Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
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Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 827 - Bikeway Provisions Modifications
Author: Senator D. Scott Dibble
Prepared By: Krista Boyd, Senate Fiscal Analyst (651/296-7681)
Date: March 7, 2017


Section 1 amends the Department of Natural Resources statute on the bicycle trail program to correspond to changes made in the bill to chapter 160.

Section 2 adds a definition of “bikeway” to chapter 160. “Bikeway” was previously defined in section 169.011, and this updated definition includes “shared use path,” as defined in section 4 of the bill, and “similar bicycle facility.”

Section 3 strikes a reference to the previous definition of “bikeway.”

Section 4 defines “shared use path” as a bicycle facility that is physically separated from motorized traffic, located within highway right-of-way or independent right-of-way and available for use by other non-motorized users.

Section 5, paragraph (a), deletes an outdated requirement for the commissioner of transportation to adopt model requirements for establishment of recreational vehicle lanes along public highways. It specifies that the commissioner has the authority to plan, design, establish, and maintain bikeways on the right-of-way of trunk highways.

Paragraph (b) states that bikeway design guidelines designed by the commissioner must be consistent with state transportation goals as provided in statute.

Paragraph (c) requires the commissioner to compile and maintain a map of state bikeways, which must be published every two years. This requirement replaces the requirement to compile and maintain a registry of bikeways under section 160.265, which is repealed in this bill.

Paragraph (d) requires the commissioner to maintain bikeways within limits of trunk highway rights-of-way unless a written agreement or limited use permit provides otherwise.

Section 6 removes the named agencies that must advise the commissioner on bikeway design guidelines (formerly “model standards”), and replaces them with the existing “nonmotorized transportation advisory committee.” This section also allows the commissioner to cooperate and enter into agreements with tribal governments regarding bikeway design guidelines.

Section 7 replaces the terms “bicycle paths” and “bicycle trails” with “bikeways” in the section of statute on bids for nonmotorized vehicle bridges.

Section 8 defines “state bicycle route” in statute, replacing the term “state bikeway” in section 160.265 (to be repealed in this bill). It is defined as a series of one or more roads or bikeways designated for bicycle travel. The term “state bicycle route” is based on the definition used in the designation of the federal United States Bicycle Route System.

Section 9 requires the commissioner to identify state bicycle routes on existing right-of-way and trails, in cooperation with named entities.

Section 10 updates the section of statute regarding connections with other bikeways to replace “bikeway” with “state bicycle route.”

Section 11 authorizes the commissioner to enter into agreements and contracts with tribal governments in order to fulfill duties relating to state bicycle routes (which replaces the term “bikeway” in this section).

Section 12 updates the section on funding with the new terms “shared use path” and “state bicycle routes.”

Section 13 moves the description of the Mississippi River Trail bikeway to a different section of the same statute.

Section 14 establishes the North Star State Bicycle Route.

Section 15 updates the section of statute on location and design of highways with the new term “bikeway.”

Section 16 repeals Minnesota Statutes, sections 160.262, subd. 2; 160.265, subdivisions 1 and 2; and 160.266, subdivision 1; and repeals Minnesota Rules, parts 8810.6000 through 8810.7000 and parts 8810.9910 through 8810.9913.

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