33 child’s rights to children place in child care. The list must be provided immediately upon placement or during the child’s initial meeting with a county social worker, and annually thereafter. The list must also be provided with training to county workers and administrators. The list of rights includes:

  1. Access to county and state contact information to submit complaints of rights violations
  2. Ongoing relationships with relatives if the child so desires, unless the relationships are documented to be not in the child’s best interests
  3. A meeting with a family facilitator within one week of placement
  4. A preplacement visit with any potential foster family
  5. No placement in a secure detention facility for respite care or temporary emergency placement
  6. Notice of case proceedings and copies of all court orders and reports pertaining to the child’s case
  7. Timely notice of case plan changes
  8. The ability to easily, regularly contact with the child’s attorney or guardian ad litem
  9. The ability to share information confidentially with the child’s social worker, unless the information concerns safety
  10. A safe environment with the child’s own bed
  11. Privacy and personal space, absent documented safety concerns
  12. A key to the home, for children over the age of ten
  13. Access to a working telephone or mobile phone
  14. Prompt, unrestricted receipt of the child’s mail
  15. Access to transportation as needed
  16. Necessary personal hygiene products
  17. Nutritious food
  18. Sufficient luggage to transport belongings when moving
  19. Three days’ supply of clean and appropriate clothing upon entry to foster care
  20. The ability to retrieve belongings from the previous home and keep gifts received in foster care
  21. Appropriate manner of discipline
  22. The ability to practice the child’s chosen religion, facilitated by the foster family as necessary
  23. Freedom from punishment or reproach for expressing the child’s sexual orientation or gender identity
  24. Access to culturally significant events and customs, and the child’s cultural community
  25. Assistance with tribal enrollment where applicable
  26. Permission to participate in school and extracurricular activities
  27. Inclusion in foster care family vacations where possible
  28. The ability to spend overnights outside the foster care home, at the foster parents’ discretion and once the child is 16 years old
  29. Regular meetings with a peer support group or mentor
  30. Assistance with obtaining employment, postsecondary education, and independent living skills
  31. Assistance with obtaining car insurance and a driver’s license
  32. Assistance with establishing a bank account
  33. Receipt of an annual credit report, where applicable



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