Tuesday, March 16, 2021
SF 1 Tomassoni; Cohen; Langseth; Berglin; Murphy HF 1 Sertich Revisor No.: 09-1001 Short Description: State partnership with federal efforts to restore the American economy creation, bond issue and appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 48 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 2 Cohen; Clark; Olson, M.; Rest; Lynch HF 6 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-0957 Short Description: State budget recommendations development requirements and modifications; money map for children services; deputy and assistant commissioner reduction; whistleblower protection; drivers license reinstatement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 48 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/12/2009 | 58 | Author added Olson, M. | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Rest | 03/26/2009 | 1052a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/03/2009 | 1527a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | 05/04/2009 | 3601 | Comm report: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3603 | Second reading | 05/05/2009 | 4040a | General Orders: To pass as amended Rule 22.3 suspended, lie-over waived | 05/07/2009 | 4201 | Author added Lynch | 05/07/2009 | 4205 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 3 Berglin; Lynch; Clark; Rest HF 3 Welti Revisor No.: 09-0962 Short Description: State mandates elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/12/2009 | 58 | Author added Rest | 03/18/2009 | 742a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/19/2009 | | Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to Rules and Administration | 04/02/2009 | 1354a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/02/2009 | 1420 | Second reading | 04/06/2009 | 1711a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/07/2009 | 1746 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | | | See HF1276 | | | See HF1298, Art. 3 | | | See SF1447, Art. 2, Sec. 10, 11 (modified) | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 6, 18, 34, 50, 68; Art. 2, Sec. 55; Art. 3, Sec. 15; Art. 4, Sec. 7-8, 10; Art. 5, Sec. 1 |
SF 4 Metzen; Tomassoni; Sparks HF 4 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-0709 Short Description: Unemployment compensation base period modification; special state emergency unemployment compensation program development
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 01/12/2009 | 63 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 01/15/2009 | 67a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Second reading | 01/15/2009 | 81 | Urgency declared rules suspended | 01/15/2009 | 83 | Third reading Passed | 01/29/2009 | 128 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 01/29/09 | | 146 | Governor's action Approval 01/29/09 | | 146 | Secretary of State Chapter 1 01/29/09 | | | Effective date 02/01/09 |
SF 5 Anderson; Prettner Solon; Dibble; Jungbauer; Doll HF 5 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0963 Short Description: Green infrastructure state plan development; energy efficient residences funding; energy efficient public buildings bond issue; renewable energy projects funding for public schools, green industrial parks and a solar certification laboratory
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 6 Latz; Dahle; Kelash HF 239 Gardner Revisor No.: 09-0961 Short Description: Homeowners faulty construction damages recovery modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 01/26/2009 | 115 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/16/2009 | 692 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Author stricken Fobbe | 05/11/2009 | 4993a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5028 | HF substituted on Calendar HF239 |
SF 7 Betzold; Sieben; Marty HF 253 Tillberry Revisor No.: 09-0736 Short Description: Dog and cat breeders standards of care development
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Authors added Sieben; Marty |
SF 8 Latz HF 204 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0164 Short Description: Housing improvement district establishment deadline repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 49 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 9 Lourey; Prettner Solon; Clark; Koering; Carlson HF 174 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0779 Short Description: Minnesota Health Security Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 50 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/24/2009 | 927a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary |
SF 10 Bonoff; Clark; Saltzman; Olson, G.; Saxhaug HF 538 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0824 Short Description: Cooperative purchasing and shared services program for school districts and charter schools requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 50 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/12/2009 | 599a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 725a | General Orders: Amended, progress | 04/02/2009 | 1426a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/06/2009 | 1710 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 11 Saxhaug; Saltzman; Clark; Olson, G.; Stumpf HF 553 Dittrich Revisor No.: 09-0573 Short Description: Supplemental and full-time online learning providers requirements modification and clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 50 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Authors added Olson, G.; Stumpf | 03/16/2009 | 681a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | | 6742 | Rule 47, returned to Education | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 39 |
SF 12 Betzold HF 221 Tillberry Revisor No.: 09-0814 Short Description: Pull-tab and tipboard gross receipt tax imposition and payment procedure modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 50 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 13 Sheran; Prettner Solon; Dibble; Murphy HF 86 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0792 Short Description: Transportation fuel low-carbon fuel reduction standard establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 50 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 14 Sieben; Murphy; Dibble; Langseth; Erickson Ropes Revisor No.: 09-0446 Short Description: Midwest regional rail corridor bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 15 Rest; Jungbauer; Clark; Murphy; Prettner Solon HF 73 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-0670 Short Description: State airports fund money transfer requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 16 Olseen; Lourey; Erickson Ropes; Koch; Fobbe HF 78 Eastlund Revisor No.: 09-0202 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 17 Limmer; Scheid; Olson, G.; Bonoff; Michel HF 248 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-0165 Short Description: Domestic fatality review teams provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1255 | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/01/2009 | 1338a | Joint rule 2.03, referred to Rules and Administration | | 6743 | Withdrawn | | | Joint rule 3.02, returned to Judiciary | | | See HF1301, Art. 2, Sec. 2 | | | See SF993, Sec. 48 |
SF 18 Wiger; Vickerman; Erickson Ropes; Ingebrigtsen; Hann HF 303 Lillie Revisor No.: 09-0116 Short Description: Resolution urging Congress to investigate the Prisoner of War - Missing in Action (POW/MIA) issue
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/05/2009 | 401 | Comm report: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/30/2009 | 1142 | Authors added Vickerman; Erickson Ropes; Ingebrigtsen; Hann | 04/03/2009 | 1496 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Rules and Administration |
SF 19 Wiger; Saltzman HF 314 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-0784 Short Description: Compulsory instruction age increase and provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 51 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Saltzman |
SF 20 Wiger HF 255 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0069 Short Description: Candidates, political committees and political funds deceptive names use prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 21 Wiger; Saltzman HF 106 Swails Revisor No.: 09-0785 Short Description: P-20 education partnership establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Saltzman | 02/05/2009 | 197 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Higher Education | 03/16/2009 | 693 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/23/2009 | 891a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 22 Wiger; Saltzman; Dahle; Sparks; Doll HF 195 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0787 Short Description: School year start before Labor Day prohibition provision modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Authors added Saltzman; Dahle | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Sparks | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Doll |
SF 23 Wiger; Saltzman; Dahle; Sparks HF 194 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0786 Short Description: School year start before Labor Day prohibition repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Authors added Saltzman; Dahle | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Sparks |
SF 24 Murphy; Erickson Ropes; Senjem; Lynch Revisor No.: 09-0542 Short Description: Flood relief prior appropriations availability extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 25 Jungbauer; Ingebrigtsen; Hann HF 141 Hackbarth Revisor No.: 09-0134 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need moratorium elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 26 Jungbauer; Ingebrigtsen HF 1343 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-0211 Short Description: Failure to exercise due care in traffic violations and penalties enhancement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 52 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/12/2009 | 226a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary |
SF 27 Kelash; Tomassoni; Bakk HF 151 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-0612 Short Description: Apprenticeship training facilities property tax exemption extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 28 Prettner Solon; Vickerman; Skoe; Lourey; Dille HF 282 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-0163 Short Description: Peace officer reciprocity licensing exam eligibility modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and returned to author |
SF 29 Sheran; Koering; Lourey HF 53 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-0118 Short Description: Pharmacy practice influenza vaccines administration provision clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/26/2009 | 101a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Second reading | 02/02/2009 | 160 | General Orders: To pass | 02/05/2009 | 193 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6314 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6738 | Governor's action Approval 05/22/09 | | 6739 | Secretary of State Chapter 161 05/22/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 30 Higgins; Olson, M.; Rosen; Moua HF 145 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0575 Short Description: Methamphetamine precursor drugs written or electronic documents retention time period requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/26/2009 | 102 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 410 | Comm report: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 913 | General Orders: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1085 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF993, Sec. 9 | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 3 |
SF 31 Scheid; Gerlach; Sparks; Frederickson; Michel HF 478 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0300 Short Description: Wine shipments into state restrictions and penalties modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Authors added Sparks; Frederickson | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Michel | | | See HF1476, Sec. 11 |
SF 32 Scheid; Rest; Sieben HF 172 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0124 Short Description: Election judges oath affirmation permission
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 53 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 537 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 701 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 60 |
SF 33 Olseen; Murphy; Saltzman; Hann; Wiger HF 116 Ward Revisor No.: 09-0790 Short Description: Type III school bus drivers qualifications modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 01/15/2009 | 67 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/19/2009 | 287 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 03/05/2009 | 419 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Education | 03/16/2009 | 681 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1088 | General Orders: To pass | 03/30/2009 | 1146 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/17/2009 | 2179 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/20/09 | | 2696 | Governor's action Approval 04/23/09 | | 2696 | Secretary of State Chapter 24 04/23/09 | | | Effective date 04/24/09 | | | See also SF2540, Sec. 36 |
SF 34 Vickerman HF 60 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-0479 Short Description: Casey Jones trail extension; Des Moines River valley trail establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/09/2009 | 468a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 913 | General Orders: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1086 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1237, Art. 1, Sec. 10-11, 47-48 |
SF 35 Vickerman HF 661 Torkelson Revisor No.: 09-0476 Short Description: Area II Minnesota River Basin Projects, Inc. floodplain management appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 36 Bakk; Prettner Solon; Lourey HF 83 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-0584 Short Description: Duluth international airport bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/02/2009 | 366 | Author added Lourey | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 11, Sub. 9 |
SF 37 Fischbach; by request HF 118 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-0490 Short Description: Emergency vehicle status extension to funeral and oversized loads escort motor vehicles
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 38 Fischbach; by request HF 119 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-0491 Short Description: Motorcycle and motor vehicle escort use local government regulation authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 39 Vickerman HF 54 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-0478 Short Description: Jackson county Lakefield regional environmental science and nature education center bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 54 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 40 Vickerman HF 98 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-0511 Short Description: Windom bridge replacement bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 41 Vickerman HF 14 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-0487 Short Description: Jackson county board county auditor-treasurer appointment authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 119 | Comm report: To pass | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Second reading | 02/02/2009 | 160 | General Orders: To pass | 02/05/2009 | 193 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 42 Murphy; Foley; Dille HF 108 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0772 Short Description: Kathryn Swanson Seat Belt Safety Act; seat belt use law expansion and violation as primary offense, surcharge imposition for offenders
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 01/15/2009 | 67a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 01/22/2009 | 86 | Author added Foley | 01/29/2009 | 120a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Second reading | 02/02/2009 | 148 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Finance | 05/14/2009 | 5679 | Author added Dille | 05/15/2009 | 5754a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/15/2009 | 5756 | Second reading | 05/18/2009 | 6334 | General Orders: Stricken and laid on table | | | See SF1276, Art. 3, Sec. 11-15, 34 | | | See HF108 |
SF 43 Betzold; Olseen HF 235 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0721 Short Description: Public utilities nonutility (non-utility) acquisition prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 01/22/2009 | 86 | Author added Olseen |
SF 44 Latz HF 160 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0117 Short Description: Cass county surplus state land sale
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 45 Betzold HF 474 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0201 Short Description: Marriage dissolution decree bounce-back annuity allowance
