Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1226 - Uniform Election Dates; Counties Administering School District Elections
Author: Senator Mary Kiffmeyer
Prepared By: Alexis C. Stangl, Senate Counsel (651/296-4397)
Date: February 20, 2017


Article 1.  Uniform Election Date.

This article establishes four uniform election dates throughout the year for local elections.

Section 7.  Special election.  A special election is defined to be an election held for a special purpose on one of the uniform election dates.

Section 9.  Uniform election dates.  A special election in a city or town must be held on one of the following dates: the second Tuesday in March, the second Tuesday in May, the second Tuesday in August (state primary date), or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (general election date). A special election may only be held on a different date if it is held in response to an emergency or disaster. 

Section 11. Uniform election dates.  A special election in a school district must be held on one of the following dates: the second Tuesday in March, the second Tuesday in May, the second Tuesday in August (state primary date), or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (general election date). A special election may only be held on a different date if it is held in response to an emergency or disaster. 

Section 24.  Effective date.  This article is effective August 1, 2017 and applies to elections held on or after that date.

The remaining sections in this section make conforming changes.

Article 2. School Election Administration.

This article requires counties to conduct school district elections. The coordinating county works with other counties in the school district to conduct the election. Election duties currently carried out by the school district clerk are transferred to the county auditors of the counties in the school district. Duties carried out by the school district are transferred to the county or counties in the district.

Sections 3, 4, and 5 provide relevant definitions.

Sections 19 and 23.  The school district must pay the county for the costs of the school’s election.

Sections 40 and 41 continue to allow school districts to change the year of their general election and cancel elections in the same manner as under current law, except notification to the county auditor is now required.

Section 61.  Effective date.  This article is effective August 1, 2017 and applies to elections held on or after that date.

The remaining sections make conforming changes to transfer the election duties from the school clerk and school district to the county auditors and counties.


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