Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1430 - Department of Natural Resources Policy (First Engrossment)
Author: Senator John Marty
Prepared By:
Date: March 16, 2015


Sections 1 to 4 [OHV and snowmobile registration] clarify that the new owner of an off-highway vehicle (OHV) or snowmobile is the individual responsible to transfer ownership.

Sections 5 to 10 [Aquatic invasive species; designation] replace the word “listed” with “designated” where it refers to species identified as prohibited, regulated, unlisted, and unregulated invasive species.

Sections 11 and 12 [Decontamination requirement] authorize watercraft inspectors and conservation officers to require decontamination when staff and equipment are available.

Sections 13 and 14 [Aquatic invasive species; designation] replace the word “listed” with “designated” where it refers to species identified as prohibited, regulated, unlisted, and unregulated invasive species.

Sections 15 and 16 [Warnings and civil penalties; failing to complete decontamination] allow warnings and civil citations to be issued to a person who fails to complete decontamination of water-related equipment.

Section 17 [Invasive species account] expands the use of the invasive species account to include habitat improvement.

Section 18 [Trail connections to state parks and recreation areas] clarifies that state trails may connect to nearby state parks and recreation areas, even though the park or recreation area is not specified in the trail authorization.

Section 19 [Camp Ripley/Veterans State Trail] authorizes the separation of motorized and nonmotorized corridors for the Camp Ripley/Veterans State Trail.

Section 20 [Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park.] corrects the state park name and adds the Stuntz Bay boat house area as not needing a state park permit.

Section 21 [Temporary water surface use controls] provides authority for the commissioner to adopt temporary water surface use controls at public construction or maintenance sites for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the construction or maintenance project.

Sections 22 and 23 [Personal flotation devices] update references to personal floatation devices to conform to changes in federal regulations.

Section 24 [Wake surfing] define and regulate wake surfing and fly boarding and operation of a watercraft creating a wake in the same manner as towed sports.

Sections 25 [Fire; special permits] updates the special permits for fire training to national firefighter training standards.

Sections 26 to 45 [Auxiliary forest] updates auxiliary forest statutes.

Section 46 [Forest bough account] expands the use of the forest bough account to include special forest product information and education programs instead of just balsam bough education. 

Section 47 [Existing once through systems] allows the DNR to permit once-though cooling and heating systems that use up to 5 million gallons per year and were in existence prior to January 1, 2015.  This section also authorizes the use of groundwater thermal exchange devices.

Section 48 [Fees for past unpermitted activities] allows the DNR to waive fees for past unpermitted appropriation of water for once-though cooling and heating systems.

Section 49 [Title examination] is a technical change amending a reference to the 2014 Statutes because the referenced statute is being repealed in the bill.

Section 50 [Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park; elevator licensing exemption] exempts the mine tour hoist at Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park from elevator licensing and regulation under the Department of Labor and Industry.  The mine hoist will continue to be regulated under the federal mine code and is subject to an annual inspection.

Section 51 [Rulemaking; water surface use restrictions] amends the temporary special controls in situations of local emergency from five days to 30 days.

Section 52 [Rulemaking; personal flotation devices] provides technical changes to conform to changes in federal regulations.

Section 53 [Revisor’s Instruction] is a technical correction related to the repealed sections.

Section 54 [Repealer] repeals statutes that are no longer needed related to auxiliary forests.


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