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 46 Murphy HF 1496 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-0421 Short Description: Red Wing biosolids processing facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 55 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 47 Dahle; Robling HF 307 Bly Revisor No.: 09-0571 Short Description: Dan Patch commuter line planning and development restrictions removal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 56 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Author added Robling | 02/05/2009 | 167 | Comm report: To pass | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 02/12/2009 | 237 | General Orders: To pass | 02/16/2009 | 278 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 48 Prettner Solon; Bakk HF 92 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-0582 Short Description: Lake Superior zoo repairs bond issue and appropriation for accreditation restoration
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 56 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 21, Sub. 7 |
SF 49 Bakk HF 95 Lenczewski Revisor No.: 09-0433 Short Description: Health insurance premium income tax credit; counties maintenance of effort and matching requirements suspension repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/08/2009 | 56 | Introduction and first reading | 01/08/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 01/26/2009 | 102 | Comm report: To pass | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Second reading | 01/29/2009 | 122 | Special Order | 01/29/2009 | 127 | Third reading Passed | 02/19/2009 | 284 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 02/17/09 | | 312 | Governor's action Approval 02/20/09 | | 312 | Secretary of State Chapter 3 02/20/09 | | | Effective date Various Dates | | | See also HF1298, Art. 12, Sec. 4 |
SF 50 Prettner Solon; Bakk HF 278 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-0583 Short Description: Duluth and Western Lake Superior sanitary district sanitary sewer overflow storage and pumping facilities bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 51 Metzen HF 63 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0494 Short Description: Inver Grove Heights Heritage Village park acquisition, remediation and development appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF781, Sec. 11, Sub. 10 |
SF 52 Metzen HF 62 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0596 Short Description: Inver Grove Heights public safety building and city hall construction sales tax exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 53 Metzen HF 64 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0799 Short Description: Rock Island swing bridge removal and demolition prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 45 |
SF 54 Scheid; Limmer; Foley; Clark; Rummel HF 196 Nelson Revisor No.: 09-0535 Short Description: Trunk highway #610 completion bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Rummel |
SF 55 Fischbach; Clark; Gimse HF 56 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-0299 Short Description: Stearns county regional and local park prior appropriation grantee modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Comm report: To pass | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Second reading | 03/12/2009 | 601 | HF substituted on General Orders HF56 |
SF 56 Rest; Dibble HF 578 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0325 Short Description: Building and construction contracts and indemnification agreements regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 59 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/01/2010 | 7243 | Author added Dibble |
SF 57 Rest; Cohen; Betzold; Robling; Gimse HF 560 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-0739 Short Description: Minnesota management and budget (MMB) (finance) commissioner duties modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 119a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF2, Art. 1, Sec. 7 |
SF 58 Senjem; Saltzman; Langseth; Day; Lynch HF 193 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0486 Short Description: Rochester national volleyball center phase 2 expansion bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Lynch | | | See HF2700, Sec. 12, Sub. 3 |
SF 59 Lynch; Bakk; Senjem; Robling; Rummel Revisor No.: 09-0685 Short Description: Hennepin county design-build authority extension to all counties
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Rummel |
SF 60 Berglin HF 1474 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-0735 Short Description: Sex offenders state correctional facilities civil commitment option to remain confined
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 61 Tomassoni; Wiger; Michel; Koch; Rest Revisor No.: 09-0617 Short Description: Physical education academic standards requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 68 | Author added Rest | | | See SF1328, Art. 2, Sec. 5-6 |
SF 62 Sheran HF 215 Morrow Revisor No.: 09-0909 Short Description: North Mankato tax increment financing (TIF) district duration extension and project requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 60 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF2695, Sec. 56 |
SF 63 Sheran HF 219 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-0926 Short Description: Mankato tax increment financing (TIF) district duration extension and project requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 18 |
SF 64 Wiger HF 39 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0827 Short Description: Constitutional amendment to fill governor vacancy; United States Senate vacancies special election procedure modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 65 Murphy Revisor No.: 09-0832 Short Description: Lower income motor fuels tax credit repeal; motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue provision modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2695, Sec. 62(a) |
SF 66 Higgins; Bonoff HF 25 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0828 Short Description: Children's therapeutic services and supports modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 67 Kubly HF 229 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-0876 Short Description: Olivia southwest area storm sewer system improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 68 Kubly; Robling; Olson, G.; Stumpf; Wiger HF 55 Falk Revisor No.: 09-0686 Short Description: Independent school district #2853, Lac qui Parle Valley; fund transfer authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 5, Sec. 12, Sub. 1 |
SF 69 Prettner Solon; Doll; Rosen; Senjem; Tomassoni HF 1914 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0977 Short Description: Federal stimulus money in telecommunications and energy areas preparation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 61 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 70 Rest; Betzold; Moua; Pariseau HF 224 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0797 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for judges retention elections
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 414a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/19/2009 | 830a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | 03/11/2010 | 7532 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 04/08/2010 | 9323a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | 04/19/2010 | 9636 | Author stricken Senjem | 04/28/2010 | 10065a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/28/2010 | 10074 | Second reading |
SF 71 Saltzman; Wiger; Anderson; Rummel HF 494 Bunn Revisor No.: 09-0771 Short Description: Closed landfill cleanup bond issue and appropriation modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 01/15/2009 | 69 | Author added Rummel | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 47 |
SF 72 Clark; Bonoff; Wiger; Saxhaug; Michel HF 40 Peterson Revisor No.: 09-0873 Short Description: Quality rating and improvement system establishment for children's early learning and care programs
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Education | 01/15/2009 | 69 | Authors added Bonoff; Wiger; Saxhaug; Michel | | | See HF2, Art. 6, Sec. 4 |
SF 73 Betzold HF 3283 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0973 Short Description: Legislator compensation timing for payment modifications; special session travel payments
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Rules and Administration |
SF 74 Jungbauer; Frederickson HF 500 Gardner Revisor No.: 09-0087 Short Description: Recycled water use standards
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 04/01/2009 | 1285a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 75 Lynch; Senjem; Pappas; Anderson; Tomassoni HF 23 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0679 Short Description: Olmsted county waste-to-energy facility steam pipeline bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 62 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 16, Sub. 5 |
SF 76 Marty; Rest; Olseen; Carlson; Erickson Ropes HF 71 Greiling Revisor No.: 09-0806 Short Description: Conference committee communications and budget negotiations between legislative leaders and the governor open meeting requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/12/2009 | 63 | Introduction and first reading | 01/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Author added Erickson Ropes | 02/09/2009 | 200 | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/09/2009 | 204a | Rule 21, referred to Rules and Administration |
SF 77 Scheid; Prettner Solon HF 112 Nelson Revisor No.: 09-0682 Short Description: Hennepin county intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/MR) licensing exception and replacement authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 71 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 78 Michel; Koch HF 770 Shimanski Revisor No.: 09-0437 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for term limits for state legislators and constitutional officers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 71 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 79 Tomassoni; Rest HF 17 Sertich Revisor No.: 09-0960 Short Description: Central Iron Range sanitary sewer district establishment; Hibbing wastewater treatment facilities infrastructure improvement appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 71 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/24/2009 | 925 | Comm report: To pass | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5036a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/13/2009 | 5224 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/16/2009 | 5870 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/16/2009 | 5870 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/16/2009 | 5870 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/18/09 | | 6735 | Governor's action Approval 05/20/09 | | 6735 | Secretary of State Chapter 122 05/20/09 | | | Effective date Sec. 1 05/21/09; Sec. 2-20 12/27/03 (retroactive) | | | See also HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 34 |
SF 80 Rest; Sieben; Gimse; Olseen; Michel HF 1206 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0244 Short Description: Omnibus campaign finance bill
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/18/2009 | 746a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 886a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4274a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/11/2009 | 4484 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/12/2010 | 9339 | Returned from House with amendment | 04/12/2010 | 9339 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 04/12/2010 | 9556 | Senate conferees Rest; Sieben; Gerlach | 04/28/2010 | 10063 | House conferees Simon; Winkler; Sanders | 05/06/2010 | 10548c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/06/2010 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/06/2010 | 10560 | Third reading | 05/07/2010 | 10653 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/10/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Governor's action Approval 05/13/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Secretary of State Chapter 327 05/13/10 | | | Effective date Various Dates |
SF 81 Dibble; Rest; Torres Ray; Carlson; Doll HF 236 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-0925 Short Description: Metropolitan airports commission (MAC) airline operations preservation of covenants and enforcement of contractual obligations and rights
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 82 Latz; Clark; Moua; Cohen; Scheid HF 8 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0939 Short Description: Minnesota False Claims Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/12/2009 | 229a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 684 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 05/11/2009 | 4942a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/11/2009 | 4945 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5032a | General Orders: To pass as amended Rule 22.3 suspended, lie-over waived | 05/13/2009 | 5220 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec. 24-39 |
SF 83 Bonoff; Higgins; Saltzman; Gimse; Limmer HF 251 Benson Revisor No.: 09-0473 Short Description: Teri Lee Law designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 84 Michel; Hann HF 1330 Benson Revisor No.: 09-0442 Short Description: No Child Left Behind Act state participation nullification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 85 Carlson; Doll; Dibble HF 88 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0580 Short Description: Northwest Airlines and state agreements enforcement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 86 Bonoff; Rest; Michel HF 49 Morgan Revisor No.: 09-0651 Short Description: Alternative teacher compensation aid calculation for intermediate school districts modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 72 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 1, Sec. 11 |
SF 87 Koering HF 139 Doty Revisor No.: 09-0639 Short Description: Domestic violence awareness month October designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 88 Koering HF 148 Doty Revisor No.: 09-0637 Short Description: Pierz trunk highway #25 reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 89 Kelash; Metzen; Tomassoni; Bakk HF 12 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-0719 Short Description: Unemployment compensation definitions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/09/2009 | 469 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF1197, Sec. 3, 7 |
SF 90 Pappas; Anderson; Murphy HF 94 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-0606 Short Description: Lafayette bridge bikeway addition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Anderson | 01/29/2009 | | Chief author added Pappas |
SF 91 Rest; Gimse; Carlson; Gerlach; Cohen HF 20 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0712 Short Description: Searchable database of state expenditures web site requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/09/2009 | 203a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 02/12/2009 | 228a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF2, Art. 1, Sec. 8, 21 | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec. 43, 110(c) |
SF 92 Vandeveer; Rosen HF 113 Dean Revisor No.: 09-0717 Short Description: Health professional education loan forgiveness program for child mental health professionals expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 5, Sec. 7 |
SF 93 Latz; Betzold; Hann; Scheid; Moua HF 103 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-1028 Short Description: Single occurrence liability cap for state tort claims removal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 73 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 179a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 94 Latz; Betzold; Hann; Scheid; Moua HF 100 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-1047 Short Description: I-35W bridge collapse survivor compensation process clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 74 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 01/29/2009 | 120a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Second reading | 02/02/2009 | 160 | General Orders: To pass | 02/05/2009 | 193 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 02/26/2009 | 326 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 02/24/09 | | 326 | Governor's action Approval 02/24/09 | | 326 | Secretary of State Chapter 4 02/24/09 | | | Effective date 05/08/08 (retroactive) |
SF 95 Cohen HF 117 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-1015 Short Description: Deficiency funding for state agencies appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 74 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/26/2009 | 1093a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1110 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1110 | Urgency declared rules suspended | 03/26/2009 | 1110 | Third reading Passed | 04/03/2009 | 1473 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/03/09 | 04/07/2009 | 1761 | Governor's action Approval 04/06/09 | 04/07/2009 | 1762 | Secretary of State Chapter 13 04/06/09 | | | Effective date 04/07/09 |
SF 96 Murphy; Koch; Prettner Solon; Jungbauer; Rosen HF 126 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-0626 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 74 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and returned to author |
