Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 754 - Amending the St. Louis County Civil Service Commission
Author: Senator David J. Tomassoni
Prepared By: Joan White, Senate Counsel (651/296-3814)
Date: February 18, 2019


S.F. No. 754 updates the St. Louis County Civil Service Commission by making technical and substantive changes. The law governing the St. Louis County Civil Service Commission has remained largely unchanged since 1941. Technical modifications throughout the bill include updating the term “civil service director,” to “human resources director” and deleting obsolete transition language from 1941.  The language from this bill passed off the Senate floor last session, however did not come up for a final vote on the House floor.

Sections 1 and 2 (383C.031 and 383C.032) update language.

Section 3 (383C.033) updates language and strikes a redundant phrase.

Section 4 (383C.034) lists the duties of the human resources director.

Paragraph (f) strikes provisions governing salary and wage schedules approved by the Civil Service Commission and provides for the Human Resources Director to develop, administer, and update plans as approved by the county board.

Strikes paragraph (h) relating to vacancies, much of which is consolidated and updated in section 13.

New paragraph (h) modifies provisions governing probationary periods of county employees, which must not exceed 24 calendar months.  Probationary periods may be required for transfers, voluntary demotions, and appointments from the reemployment list, and the probationary periods may be extended beyond 24 calendar months in limited circumstances.

Paragraph (i) strikes reporting requirements of the director to the commission to reflect current practice.

Section 5 (383C.035) updates the list of unclassified service employees.

Section 6 (383C.037) strikes 1941 transition language and requires the classification plan to identify unclassified services.

Section 7 (383C.038) strikes 1941 transition language and authorizes the director to reallocate positions between classes.

Section 8 (383C.039) restates language in this section for clarity.

Section 9 (383C.04) requires former employees to request reemployment in order to be placed on a reemployment list.  The request must be made within two years after resignation (previously limited to one year).

Section 10 (383C.041) simplifies and updates language.

Section 11 (383C.042) strikes outdated language and updates language.

Section 12 (383C.0425) is a new section of law prohibiting certain conduct, including obstruction, coercion, and falsification of records. This section is nearly identical to section 383C.049, which is repealed in this bill.

Section 13 (383C.043) modernizes language and consolidates stricken language in section 4 into this section.  This section also specifies procedures for vacancies to be filled promotionally and vacancies to be filled from an open competitive employment list, and provides for emergency appointments, but prohibits successive emergency appointments.

Section 14 (383C.044) authorizes the human services director to voluntary demote a permanent qualified employee.

Section 15 (383C.045) updates language.

Section 16 (383C.046) updates language and specifies documents required before approval of payroll.

Sections 17 to 19 (383C.048; 383C.05; 383C.051) update and simplify language. Section 19 also clarifies the appeals process when a person is removed, suspended, demoted, or discharged.

Section 20 (383C.055) changes the penalty for willfully or negligently violating the statutes or rules governing the St. Louis County Civil Service Commission from a gross misdemeanor to a misdemeanor.

Section 21 (383C.056) deletes an outdated cross-reference to a 1931 law.

Section 22 repeals the following statutory provisions:

  • Minn. Stat. 383C.036. Outdated language determining who was included in the classified service during the transition period.
  • Minn. Stat. 383C.047. Authorizes civil lawsuits for violations of the statutes governing the St. Louis County Civil Service Commission.
  • Minn. Stat. 383C.049. Prohibits certain conduct, including obstruction, coercion, and falsification of records (this provision is nearly identical to section 12 of the bill).
  • Minn. Stat. 383C.052. Reporting requirement related to the administrative needs of the service, personnel, compensation, examinations, appointments, etc.
  • Minn. Stat. 383C.053. Limits office accommodation to the county seat. Sets limitations on expenses related to the commission.
  • Minn. Stat. 383C.059. Authorization to enter into “arrangements” with other agencies.
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