Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1368 - Metropolitan Agriculture Preserves
Author: Senator Karin Housley
Prepared By:
Date: March 4, 2019


Section 1 [Agricultural preserve expiration initiation] allows a state agency or governmental unit to initiate the expiration of a metropolitan agricultural preserve. Without the change in this section and the next section, the land would remain in an agricultural preserve for eight years after filing the application to be removed.

Section 2 [Agricultural preserve expiration for park and trail purposes] provides that a metropolitan agricultural preserve expires immediately for property that is purchased or subject to an easement by a state agency or other governmental unit for park or trail purposes.  The state agency or governmental unit must give notice of the acquisition or easement to the local unit of government with planning and zoning authority over the property.

Section 3 [Technical] updates a cross-reference to the new subdivision created in section 2 of the bill.

Section 4 [Effective Date] specifies that the sections are effective the day following enactment for agricultural preserves that have not expired.

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