SF 97 Murphy; Michel; Johnson; Higgins; Marty HF 292 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-0781 Short Description: Medical use of marijuana
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 74 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/16/2009 | 259a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 414a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/03/2009 | 1511a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/03/2009 | 1689 | Second reading | 04/29/2009 | 3525a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/04/2009 | 3607 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6388 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/18/2009 | 6388 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/18/2009 | 6388 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6741 | Governor's action Veto 05/22/09 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 166 05/22/09 | | 6743 | Veto message laid on table |
SF 98 Rest; Doll HF 296 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0770 Short Description: Constitutional amendment to abolish the office of lieutenant governor
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Doll |
SF 99 Carlson; Jungbauer; Dibble; Michel; Murphy HF 267 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0610 Short Description: Motor vehicle operators child restraint systems use requirement expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 74 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/05/2009 | 167 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 03/19/2009 | 833a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 846 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 914 | General Orders: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1088 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/12/2009 | 5003 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/12/2009 | 5004 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/12/2009 | 5004 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/12/09 | | 6105 | Governor's action Approval 05/15/09 | | 6105 | Secretary of State Chapter 82 05/15/09 | | | Effective date 07/01/09 |
SF 100 Rest; Bonoff; Scheid; Moua; Limmer HF 192 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0353 Short Description: Capital equipment sales tax imposition and refund elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF2323, Art. 3, Sec. 6 (vetoed) |
SF 101 Sieben; Dibble; Murphy; Carlson; Saltzman HF 259 Lillie Revisor No.: 09-0505 Short Description: Minnesota to Chicago high-speed rail line corridor environmental analysis grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Carlson | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Saltzman | 10/22/2009 | | Adopted | | | See SF1455, Sec. 32 |
SF 102 Sieben; Murphy HF 48 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-0475 Short Description: Red Rock corridor transit way bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 103 Olseen HF 101 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0889 Short Description: Taylors Falls border city development zones designation authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 119 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 104 Murphy HF 1023 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-0228 Short Description: Cannon Falls library and fire station construction design-build process contracts award authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 119 | Comm report: To pass | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Second reading | 02/05/2009 | 197 | General Orders: To pass | 02/09/2009 | 206 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 105 Murphy HF 652 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-0874 Short Description: Deer bait or feed definition modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See HF1237, Art. 2, Sec. 46 (modified) |
SF 106 Latz; Moua; Scheid; Gerlach; Olson, M. HF 1368 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0877 Short Description: Consumer complaint database
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 75 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 107 Rest; Moua; Betzold; Gimse; Robling HF 7 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0711 Short Description: State funds misuse provisions clarification, penalties enhancement and best practices for investigations development
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/05/2009 | 168 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/12/2009 | 228a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/26/2009 | 1093a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1110 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5032 | General Orders: To pass | 05/13/2009 | 5218 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec. 4, 47, 63 |
SF 108 Bakk; Senjem HF 136 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-0567 Short Description: Emergency medical services special taxing districts sunset modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 109 Lourey; Koering; Skogen; Murphy; Senjem HF 161 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0530 Short Description: Medical response unit reimbursement pilot program establishment and emergency medical services regulatory board appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF1362, Art.10, Sec. 48 |
SF 110 Lourey HF 187 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-1131 Short Description: Barnum municipal supply well bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 111 Lourey HF 186 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0917 Short Description: Willow River wastewater treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 112 Lourey HF 188 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0918 Short Description: Wrenshall area water distribution system bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 76 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 113 Lourey HF 185 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0919 Short Description: Carlton water main and sewer main construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 77 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 114 Lourey HF 182 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0941 Short Description: Twin Lakes water main extension construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 77 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 115 Dibble; Pappas; Bakk; Anderson; Marty HF 616 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-0924 Short Description: Reproductive Privacy Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 77 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 116 Vickerman HF 152 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1070 Short Description: Seed potato inspection fees modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 77 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 117 Wiger Revisor No.: 09-0820 Short Description: Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy bill
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 77 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Education | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 3 (P-20 Education Partnership) | | | See HF2, Art. 1, Sec. 5-7, Art. 2, Sec. 1, 3, 16, 35, 58, Art. 3, Sec. 12, 14, 18, Art. 5, Sec. 2, 4-8, Art. 6, Sec. 8 |
SF 118 Marty; Erickson Ropes; Doll; Berglin; Murphy HF 135 Bly Revisor No.: 09-0834 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/29/2009 | 118a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/12/2009 | 226a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/11/2010 | 6951 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/15/2010 | 6958a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 119 Anderson; Ingebrigtsen; Saxhaug HF 18 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-0766 Short Description: Lessard outdoor heritage council appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/05/2009 | 165a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 02/09/2009 | 207 | General Orders: To pass | 02/12/2009 | 237 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 120 Marty; Higgins; Dibble; Moua; Torres Ray HF 893 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0221 Short Description: Marriage and Family Protection Act; gender-neutral marriage provisions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 121 Saxhaug; Olson, G.; Lynch; Anderson; Stumpf HF 555 Anzelc Revisor No.: 09-0864 Short Description: Permanent school fund utility permits money deposit; riparian land exchange provisions modification; utility easements supplemental application and monitoring fees
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/18/2009 | 729a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF2099, Art. 1, Sec. 10-11, 25 | | | See HF2123, Art. 1, Sec. 12-13, 18 |
SF 122 Dibble; Betzold; Anderson HF 1306 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-0922 Short Description: Cocoa bean shell mulch retail sellers warning sign posting requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Author stricken Dille | 03/12/2009 | 592a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/24/2009 | 932 | Comm report: To pass | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3076 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2009 | 4052 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | 05/08/2009 | 4472 | Governor's action Veto 05/08/09 | 05/08/2009 | 4473 | Veto message laid on table | | | Secretary of State Chapter 47 05/08/09 |
SF 123 Betzold HF 90 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0726 Short Description: Debtor property equity interest general exemption establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 78 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 124 Dille; Hann Revisor No.: 09-0854 Short Description: Political contribution tax refund repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 01/22/2009 | 86 | Withdrawn and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 125 Sheran HF 283 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-1112 Short Description: Southern Minnesota women's hockey exposition center and Minnesota state university Mankato performing arts center bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 16, Sub. 3 (vetoed) |
SF 126 Dille; Gimse; Hann HF 368 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-0947 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Author stricken Murphy | | | See SF550, Sec. 17 |
SF 127 Latz; Sheran; Prettner Solon; Koering; Senjem HF 460 Liebling Revisor No.: 09-0704 Short Description: Crisis nurseries grant program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 128 Sheran; Lourey; Erickson Ropes; Olson, M.; Koering HF 280 Otremba Revisor No.: 09-0950 Short Description: MinnesotaCare program self-employed farmers income federal approval request resubmittal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/02/2009 | 360 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 129 Dibble; Anderson; Olson, M.; Doll; Marty HF 170 Gardner Revisor No.: 09-1022 Short Description: Telephone directories option to decline delivery
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 79 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 01/22/2009 | 86 | Author added Marty |
SF 130 Olson, M.; Bakk; Skogen; Saxhaug; Skoe HF 693 Ward Revisor No.: 09-0812 Short Description: School district referendum market value tax base modification; seasonal residential recreational tax modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 80 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 01/29/2009 | 120 | Author added Skoe |
SF 131 Bonoff; Limmer; Latz; Robling; Rest HF 111 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0662 Short Description: Investment board Iran holdings divestment requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/15/2009 | 80 | Introduction and first reading | 01/15/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/02/2009 | 147a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Second reading | 03/19/2009 | 808 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Finance | | | HF substituted in committee HF111 |
SF 132 Dille; Vickerman; Skogen; Erickson Ropes; Stumpf HF 1447 Otremba Revisor No.: 09-0419 Short Description: Veterinarian education loan forgiveness program for large animal veterinarians
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 133 Dille; Skoe; Koering; Lourey; Stumpf HF 840 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1181 Short Description: Resolution urging Congress to oppose federal legislation interfering with the ability of the state to direct the transport or processing of horses
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/12/2009 | 593 | Comm report: To pass | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/30/2009 | 1143 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Rules and Administration | 05/07/2009 | 4201 | Comm report: To pass | 05/07/2009 | 4201 | Second reading | 05/14/2009 | 5681 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5769 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived |
SF 134 Olseen; Lourey; Wiger; Marty; Rummel HF 390 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0895 Short Description: Rush Line corridor commuter bus service appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 135 Anderson; Olson, M.; Berglin; Foley HF 887 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1060 Short Description: Child support obligor collection service fees payment requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 136 Metzen HF 154 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-0872 Short Description: Trunk highway #52 noise abatement walls bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 137 Rest; Olson, G.; Erickson Ropes; Berglin; Olson, M. HF 328 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-0673 Short Description: Adoption records and original birth certificates access provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 178a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/19/2009 | 832a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 846 | Second reading | 05/18/2009 | 6102 | General Orders: Stricken and returned to author |
SF 138 Wiger HF 233 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0869 Short Description: Autism spectrum disorder task force creation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 88 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 87 | | | See HF1362, Art. 7, Sec. 25 |
SF 139 Koch; Ingebrigtsen; Gimse; Fischbach; Jungbauer HF 387 Anderson, B. Revisor No.: 09-1141 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 140 Latz; Marty; Olson, M. HF 84 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0529 Short Description: Consumer fraud prevention private action provision
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 01/26/2009 | 115 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 04/06/2009 | 1694 | Comm report: To pass | 04/06/2009 | 1704 | Second reading | 04/28/2009 | 3437 | General Orders: To pass | 04/30/2009 | 3556 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 141 Murphy; Prettner Solon; Langseth; Erickson Ropes; Cohen HF 364 Pelowski Revisor No.: 09-0585 Short Description: Port development assistance program bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 15, Sub. 8 (veto) |
SF 142 Sieben HF 472 McNamara Revisor No.: 09-0830 Short Description: Independent school district #200, Hastings; alternative facilities bonding and levy program eligibility
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 143 Gimse; Fischbach; Hann; Ingebrigtsen HF 396 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-0481 Short Description: Crime of aggravated forgery clarification for federal employment eligibility verification documents
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 144 Gimse; Fischbach; Hann; Ingebrigtsen HF 89 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-0489 Short Description: Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 89 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 145 Gimse; Hann; Ingebrigtsen HF 272 Shimanski Revisor No.: 09-0484 Short Description: Human services department finger imaging system for public assistance programs recipients
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 146 Limmer; Koch; Gerlach; Gimse; Rosen HF 57 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-0472 Short Description: Voter identification cards; photo identification requirement for ballot; provisional balloting provisions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author | 02/25/2010 | 7200 | Author stricken Ingebrigtsen | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Koch | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author added Limmer |
SF 147 Sheran; Robling; Erickson Ropes; Pappas; Scheid HF 72 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0818 Short Description: Lifelong learning accounts program and tax credits
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 148 Olseen HF 142 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0892 Short Description: Lindstrom trunk highway #8 bridge construction and channel dredging bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 149 Olseen HF 143 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0890 Short Description: Chisago county nursing facility medical assistance (MA) operating payment rate increases
