Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1506 - Sanitary Districts Creation, Annexation - Revised
Author: Senator Kevin Dahle
Prepared By: Stephanie James, Senate Counsel (651/296-0103)
Date: March 17, 2015


Sections 1 to 16 modify laws relating to sanitary districts in two ways:

  • eliminates justification for inclusion or exclusion from the list of items that must be included in a petition to create, annex, or detach from a sanitary district; and
  • changes where certain notices related to creation, annexation, detachment, or dissolution of a sanitary district and related orders must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper.

Section 1 [Proceeding to Create Sanitary District] modifies the list of information that must be included in a petition to the chief administrative law judge to initiate a preceding for the creation of a sanitary district.   This section eliminates the requirement that the petition include a justification for inclusion or exclusion for parcels within the territory of the proposed district.

Sections 2 [Notice of Intent to Create a Sanitary District] changes where a notice of intent to create a sanitary district must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper.

Section 3 [Notice of Order Creating Sanitary District] changes where a notice of order creating a sanitary district must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper, and makes other conforming changes.

Section 4 [Filing] makes a conforming changes to implement section 3.

Section 5 [Proceeding for Annexation] modifies the list of information that must be included in a petition to the chief administrative law judge to annex a sanitary district.  This section eliminates the requirement that the petition include a justification for inclusion or exclusion for parcels within the proposed annexation.

Section 6 [Notice of Intent for Sanitary District Annexation] changes where a notice of intent to annex a sanitary district must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper, and makes other conforming changes.

Section 7 [Notice of Order for Sanitary District Annexation] changes where a final order for sanitary district annexation must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper.

Section 8 [Filing] makes a conforming change to implement section 7.

Section 9 [Proceeding for Detachment] modifies the list of information that must be included in a petition to the chief administrative law judge to detach from a sanitary district.  This section eliminates the requirement that the petition include a justification for inclusion or exclusion for parcels within the proposed annexation.

Section 10 [Notice of Intent for Sanitary District Detachment] changes where a notice of intent to detach from a sanitary district must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper.

Section 11 [Notice of Order for Sanitary District Detachment] changes where a final order for sanitary district detachment must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper, and makes conforming changes.

Section 12 [Filing] makes conforming changes to implement section 11.

Section 13 [Proceeding for Dissolution] clarifies the requirement to include all topics discussed in the minutes of a meeting to discuss sanitary district detachment.

Section 14 [Notice of Intent for Sanitary District Dissolution] changes where a final order for sanitary district dissolution must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper, and makes conforming changes.

Section 15 [Notice of Order for Sanitary District Dissolution] changes where a final order for sanitary district dissolution must be published, from the State Register to a newspaper, and makes conforming changes.

Section 16 [Filing] makes a conforming change to implement section 15.

Section 17 [Joint Public Informational Meeting] narrows the application of a requirement of a joint public informational meeting of local governments of any proposed sanitary district creation, annexation, detachment, or dissolution, to cases that proceed to a contested case hearing.

Section 18 [Hearings] is a technical correction.

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