Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1876 - Collective Bargaining Agreements and Compensation Plans Submission to LCC
Author: Senator Mark W. Koran
Prepared By: Stephanie James, Senate Counsel (651/296-0103)
Date: March 4, 2019


Section 1 [Information required] specifies information that the commissioner of management and budget is required to submit to the Legislative Coordinating Commission with the submission of a collective bargaining agreement or compensation plan.  The required information includes the following, for each agency and for each proposed collective bargaining agreement and compensation plan:

(1) A comparison of the biennial compensation costs under the current agreement or plan to the costs projected under the proposed agreement or plan, paid for by money appropriated from the general fund;

(2) A comparison of the biennial compensation costs under the current agreement or plan to the costs projected under the proposed agreement or plan, paid for by money appropriated from each fund other than the general fund; and

(3) An identification of the amount of added biennial compensation costs attributable to salary, wages, and nonsalary and nonwage benefits.

The commissioner is also required to provide the aggregate impact of all proposed agreements and plans being submitted to the commission, for each agency, and for each of the items in clauses (1) to (3).

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