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance |
SF 150 Pappas HF 859 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1130 Short Description: University of Minnesota and Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) higher education asset preservation and replacement bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 90 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 3, Sub. 2 | | | See HF2700, Sec. 2, Sub. 2 and 3, Sub. 2 |
SF 151 Wiger HF 102 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-1145 Short Description: Oakdale tax increment financing (TIF) districts authority technical corrections
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 11 |
SF 152 Vandeveer; Erickson Ropes Revisor No.: 09-0689 Short Description: Toll roads prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 153 Vandeveer; Koering; Rosen; Jungbauer; Murphy HF 184 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-1058 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/02/2009 | 160 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 154 Ingebrigtsen; Koch; Senjem; Skogen HF 36 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-0488 Short Description: Repeat violent felony offenders sentence increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 155 Pappas HF 869 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1072 Short Description: Midwest higher education compact appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 156 Lynch; Senjem; Sparks; Langseth HF 124 Liebling Revisor No.: 09-0722 Short Description: High speed rail line bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 91 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author stricken Metzen |
SF 157 Rest; Scheid; Sieben; Bakk; Pariseau HF 31 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-0547 Short Description: Presidential primary establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/30/2009 | 1136a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 158 Gerlach; Jungbauer; Day HF 114 Garofalo Revisor No.: 09-0464 Short Description: St. Paul I-35E speed limit designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 159 Pappas; Jungbauer; Sieben; Higgins; Scheid HF 271 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1038 Short Description: Special Mississippi River motor vehicle license plates
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 160 Pappas; Higgins; Lynch; Scheid HF 222 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-1033 Short Description: Election candidates and campaign workers multiple unit residences access authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/30/2009 | 1180a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/30/2009 | 1202 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/17/2010 | 7901a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/17/2010 | 7929 | Second reading |
SF 161 Vandeveer; Rummel; Tomassoni; Moua; Cohen HF 16 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-0851 Short Description: Hugo tornado relief grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 3 |
SF 162 Berglin; Higgins; Koering; Marty; Fischbach HF 177 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0848 Short Description: Radiation therapy facility construction moratorium extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/12/2009 | 224 | Comm report: To pass | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Second reading | 02/16/2009 | 279 | General Orders: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 308 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 03/09/2009 | 463 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 03/09/09 | | 680 | Governor's action Approval 03/11/09 | | 680 | Secretary of State Chapter 6 03/11/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 163 Cohen HF 178 Morrow Revisor No.: 09-1063 Short Description: American Red Cross special motor vehicle license plates
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 92 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 164 Moua HF 327 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-0710 Short Description: Birth records disclosure provisions affidavit filing by birth parents requirement; medical and social history information requests procedures
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 178a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 02/09/2009 | 205 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 411a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1089a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 03/30/2009 | 1147 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6102 | Chief author stricken Rest | 05/18/2009 | | Chief author added Moua | 05/18/2009 | 6388 | Author stricken Scheid | 05/18/2009 | | Author stricken Gerlach | 05/18/2009 | 6389 | Author stricken Dille |
SF 165 Senjem; Lynch HF 237 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-1156 Short Description: Rochester trunk highway #52 interchange permit issuance requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF1276, Art. 3, Sec. 28 |
SF 166 Scheid; Moua; Betzold; Pogemiller; Gerlach HF 704 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-1125 Short Description: Insurable Interest Act (STOLI)
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/05/2009 | 165a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 02/19/2009 | 288a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 02/23/2009 | 314a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 02/26/2009 | 350 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/17/2009 | 2180 | Returned from House with amendment | 04/17/2009 | 2180 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested | 04/17/2009 | 2230 | Senate conferees Scheid; Clark; Moua; Rest; Gerlach | 04/20/2009 | 2234 | House conferees Knuth; Atkins; Hilstrom; Hortman; Loon | 05/05/2009 | 4029c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/05/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/05/2009 | 4039 | Third reading | 05/06/2009 | 4053 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/06/09 | | 4477 | Governor's action Approval 05/09/09 | | 4477 | Secretary of State Chapter 52 05/09/09 | | | Effective date 05/10/09 |
SF 167 Pappas; Moua; Torres Ray; Dibble; Anderson HF 393 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-1203 Short Description: Intermediate airport land reattachment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 168 Michel; Senjem; Koch; Limmer; Rosen HF 363 Zellers Revisor No.: 09-1059 Short Description: Corporate income tax rate phase out
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 169 Gimse HF 220 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0971 Short Description: Eurasian water milfoil control pilot project
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 93 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 170 Saltzman; Latz; Rummel HF 211 Swails Revisor No.: 09-1053 Short Description: Statutory housing warranties breach actions costs recovery
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/16/2009 | 692 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5030 | HF substituted on General Orders HF211 |
SF 171 Vickerman HF 230 Magnus Revisor No.: 09-1137 Short Description: Casey Jones trail extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF34, Sec. 1, 3 | | | See HF1237, Art. 1, Sec. 10, 47 |
SF 172 Lynch; Fobbe; Saltzman; Michel HF 1382 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-0683 Short Description: School districts staff development revenue distribution restrictions removal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF3, Art. 1, Sec. 8 |
SF 173 Foley HF 70 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0351 Short Description: Methamphetamine precursor drugs purchase information availability to law enforcement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 174 Marty; Koering; Murphy; Higgins; Lynch HF 200 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-0835 Short Description: Medical transportation services broker use prohibition; county social workers to make level of need determinations; special transportation services name change to ambulette transportation services
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 39 | | | See HF1362, Art. 5, Sec. 34 |
SF 175 Saxhaug HF 355 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-0865 Short Description: Itasca county tax-forfeited lands sale proceeds apportionment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF1123, Art. 2, Sec. 16 |
SF 176 Saxhaug HF 2162 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-0866 Short Description: Itasca county tax-forfeited land lease terms modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 94 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 177 Dibble; Doll; Torres Ray; Carlson; Kelash HF 238 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-1016 Short Description: Metropolitan airports commission (MAC) carbon emissions inventory and reduction implementation plan
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 95 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 178 Berglin HF 264 Clark Revisor No.: 09-1069 Short Description: Durable medical equipment medical assistance (MA) and general assistance medical care (GAMC) coverage expansion to reduce asthma symptoms
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 95 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 04/14/2009 | 1985a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 179 Jungbauer HF 123 Dill Revisor No.: 09-0871 Short Description: State airports fund money transfer requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 95 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 180 Day; Koering; Rosen Revisor No.: 09-0916 Short Description: Lottery gaming machines (racino)
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 95 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Author added Koering | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Author added Rosen |
SF 181 Day Revisor No.: 09-0956 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for gambling at parimutuel licensed horse racing track
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 95 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 182 Pogemiller; Rest Revisor No.: 09-0993 Short Description: Legislative and congressional districting principles establishment and redistricting commission creation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Author added Rest | 03/18/2009 | 742a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/03/2009 | 1523a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | 05/04/2009 | 3601 | Comm report: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3603 | Second reading | 05/14/2009 | | General Orders | 05/14/2009 | 5681 | Motion did not prevail To re-refer to committee | 05/14/2009 | 5682 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5769 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/15/2009 | 5773 | Reconsidered | 05/15/2009 | 5773 | Third reading Passed |
SF 183 Olson, M.; Chaudhary; Saxhaug; Skoe; Metzen HF 1552 Persell Revisor No.: 09-1171 Short Description: Star Lake board appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF1231, Art. 2, Sec. 4 (veto) |
SF 184 Pappas HF 871 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1182 Short Description: Omnibus higher education policy bill
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 03/11/2010 | 7483a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/11/2010 | 7562 | Second reading | 04/20/2010 | 9720a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/26/2010 | 9992 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/04/2010 | 10164 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/04/2010 | | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/04/2010 | 10171 | Senate conferees Pappas; Robling; Latz | 05/05/2010 | 10365 | House conferees Rukavina; Brynaert; McFarlane | 05/05/2010 | | House conferee change Reinert replaces Brynaert | 05/13/2010 | 11646c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/13/2010 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/13/2010 | 11661 | Third reading | 05/14/2010 | 11697 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/14/10 | | 12396 | Governor's action Approval 05/18/10 | | 12396 | Secretary of State Chapter 364 05/18/10 | | | Effective date Sec. 1-30, 32-35, 37-38 07/01/10; Sec. 31, 36 05/19/10 |
SF 185 Torres Ray; Rest; Gimse; Rosen; Moua HF 167 Gardner Revisor No.: 09-0883 Short Description: Legislative coordinating commission (LCC) ethnic heritage and cultural diversity authority expiration extension; Victory Memorial Drive historic district task force sunset extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/02/2009 | 147 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Rules and Administration | 03/30/2009 | 1121 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4251 | Comm report: To pass | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4453a | General Orders: To pass as amended Rule 22.3 suspended, lie-over waived | 05/11/2009 | 4486 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec.1, 96 |
SF 186 Fischbach; Gimse; Ingebrigtsen HF 301 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1090 Short Description: Fishing contest permits requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 187 Day HF 324 Buesgens Revisor No.: 09-1213 Short Description: Corporation definition modification for corporate political contribution purposes
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 188 Prettner Solon; Tomassoni; Bakk; Lourey; Saxhaug HF 1290 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-1020 Short Description: Duluth children's museum and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 96 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF2060, Sec. 9 |
SF 189 Dahle HF 163 Bly Revisor No.: 09-0390 Short Description: Rice county nursing facilities designation as metro for medical assistance (MA) reimbursement rate determination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance |
SF 190 Ortman; Limmer; Moua HF 176 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-0975 Short Description: Ryan's Vital Record Rights Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/16/2009 | 280 | Withdrawn and returned to author |
SF 191 Betzold HF 723 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1262 Short Description: Omnibus retirement provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/14/2009 | 1786a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/14/2009 | 5693a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/14/2009 | 5700 | Second reading | 05/15/2009 | 5802a | Special Order: Amended | 05/15/2009 | 5809 | Reconsidered Third reading | 05/15/2009 | 5810 | Reconsidered Amendment | 05/15/2009 | 5812 | Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6106 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/18/2009 | 6107 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested | 05/18/2009 | 6108 | Senate conferees Betzold; Pappas; Olson, M.; Lynch; Rosen | 05/18/2009 | 6315 | House conferees Murphy, M.; Kahn; Thissen; Nelson; Smith | 05/18/2009 | 6335c | Conference committee report | 05/18/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/18/2009 | 6339 | Third reading | 05/18/2009 | 6496 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6739 | Governor's action Approval 05/22/09 | | 6740 | Secretary of State Chapter 169 05/22/09 | | | Effective date Various Dates | | | See also SF2642, Sec. 14, 73, 87, Sub. 12 | | | See also SF2918, Art. 5, Sec. 25-26; Art. 16, Sec. 3 |
SF 192 Betzold Revisor No.: 09-0942 Short Description: Sexually psychopathic and sexually dangerous person commitments statewide panel designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 193 Betzold HF 727 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1263 Short Description: Correctional employees disability benefits coverage provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 2, Sec. 4, 7-8, 10-11, 14 |
SF 194 Berglin Revisor No.: 09-1214 Short Description: Crime of damaging property with graffiti
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 97 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 195 Prettner Solon; Bakk; Scheid HF 459 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-0581 Short Description: Duluth entertainment and convention center authority on-sale liquor license authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | | | See HF1476, Sec. 8 |
SF 196 Skogen HF 261 Otremba Revisor No.: 09-1227 Short Description: Staples highway overpass bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 11, Sub. 2 |
SF 197 Skogen HF 318 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-1193 Short Description: Public employees retirement association (PERA) prior service credit purchase authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 11 |
SF 198 Skogen; Dille; Kubly HF 137 Otremba Revisor No.: 09-0992 Short Description: Agricultural products definition expansion for property tax classification purposes
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 199 Skogen; Wiger; Ingebrigtsen HF 452 Murdock Revisor No.: 09-1128 Short Description: Special gold star family motor vehicle license plates for family members of military service personnel
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 01/26/2009 | 103 | Author added Wiger | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Author added Ingebrigtsen | | | See HF1122, Art. 3, Sec. 9, 13 |
SF 200 Foley Revisor No.: 09-1155 Short Description: Judicial reform provisions; infraction offense adjudication procedure; offense penalty reduction; judicial hearing officer establishment; state judges reduction
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 98 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | See SF2018, Art. 2, Sec. 6, 7, 15-16, 19 |
SF 201 Dille Revisor No.: 09-1357 Short Description: Dog and Cat Breeders Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 202 Kubly HF 228 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-1242 Short Description: Montevideo wastewater treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 203 Kubly; Berglin; Lourey; Koering; Frederickson HF 120 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-0878 Short Description: Health cooperative arrangements oversight
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/16/2009 | 260a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/05/2009 | 419 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Author added Frederickson | 04/01/2009 | 1299a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/06/2009 | 4108 | Comm report: To pass | 05/06/2009 | 4158 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4469 | General Orders: To pass | 05/11/2009 | 4490 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/13/2009 | 5662 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/13/09 | | 6733 | Governor's action Approval 05/16/09 | | 6733 | Secretary of State Chapter 97 05/16/09 | | | Effective date 07/01/09 |
SF 204 Dibble; Marty; Koering; Torres Ray; Berglin HF 681 Hayden Revisor No.: 09-1240 Short Description: HIV transmission awareness and education program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/09/2009 | 203 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 205 Sparks; Senjem; Rosen; Vickerman; Dahle HF 79 Brown Revisor No.: 09-0729 Short Description: Wind energy production tax removal from county apportionment deduction for school districts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 206 Sparks HF 232 Brown Revisor No.: 09-0949 Short Description: Rose Creek street sewer systems and sanitary sewer lift station bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 99 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 207 Berglin; Lourey; Rosen; Lynch; Prettner Solon HF 181 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0847 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare eligibility expansion; MinnesotaCare sliding fee scale and coverage provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 100 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/24/2009 | 925a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 65-67, 69-75, 79-81 | | | See HF1362, Art. 5, Sec. 55-57, 61-66, 68-69, 71 |
SF 208 Vandeveer HF 672 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-0716 Short Description: Freeway shoulder statewide transit and metro mobility use authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 100 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 517a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 913 | General Orders: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1087 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2540, Sec. 31 |
SF 209 Day HF 125 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-0965 Short Description: Minnesota state academy for the blind student housing bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/22/2009 | 100 | Introduction and first reading | 01/22/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 210 Scheid HF 582 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1204 Short Description: Trial by jury waiver court approval and prosecutor consent requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 104 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 211 Gimse; Fischbach; Koch HF 47 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0513 Short Description: Kandiyohi county veterans home bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 104 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 212 Prettner Solon HF 329 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-1157 Short Description: Boiler regulation exception modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 104 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/02/2009 | 147 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Second reading | 02/05/2009 | 194 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | 02/19/2009 | 284 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 02/17/09 | | 312 | Governor's action Approval 02/20/09 | | 312 | Secretary of State Chapter 2 02/20/09 | | | Effective date 02/21/09 | | | See also HF2855, Sec. 15 |
SF 213 Erickson Ropes; Kubly; Jungbauer; Fobbe HF 285 Clark Revisor No.: 09-0369 Short Description: WIC coupons cost neutral organic food purchase authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 104 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/12/2009 | 225a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Second reading | 02/16/2009 | 280a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 02/19/2009 | 308 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/16/2009 | 5869 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/16/09 | | 6735 | Governor's action Approval 05/20/09 | | 6735 | Secretary of State Chapter 114 05/20/09 | | | Effective date 05/21/09 |
SF 214 Betzold HF 910 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0432 Short Description: Notaries public regulations and fees modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/02/2009 | 362a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/25/2009 | 970a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/19/2010 | 9685a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/19/2010 | 9714 | Second reading | 05/03/2010 | 10115a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/05/2010 | 10418 | HF substituted on Calendar HF910 |
SF 215 Koch; Dille HF 385 Anderson, B. Revisor No.: 09-1139 Short Description: Board of oversight of human services appeals establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 216 Koch HF 290 Peppin Revisor No.: 09-0905 Short Description: Abortion facility medical records retention requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 217 Koch; Vickerman; Dille Revisor No.: 09-0882 Short Description: Wright county Bertram chain of lakes regional park appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF2360, Sec. 7 |
SF 218 Marty; Wiger HF 463 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-0903 Short Description: School safety drill participation expectation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Education | | | See SF1328, Art. 2, Sec. 21, 89 |
SF 219 Saxhaug HF 97 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-0352 Short Description: Convention centers liquor licenses availability
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 105 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | | | See HF1476, Sec. 6 |
SF 220 Saxhaug HF 26 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0515 Short Description: Spear fishing for nonresidents from dark houses authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See HF1237, Art. 2, Sec. 33, 60 |
SF 221 Saxhaug HF 150 Anzelc Revisor No.: 09-0531 Short Description: All-terrain vehicle permit authorization for persons with disabilities; disabled hunters provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See HF1237, Art. 2, Sec. 39 |
SF 222 Murphy HF 642 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-1295 Short Description: Solid waste management tax exemption for service charges imposed by certain cities
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 12, Sec. 6 |
SF 223 Wiger HF 231 Lillie Revisor No.: 09-1045 Short Description: Teacher assistant retirement coverage exclusion option to qualify for deferred annuities augmentation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 13 |
SF 224 Sheran; Berglin; Lynch; Dibble; Skogen HF 374 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0855 Short Description: Medical transportation requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/25/2009 | 971a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1362, Art. 5, Sec. 32, 34 | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 37, 39 |
SF 225 Scheid; Prettner Solon; Berglin; Doll; Frederickson HF 250 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-1126 Short Description: Children's health toxic chemicals in products protection
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 106 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/09/2009 | 200a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/18/2009 | 731a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1336a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 04/07/2009 | 1759a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF2123, Art. 1, Sec. 47-52, 63 |
SF 226 Metzen; Sieben HF 372 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-1335 Short Description: South St. Paul tax increment financing (TIF) district extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 227 Olseen HF 391 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1237 Short Description: Ramsey county regional railroad authority Rush Line corridor construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 228 Ingebrigtsen; Gimse; Koering; Stumpf; Skogen HF 308 Haws Revisor No.: 09-1041 Short Description: Sales tax exemption expansion and refund for public safety radio communication
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 229 Latz Revisor No.: 09-0119 Short Description: Involuntary employment termination statutory notice failure remedies
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 230 Higgins; Marty; Doll; Erickson Ropes; Koering HF 240 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0858 Short Description: Physician assistant licensure establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/09/2009 | 201a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 02/12/2009 | 227 | Comm report: To pass | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Second reading | 02/26/2009 | 354 | General Orders: To pass | 03/02/2009 | 367 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1760 |
SF 231 Pariseau; Ingebrigtsen; Frederickson; Olson, G.; Skogen HF 304 Hackbarth Revisor No.: 09-1246 Short Description: Free either-sex deer permit for discharged armed forces service members
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 107 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/05/2009 | 404 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See HF1237, Art. 2, Sec. 25 |
SF 232 Pappas Revisor No.: 09-0502 Short Description: Absentee voting procedures modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 233 Bakk; Rest; Gerlach; Ortman; Marty HF 365 Morgan Revisor No.: 09-1154 Short Description: Constitutional amendment to change method to propose amendments to the state constitution
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/12/2009 | 226 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Rules and Administration |
SF 234 Olseen; Lourey; Dille; Dahle HF 305 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-0891 Short Description: Development credits banks transfer for local governments authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/05/2009 | 168 | Comm report: To pass | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 898 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 235 Gerlach; Koch; Jungbauer; Day; Pariseau HF 288 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1285 Short Description: Payroll deductions and labor organization dues political purposes use written authorization requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 236 Carlson HF 433 Obermueller Revisor No.: 09-1292 Short Description: Medal of Honor Day designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/09/2009 | 203a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/12/2009 | 593 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 703 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | 03/26/2009 | 1090 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 03/30/09 | | 1471 | Governor's action Approval 04/01/09 | | 1472 | Secretary of State Chapter 8 04/01/09 | | | Effective date 04/02/09 |
SF 237 Carlson HF 422 Obermueller Revisor No.: 09-1293 Short Description: Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 108 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/09/2009 | 204 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 410 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/09/2009 | 499 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/13/2009 | 5206 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/13/09 | | 6105 | Governor's action Approval 05/15/09 | | 6105 | Secretary of State Chapter 87 05/15/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 238 Fobbe; Dahle; Skogen; Dille; Ingebrigtsen HF 10 Doty Revisor No.: 09-1088 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 239 Latz; Scheid HF 159 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1174 Short Description: Alcohol control devices liquor store sale authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | | | See HF1476, Sec. 9 |
SF 240 Metzen; Chaudhary; Sieben; Anderson HF 99 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0780 Short Description: Minnesota Land Conservation Property Tax Law
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/05/2009 | 177 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Chaudhary | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Authors added Sieben; Anderson |
SF 241 Tomassoni; Murphy; Metzen; Prettner Solon; Jungbauer HF 352 Anzelc Revisor No.: 09-1147 Short Description: Resolution to take early action on the weakened economy to promote a healthy state economy
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 242 Anderson; Higgins; Scheid; Moua HF 9 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1014 Short Description: Minnesota Subprime Borrower Relief Act of 2009
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 243 Koering HF 225 Ward Revisor No.: 09-0840 Short Description: Brainerd state hospital building renovation for veterans home bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 244 Erickson Ropes; Sheran; Sparks; Dille; Olseen HF 153 Davids Revisor No.: 09-0920 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 109 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 245 Berglin; Torres Ray; Lourey; Skogen; Dibble HF 286 Clark Revisor No.: 09-0800 Short Description: Equal Access to Acupuncture Act and Edith R. Davis memorial
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 110 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Author added Torres Ray | 02/12/2009 | 224a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Author added Lourey | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Author added Skogen | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Author added Dibble | 03/25/2009 | 987 | Comm report: To pass | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Second reading | 04/16/2009 | 2138 | General Orders: To pass | 04/17/2009 | 2186 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/05/2009 | 4022 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2009 | 4022 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/05/2009 | 4022 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 45 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 246 Olson, M. HF 274 Howes Revisor No.: 09-1356 Short Description: Shingobee Connection trail bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 110 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 247 Rummel; Scheid; Sheran; Doll; Sieben HF 326 Clark Revisor No.: 09-1025 Short Description: Bisphenol-A products prohibition for young children
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 110 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/09/2009 | 202 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/16/2009 | 257a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 04/02/2009 | 1431a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/02/2009 | 1468 | Second reading | 04/28/2009 | 3437 | General Orders: To pass | 04/30/2009 | 3555 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/05/2009 | 4026 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 40 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 05/08/09 |
SF 248 Pogemiller HF 481 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1365 Short Description: Minneapolis downtown taxing area modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 110 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 4, Sec. 13 |
SF 249 Dahle; Rosen; Sheran HF 214 Bly Revisor No.: 09-0468 Short Description: School boards wind energy conversion systems business entity formation authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 110 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Author added Sheran | 03/05/2009 | 392a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4251 | Comm report: To pass | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 1, Sec. 5 |
SF 250 Dahle HF 197 Brod Revisor No.: 09-0701 Short Description: New Prague wastewater treatment facility construction materials sales tax exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 251 Betzold HF 127 Holberg Revisor No.: 09-0823 Short Description: Motor vehicle definition clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/02/2009 | 366 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/24/2009 | 934 | Comm report: To pass | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5497 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5759 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/15/2010 | 12052 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/18/10 | | 12398 | Governor's action Veto 05/25/10 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 386 05/25/10 |
SF 252 Bakk; Ortman HF 392 Lenczewski Revisor No.: 09-1241 Short Description: Federal tax update; withholding on differential pay tax penalty assessment prohibition; housing bonds exclusion from alternative minimum taxable income
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | HF substituted in committee HF392 |
SF 253 Langseth HF 382 Marquart Revisor No.: 09-1332 Short Description: Red River flood hazard mitigation projects bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 5, Sub. 3 | | | See HF2700, Sec. 7, Sub. 3 |
SF 254 Skogen HF 325 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-0425 Short Description: Glendalough state park trail bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 7 |
SF 255 Skogen HF 319 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-1209 Short Description: Fergus Falls Tower road bridge project bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 15 |
SF 256 Skogen; Ingebrigtsen HF 317 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-0430 Short Description: Juvenile adult certification age reduction
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 111 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 257 Sieben Revisor No.: 09-1265 Short Description: Campaign contributions deposit or return time extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 112 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 258 Lynch Revisor No.: 09-1456 Short Description: Education revenue and reserve account limits modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 112 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF3, Art. 1, Sec. 8 | | | See SF1328, Art. 1, Sec. 46, 48 |
SF 259 Bonoff; Hann; Rest HF 294 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1399 Short Description: Minnetonka tax increment financing (TIF) district duration extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 112 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 15 |
SF 260 Bonoff; Rest; Sieben; Day HF 1616 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1342 Short Description: State primary election date change; local election requirements modifications; absentee ballot preparation and delivery modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 112 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Author added Day | 03/26/2009 | 1053a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Art. 2, Sec. 17 | | | See SF2135, Sec. 15 |
SF 261 Latz HF 332 Jackson Revisor No.: 09-0456 Short Description: Transfer on death deeds technical modifications; common element certificates modifications; real estate designated transfer, power of attorney and cartway procedure modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 113 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 177 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/16/2009 | 259 | Comm report: To pass | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Second reading | 02/26/2009 | 354 | General Orders: To pass | 03/02/2009 | 367 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/27/2009 | 3061 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/27/09 | | 3568 | Governor's action Approval 04/30/09 | | 3569 | Secretary of State Chapter 30 04/30/09 | | | Effective date Art. 1 08/01/08 retroactive; Art. 2 & Art. 3, Sec. 1 & 4 08/01/09; Art. 3, Sec. 2-3 05/01/09 |
SF 262 Scheid HF 265 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0458 Short Description: Uniform probate code modifications; advance directives, written directives, and decedent final disposition control modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 113 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1342a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Second reading | 05/06/2009 | 4157 | HF substituted on General Orders HF265 |
SF 263 Olson, M.; Moua; Scheid; Tomassoni; Johnson HF 675 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1259 Short Description: Credit and insurance scores use regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 113 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Authors added Tomassoni; Johnson |
SF 264 Fobbe; Moua; Sparks; Olson, M. HF 330 Scalze Revisor No.: 09-1121 Short Description: Homeowner contractor construction defect notification period extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 113 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/16/2009 | 692 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5029 | HF substituted on General Orders HF330 |
SF 265 Kelash; Moua; Berglin; Doll; Rosen HF 254 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1201 Short Description: Violent crime alert notifications disabled access format requirement; crime alert requests data classification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 113 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 410a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/12/2009 | 664 | General Orders: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 700 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/16/2009 | 2111 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/15/09 | | 2234 | Governor's action Approval 04/16/09 | | 2234 | Secretary of State Chapter 22 04/16/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See SF993, Sec. 2, 47 |
SF 266 Vandeveer; Doll; Dille HF 109 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-0762 Short Description: Watershed districts and watershed management organizations information submission requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 267 Rest; Anderson; Sieben HF 576 Carlson Revisor No.: 09-1338 Short Description: Plastic bag recycling program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Authors added Anderson; Sieben |
SF 268 Dille HF 369 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-0901 Short Description: Annandale tactical training center grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 269 Dille HF 367 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-0900 Short Description: Howard Lake ditch work grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 270 Koch; Day; Tomassoni; Vandeveer HF 257 Howes Revisor No.: 09-1168 Short Description: Smoking in bars or taverns authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/23/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/23/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 271 Olson, M.; Moua; Rest; Cohen; Limmer HF 1531 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1146 Short Description: State employees additional whistleblower protection; classified employees expectations as nonpartisan resources to all decision makers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 01/29/2009 | 121 | Author added Cohen | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Author added Limmer | 02/16/2009 | 259a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/26/2009 | 1005 | Comm report: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | 06/17/2009 | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Judiciary | 02/15/2010 | 6957 | Comm report: To pass | 02/15/2010 | 6968 | Second reading | 03/25/2010 | 9003 | General Orders: To pass | 03/29/2010 | 9134 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2010 | 10533 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/06/2010 | 10533 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/06/2010 | 10538 | Senate conferees Olson, M.; Dibble; Limmer | 05/07/2010 | 10621 | House conferees Loeffler, Kahn; Cornish | 05/10/2010 | 11027c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/10/2010 | | Motion did not prevail To reject conference committee report | 05/10/2010 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/10/2010 | 11029 | Third reading | 05/11/2010 | 11135 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/12/10 | 05/15/2010 | 11832 | Governor's action Veto 05/15/10 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 345 05/15/10 | 05/15/2010 | 11833 | Veto message laid on table |
SF 272 Prettner Solon; Rosen; Lourey HF 279 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-0620 Short Description: Duluth nursing facility medical assistance (MA) payment rate increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 114 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 273 Marty; Rummel HF 550 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1445 Short Description: Responsible family life and sexuality education programs establishment, statewide sexually transmitted infection rates reduction recommendations and appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/26/2009 | 115 | Introduction and first reading | 01/26/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 01/29/2009 | 118 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Education |
SF 274 Pappas HF 861 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1296 Short Description: University of Minnesota regent nomination joint committee meeting modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 129 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 33 |
SF 275 Frederickson; Sheran; Kubly; Rosen; Vickerman HF 955 Morrow Revisor No.: 09-1026 Short Description: Minnesota River basin joint powers board name change to Minnesota River board and provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 129 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/05/2009 | 168a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/05/2009 | 404a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 913a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1085 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2009 | 4052 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 49 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 05/08/09 |
SF 276 Murphy Revisor No.: 09-0838 Short Description: Public safety officer death benefit for higher education use expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 02/26/2009 | 350 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 36 (modified) |
SF 277 Tomassoni; Sparks; Metzen; Scheid; Koch HF 1006 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-0988 Short Description: Combative sports commission requirements modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 278 Rest; Wiger; Sieben; Robling; Doll HF 531 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-0725 Short Description: United States senator or representative in Congress vacancy election procedures modifications; election vacancies in nomination modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/24/2009 | 938a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 36-39, 41-46 | | | See SF2388, Sec. 49-50 |
SF 279 Limmer; Foley; Scheid; Rest; Betzold HF 375 Zellers Revisor No.: 09-0879 Short Description: Trunk highway #610 construction project completion bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 280 Vandeveer HF 341 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-1318 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 281 Anderson; Pappas HF 260 Hausman Revisor No.: 09-1264 Short Description: Minneapolis firefighters relief association surviving spouse benefit eligibility
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 130 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 282 Bakk HF 401 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-1384 Short Description: Solicitor definition for federal nexus and Internet sales tax purposes
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 283 Pogemiller; Scheid; Skoe HF 281 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0678 Short Description: Augsburg college on-sale liquor license authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Scheid | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Author added Skoe | | | See HF1476, Sec. 14 |
SF 284 Higgins; Rest; Pappas; Sieben; Robling HF 300 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1410 Short Description: First class cities major political party caucuses privileges application
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/18/2009 | 740a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1088 | General Orders: To pass | 03/30/2009 | 1147 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/14/2009 | 5667 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/13/09 | 05/17/2009 | 5894 | Governor's action Veto 05/16/09 | 05/17/2009 | 5894 | Veto message laid on table | | | Secretary of State Chapter 99 05/18/09 |
SF 285 Latz; Murphy HF 1164 Liebling Revisor No.: 09-1412 Short Description: Drivers license cumulative suspensions elimination and driving after license suspension misdemeanor penalty imposition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/19/2009 | 286 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | | | See SF1455, Sec. 19-20 |
SF 286 Olseen; Lourey; Clark; Dahle; Koch HF 217 Faust Revisor No.: 09-1316 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Authors added Clark; Dahle; Koch |
SF 287 Gimse; Hann; Senjem; Ingebrigtsen; Fischbach HF 430 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-1455 Short Description: Public transit assistance definition expansion to include pupil transportation, transit assistance fund transfer and metropolitan area sales tax allocation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 288 Erickson Ropes; Clark; Carlson; Dille; Olson, M. Revisor No.: 09-0642 Short Description: Minnesota assistance council for veterans continued outreach to homeless veterans and families grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 131 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 3, Sec. 2 |
SF 289 Erickson Ropes; Vickerman; Skogen; Fobbe HF 841 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1212 Short Description: Farmer-lender mediation act expiration date extension; family farmer legal assistance income eligibility requirements modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/05/2009 | 401a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/07/2009 | 1729a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 97 |
SF 290 Wiger HF 210 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-1251 Short Description: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) pilot program, task force and surveillance system and registry
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 87 |
SF 291 Wiger HF 223 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0930 Short Description: Words Work grants for early childhood literacy appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 292 Saltzman; Bakk; Metzen; Michel; Rosen HF 475 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-1247 Short Description: Businesses investment company tax credit for emerging and start-up businesses
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Rosen | 03/18/2009 | 740 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 04/16/2009 | 2115 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 293 Metzen HF 345 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-1348 Short Description: Minnesota conservation corps (MCC) contracted services appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Withdrawn and returned to author | | | See HF1231, Art. 2, Sec. 6, Art. 3, Sec. 2 |
SF 294 Skogen Revisor No.: 09-1049 Short Description: Education referendum revenue allowance revocation or reduction petition requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 132 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 295 Gimse; Ingebrigtsen; Gerlach HF 312 Seifert Revisor No.: 09-1249 Short Description: Electronic conduct of state meetings requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/01/2009 | 1319a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 296 Gimse; Ingebrigtsen; Hann; Gerlach; Erickson Ropes HF 313 Seifert Revisor No.: 09-1248 Short Description: Out-of-state travel ban
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Author added Erickson Ropes |
SF 297 Anderson; Moua HF 348 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1061 Short Description: Law practice by deputy sheriffs and coroners prohibitions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 178a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 05/11/2009 | 4478 | HF substituted on General Orders HF348 | | | See SF3, Article 5, Sec. 14 |
SF 298 Anderson; Dibble; Prettner Solon; Olson, M.; Sieben HF 854 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1067 Short Description: Cell phones unauthorized use customer liability limits
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Sieben | 03/02/2009 | 366a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/12/2009 | 591a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 878a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | 04/14/2009 | 2109 | General Orders: To pass | 04/17/2009 | 2184 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/07/2009 | 4196 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/06/09 | | 4477 | Governor's action Approval 05/09/09 | | 4477 | Secretary of State Chapter 54 05/09/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 299 Lynch; Skoe; Skogen; Fobbe; Dille HF 461 Welti Revisor No.: 09-1115 Short Description: Natural gas sales for farms and ranches low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) surcharge exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 300 Pappas; Moua; Dibble; Sieben; Marty HF 316 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-0507 Short Description: St. Paul Union Depot multimodal transit center grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 301 Pogemiller Revisor No.: 09-1106 Short Description: Minneapolis Grand Rounds Scenic Byway bridge construction bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 133 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF781, Sec. 11, Sub. 10 |
SF 302 Carlson; Marty; Vickerman; Vandeveer; Koering HF 358 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-0898 Short Description: Multiple sclerosis drugs health insurance co-payments limitations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 303 Lourey; Marty; Tomassoni; Sheran; Metzen HF 277 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1035 Short Description: State hospitals or regional treatment centers cemeteries grave markers or memorial monuments bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 304 Bakk HF 208 Dill Revisor No.: 09-1184 Short Description: Motor vehicle mechanics lien foreclosure mailed notification requirements by lienholder modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | See SF2839, Sec. 98 |
SF 305 Bakk HF 122 Dill Revisor No.: 09-0474 Short Description: Minnesota state retirement system (MSRS) disability benefit application filing date deadline exception
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 14 |
SF 306 Olseen HF 299 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1389 Short Description: Lindstrom Allmensrat Wilderness Park land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 307 Olseen HF 269 Welti Revisor No.: 09-0688 Short Description: Local government out-of-state travel policy requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 134 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/12/2009 | 226 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Second reading | 02/16/2009 | 279 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1849, Sec. 21 | | | See SF3, Art. 5, Sec. 20 |
SF 308 Fobbe; Bonoff; Anderson; Saltzman; Torres Ray HF 610 Peterson Revisor No.: 09-0424 Short Description: Schools environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products use requirement and task force creation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 309 Anderson; Torres Ray; Kubly HF 115 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-0356 Short Description: Dog owners of dogs declared dangerous or potentially dangerous responsible dog owner class requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 310 Latz HF 360 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1414 Short Description: St. Louis Park Excelsior Boulevard redevelopment project tax increment financing (TIF) district duration extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 311 Latz HF 361 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1413 Short Description: St. Louis Park Elmwood Village tax increment financing (TIF) district duration extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 19 |
SF 312 Scheid; Sparks; Metzen; Senjem; Higgins HF 359 Norton Revisor No.: 09-1452 Short Description: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) health insurance coverage requirement and termination or restriction prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 04/03/2009 | 1511a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Health, Housing and Family Security | 04/14/2009 | 1983a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 313 Rest HF 493 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1503 Short Description: Provisional certificate of election
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 314 Skogen HF 322 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-1275 Short Description: Education finance operating referendum revocation voter signature requirement modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 135 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 315 Skogen HF 331 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-0989 Short Description: Seat belt requirements for school motor coaches modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 316 Skogen; Rosen HF 451 Murdock Revisor No.: 09-0466 Short Description: Income tax credit for small wind power generator installations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Author added Rosen | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 317 Marty; Erickson Ropes; Foley HF 524 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0914 Short Description: County jail reentry project and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 318 Foley HF 449 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0910 Short Description: Crisis intervention team (CIT) grants
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 319 Pappas; Marty; Moua; Langseth; Wiger HF 827 Hausman Revisor No.: 09-0508 Short Description: State bond financed property sale proceeds distribution modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 320 Pappas; Moua; Dibble; Sieben; Wiger HF 263 Hausman Revisor No.: 09-0504 Short Description: St. Paul-Minneapolis central corridor light rail transit (LRT) line bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 136 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 321 Olseen; Foley; Moua; Higgins; Rosen HF 600 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1066 Short Description: Controlled substance offenses minimum fines disbursement to juvenile substance abuse court programs
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/19/2009 | 284a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF1627, Art. 3, Sec. 7 | | | See SF802, Sec. 40 |
SF 322 Day HF 349 Kath Revisor No.: 09-1308 Short Description: Owatonna transportation project sales and use proceeds transfer authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 4, Sec. 20 |
SF 323 Tomassoni; Murphy; Saltzman; Skoe; Day HF 85 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0720 Short Description: Global positioning systems (GPS) placement on motor vehicle windshields authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | HF substituted in committee HF85 | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 5 | | | See HF928, Sec. 19 (modified) |
SF 324 Stumpf HF 309 Olin Revisor No.: 09-0544 Short Description: Livestock and crop depredation payments appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 3 |
SF 325 Koch; Hann; Gerlach; Ingebrigtsen; Vandeveer HF 171 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1220 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for freedom of choice in health care
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 326 Koch; Rosen; Ingebrigtsen; Gimse; Ortman HF 386 Anderson, B. Revisor No.: 09-1142 Short Description: Drug paraphernalia crime provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 137 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 327 Koch; Wiger; Olson, G.; Robling HF 107 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-0907 Short Description: School districts staff development revenue use for CPR and automatic external defibrillator training
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF1328, Art. 2, Sec. 39-40 |
SF 328 Kubly HF 1572 Falk Revisor No.: 09-1256 Short Description: Health care purchasing alliance stop-loss fund reenactment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 329 Kubly HF 1520 Falk Revisor No.: 09-1255 Short Description: West Central health care purchasing alliance appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 330 Kubly HF 1524 Falk Revisor No.: 09-1257 Short Description: MinnesotaCare supplemental hospital coverage purchase option
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/17/2010 | 7913a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 331 Rest; Bakk; Moua; Ortman HF 844 Brod Revisor No.: 09-1334 Short Description: Tax refund claims time modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 12, Sec. 2 |
SF 332 Senjem; Sheran; Day HF 270 Morrow Revisor No.: 09-1064 Short Description: Trunk highway #14 right-of-way acquisition, design, construction and reconstruction appropriations and environmental impact statements requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 138 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/02/2009 | 366 | Author added Day | | | See HF928, Sec. 44 |
SF 333 Foley; Moua HF 212 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0684 Short Description: Law enforcement vehicle evidence from videotapes, audiotapes or other recordings admission into evidence; transcript pretrial filing prerequisite elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/09/2010 | 7407a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/09/2010 | 7444 | Second reading | 03/23/2010 | 8926 | General Orders: To pass | 03/25/2010 | 8994 | HF substituted on Calendar HF212 | | | See HF1 (1st Special Session), Art 2, Sec. 2-5 |
SF 334 Prettner Solon; Dille; Vickerman; Murphy; Erickson Ropes HF 938 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-1411 Short Description: State employee veterans with service-related disabilities additional sick leave provision
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/09/2009 | 472a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec. 62 |
SF 335 Saxhaug; Tomassoni; Bakk; Berglin; Langseth HF 110 Anzelc Revisor No.: 09-0672 Short Description: Speaker Irvin N. Anderson Memorial Highway designation; highway designation costs provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/05/2009 | 166a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 02/09/2009 | 207 | General Orders: To pass | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/14/2009 | 1766 | Returned from House with amendment | 04/14/2009 | 1767 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 04/14/2009 | 1767 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 04/15/09 | | 2234 | Governor's action Approval 04/16/09 | | 2234 | Secretary of State Chapter 23 04/16/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 336 Saxhaug; Bakk Revisor No.: 09-1436 Short Description: Scale cut forest products on state land requirement elimination; habitat improvement projects on state land appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 337 Johnson; Foley; Vickerman HF 609 Newton Revisor No.: 09-0783 Short Description: Veterans special motor vehicle license plates for armed forces expeditionary medal recipients
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See SF2540, Sec. 20 (modified) |
SF 338 Sheran; Koering; Rosen HF 245 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-1123 Short Description: Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communication products expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 139 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 339 Sheran; Erickson Ropes HF 410 Norton Revisor No.: 09-1221 Short Description: Plasma protein therapies pharmacy board rules adoption requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/26/2009 | 1047a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 340 Scheid; Moua; Kelash; Higgins HF 354 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1328 Short Description: Homestead-lender mediation requirement prior to mortgage foreclosure
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/12/2009 | 583a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/25/2009 | 958a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/12/2009 | 5005a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5030 | Second reading | 05/16/2009 | 5875 | HF substituted on General Orders HF354 | 05/17/2009 | 6017 | Author stricken Ortman | | | See SF1147, Sec. 5, 7 |
SF 341 Prettner Solon; Bakk; Dibble; Saxhaug; Koering HF 454 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1435 Short Description: Wrongful death actions by domestic partners authorization; right to control deceased persons remains expansion to domestic partners (Final Wishes)
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/23/2009 | 858a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1338a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Second reading | 04/30/2009 | 3563 | General Orders: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3610 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/12/2010 | 11148 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/12/2010 | 11148 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/12/2010 | 11148 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/12/10 | 05/15/2010 | 11831 | Governor's action Veto 05/15/10 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 355 05/15/10 | 05/15/2010 | 11831 | Veto message laid on table |
SF 342 Langseth HF 381 Eken Revisor No.: 09-1198 Short Description: Red River valley watershed management board and districts flood protection farmstead ring levees appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 343 Jungbauer Revisor No.: 09-1312 Short Description: Alternative teacher compensation long-term commitment levy and revenue program expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 344 Jungbauer HF 670 Newton Revisor No.: 09-1311 Short Description: Compensatory revenue pilot project continuance and appropriation for certain school districts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 140 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 345 Saxhaug; Stumpf; Rest; Bakk; Ingebrigtsen HF 1005 Reinert Revisor No.: 09-0932 Short Description: Enhanced drivers license and identification card creation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 141 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 526a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 02/25/2010 | 7198 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Stumpf | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author added Saxhaug | 03/18/2010 | 7972a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/22/2010 | 8333a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/15/2010 | 9603a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/15/2010 | 9604 | Second reading | 04/19/2010 | 9669a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/26/2010 | 9990 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2010 | 10532 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/06/2010 | 10532 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/06/2010 | 10532 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/10/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Governor's action Approval 05/13/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Secretary of State Chapter 316 05/13/10 | | | Effective date Sec. 1-15 06/01/12 (for cards issued on or after 01/01/13); Sec. 16-17 05/14/10 |
SF 346 Rest; Koering; Prettner Solon; Michel HF 247 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1222 Short Description: Long-term care savings plan and trust creation; income tax subtraction for contributions authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 141 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 347 Bonoff; Metzen; Marty; Sieben HF 42 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0849 Short Description: MinnesotaCare temporary coverage for unemployed persons
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 141 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Author added Sieben | 03/24/2009 | 929a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/26/2009 | 1083a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/23/2009 | 2670 | Author stricken Sparks | 05/12/2009 | 5024a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5030 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Finance |
SF 348 Bonoff; Stumpf; Wiger; Clark; Sieben Revisor No.: 09-1495 Short Description: School finance system modification, education funding framework creation and phase-in
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 141 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Author added Sieben | | | See SF2819 |
SF 349 Kubly; Gimse; Dille; Bakk; Erickson Ropes HF 343 Hausman Revisor No.: 09-1152 Short Description: Living at home/block nurse grant programs base funding for additional programs appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 141 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Author added Erickson Ropes |
SF 350 Higgins; Moua; Ingebrigtsen HF 366 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-1127 Short Description: Peace officers standards and training (POST) board duties clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/05/2009 | 177 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Second reading | 02/09/2009 | 206 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF993, Sec. 49-51 | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 16-18 |
SF 351 Marty; Sieben; Rest; Erickson Ropes; Scheid HF 759 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-0448 Short Description: Lobbying restriction imposition for former public office holders
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Author added Scheid | 02/09/2009 | 200 | Comm report: To pass | 02/09/2009 | 204 | Rule 21, referred to Rules and Administration | 03/30/2009 | 1121 | Comm report: Adopt previous comm report | 03/30/2009 | 1142 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/08/2010 | 6810a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/08/2010 | 6827 | Second reading |
SF 352 Olseen; Dahle; Skogen; Erickson Ropes Revisor No.: 09-1451 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/02/2009 | 148 | Author added Erickson Ropes |
SF 353 Chaudhary; Frederickson; Anderson; Saxhaug HF 638 Scalze Revisor No.: 09-1476 Short Description: State outdoor recreation system land sales prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/12/2009 | 617 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF2123, Art. 1, Sec. 25 |
SF 354 Koch HF 168 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1253 Short Description: Fiscal emergency declaration authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Rules and Administration |
SF 355 Koch; Koering; Michel; Rosen; Ortman HF 33 Anderson, B. Revisor No.: 09-0457 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 142 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 356 Koch HF 24 Peppin Revisor No.: 09-0931 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 143 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 357 Sieben; Vandeveer; Saltzman HF 443 Swails Revisor No.: 09-0568 Short Description: Washington county courts facility construction sales tax exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 01/29/2009 | 143 | Introduction and first reading | 01/29/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 358 Dahle; Michel; Wiger; Fobbe; Erickson Ropes HF 508 Bly Revisor No.: 09-0809 Short Description: Resolution to not reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 149 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Education | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Authors added Fobbe; Erickson Ropes | 03/16/2009 | 681 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 03/23/2009 | 898 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Rules and Administration | 05/06/2009 | 4192 | Comm report: To pass | 05/06/2009 | 4193 | Second reading | 05/14/2009 | 5681 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5768 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived |
SF 359 Pappas; Marty; Prettner Solon; Higgins HF 379 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0811 Short Description: Smoking in motor vehicles transporting children under the age of 16 prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 149 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Author stricken Dille | 03/02/2009 | 360a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/09/2009 | 475a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 360 Tomassoni HF 22 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0512 Short Description: Angling lines use increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 149 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF2900, Art. 1, Sec. 47 (vetoed) |
SF 361 Latz; Vickerman; Pappas; Fobbe; Erickson Ropes HF 1281 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-1150 Short Description: Veterans public postsecondary institution in-state tuition status requirement and military coursework equivalency guides creation requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 149 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Erickson Ropes | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 1 |
SF 362 Dahle; Latz; Fobbe; Carlson HF 362 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-1037 Short Description: Homeowner notice requirement to building contractor of construction defect modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 888a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5028 | HF substituted on General Orders HF362 |
SF 363 Clark; Skogen; Koch; Stumpf HF 179 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-0859 Short Description: Head start appropriation distribution modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Education | | | See HF2, Art. 6, Sec. 1 |
SF 364 Sparks; Saxhaug; Stumpf; Frederickson; Chaudhary HF 162 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-0966 Short Description: Drainage systems provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/26/2009 | 328a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/12/2009 | 593 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 03/25/2010 | 8990a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/25/2010 | | Second reading | 04/07/2010 | 9292 | General Orders: To pass | 04/12/2010 | 9551 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/20/2010 | 9718 | Returned from House with amendment | 04/20/2010 | 9718 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 04/21/2010 | 9775 | Senate conferees Sparks; Chaudhary; Frederickson | 04/26/2010 | 10045 | House conferees Hansen; Eken; Gunther | 05/03/2010 | 10153c | Conference committee report | 05/03/2010 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/03/2010 | 10154 | Third reading | 05/05/2010 | 10366 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/06/10 | 05/11/2010 | 11037 | Governor's action Approval 05/10/10 | 05/11/2010 | 11037 | Secretary of State Chapter 298 05/10/10 | | | Effective date 08/01/10 |
SF 365 Foley; Cohen; Murphy; Moua; Limmer HF 812 Cornish Revisor No.: 09-0953 Short Description: Administrative penalties use by cities, counties and towns for criminal enforcement purposes prohibition; criminal and traffic offenders surcharges clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Limmer | | | See SF2018, Art. 2, Sec. 2, 18 | | | See SF1627, Art. 3, Sec. 1 | | | See SF802, Art. 2, Sec. 22 |
SF 366 Sheran; Koering; Lourey; Cohen; Michel HF 293 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1351 Short Description: Minnesota Colorectal Cancer Prevention Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/02/2009 | 361a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1298, Art. 4, Sec. 22 | | | See SF695, Art. 5, Sec. 47, Art. 10, Sec. 23 | | | See HF1362, Art. 5, Sec. 19 |
SF 367 Prettner Solon; Bakk; Lourey; Olseen; Foley HF 373 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1266 Short Description: Northern Lights Express passenger rail project along the Duluth/Minneapolis rail corridor bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 150 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 368 Gerlach HF 404 Buesgens Revisor No.: 09-1164 Short Description: Personal watercraft operational requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 369 Scheid; Michel; Clark HF 1228 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0050 Short Description: Uniform probate code update; Uniform Estate Tax Apportionment Act, Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act, Uniform Power of Attorney Act and Uniform Multiple-Person Accounts Act adoption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 370 Michel; Hann; Lynch HF 767 Downey Revisor No.: 09-1391 Short Description: School year start before Labor Day prohibition repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Education | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Lynch |
SF 371 Michel HF 574 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0440 Short Description: Motor vehicle special license plates remembering victims of impaired (DWI and DUI) drivers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF2801, Art. 1 |
SF 372 Michel; Hann; Gerlach; Gimse HF 586 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1129 Short Description: Public employees salary and wage rates freeze
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author stricken Senjem |
SF 373 Michel; Wiger HF 624 Downey Revisor No.: 09-0439 Short Description: Safe School Zone Law
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 151 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Wiger |
SF 374 Michel; Latz Revisor No.: 09-0438 Short Description: Income tax subtraction for college savings plan
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 375 Frederickson; Kubly; Vickerman HF 1473 Seifert Revisor No.: 09-1523 Short Description: Marshall wind energy and ethanol fuel training facilities construction authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 43 |
SF 376 Higgins; Dibble; Moua HF 416 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0594 Short Description: Interior designers certification requirements change to license requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 377 Latz; Dibble; Bonoff HF 383 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1491 Short Description: Southwest transit way corridor environmental impact statement and preliminary engineering bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 378 Erickson Ropes; Marty HF 987 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-0912 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) drug formulary committee provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/26/2009 | 331a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 379 Marty Revisor No.: 09-0928 Short Description: Mental health services for medical assistance (MA) recipients provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 152 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 380 Marty; Dibble; Moua; Torres Ray; Sheran HF 469 Greiling Revisor No.: 09-0833 Short Description: Mental health provisions modification; criminal justice and public safety, children's mental health, mental health funding, employment support, employee relations, health insurance coverage and education related mental health provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 153 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author added Sheran | | | See SF1328, Art. 2, Sec. 2 | | | See HF1362, Art. 7, Sec. 1-4, 14-17, 19, 24 | | | See HF1760, Sec. 11, 106 |
SF 381 Lynch; Senjem HF 450 Liebling Revisor No.: 09-1485 Short Description: Rochester Mayo civic center complex renovation bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 153 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 21, Sub. 13 (vetoed) |
SF 382 Olseen HF 754 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-1185 Short Description: Election complaint assessments and payment modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 153 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 383 Olseen; Anderson; Doll; Sieben; Erickson Ropes HF 403 Gardner Revisor No.: 09-1325 Short Description: Yard waste in plastic bags prohibition; plastic bag labeling standards establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 153 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author added Sieben | 02/19/2009 | 285a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/05/2009 | 394a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Erickson Ropes | 04/06/2009 | 1694a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF2123, Art. 1, Sec. 44, 57 |
SF 384 Anderson; Torres Ray; Chaudhary; Metzen; Pariseau HF 496 Scalze Revisor No.: 09-1426 Short Description: Metropolitan regional parks system operations and maintenance appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 153 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 385 Koch; Ortman; Ingebrigtsen; Dille HF 350 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-1434 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications; agricultural property classification definition expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 386 Skoe; Chaudhary; Lourey; Olseen; Dahle HF 540 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-1681 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) provisions modification; property tax class 2a, 2b and 2c classification requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 02/05/2009 | 169a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Chaudhary | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author added Lourey | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Olseen | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Dahle | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 387 Jungbauer Revisor No.: 09-1160 Short Description: Election recount and election contest provisions modifications; runoff election provisions; previously uncounted votes or ballots regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 388 Saxhaug HF 477 Thao Revisor No.: 09-1488 Short Description: Bear hunting portable stand placement in wildlife management areas provision modification; bear baiting restrictions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See HF1237, Art. 2, Sec. 16 (modified) |
SF 389 Bakk; Saxhaug HF 376 Dill Revisor No.: 09-1175 Short Description: Cook county grant-in-aid snowmobile trail system additions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See HF1237, Art. 1, Sec. 7 |
SF 390 Koch; Gerlach; Rosen HF 1154 Hackbarth Revisor No.: 09-1140 Short Description: Artisan distillery license authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 154 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Author stricken Metzen | 03/18/2009 | | Author stricken Tomassoni |
SF 391 Lynch Revisor No.: 09-1713 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) provisions modifications; tax deferment ineligible agricultural property repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | See SF386 |
SF 392 Pappas; Wiger HF 441 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1486 Short Description: Resolution to enact a New Deal for the New Millenium for Higher Education
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Wiger |
SF 393 Senjem HF 713 Howes Revisor No.: 09-1360 Short Description: Fireworks limited personal use authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/08/2010 | 6846 | Chief author stricken Day | 02/08/2010 | | Chief author added Senjem |
SF 394 Marty; Olson, M. HF 803 Slocum Revisor No.: 09-0451 Short Description: No-fault automobile insurance and workers compensation adverse medical examinations integrity and fairness
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 395 Marty; Scheid; Pappas HF 742 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0449 Short Description: Instant runoff voting
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 396 Marty HF 268 Welti Revisor No.: 09-1192 Short Description: Delinquent tax list correction publishing modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 155 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See SF3, Art. 6, Sec. 8 |
SF 397 Day Revisor No.: 09-1561 Short Description: High school diplomacy warranty; remedial instruction in public postsecondary education institutions authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 03/16/2009 | 693 | Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to Education |
SF 398 Clark; Langseth; Berglin; Stumpf; Rosen HF 597 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-1525 Short Description: Early childhood learning and child protection facilities bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2700, Sec. 18, Sub. 3 (vetoed) |
SF 399 Kubly; Anderson; Dibble HF 357 Falk Revisor No.: 09-0880 Short Description: Community based energy development (C-BED) project contracts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author stricken Rosen | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Author stricken Sparks |
SF 400 Tomassoni; Bakk; Prettner Solon HF 480 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1331 Short Description: Mountain Iron economic development authority wind energy project limited liability company formation authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/12/2009 | 235a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/26/2009 | 327a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 366 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Taxes | | | See SF550, Sec. 34 | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 20 | | | See HF1237, Art. 3, Sec. 12 (modified) |
SF 401 Pappas HF 434 Laine Revisor No.: 09-1515 Short Description: Doula services definition modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/12/2009 | 225a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/12/2009 | 235 | Second reading | 03/05/2009 | 461a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 03/09/2009 | 498 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1760, Sec. 38-39 |
SF 402 Saltzman; Wiger; Erickson Ropes; Olson, G.; Sieben HF 523 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-1590 Short Description: School background check disciplinary actions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Education | 03/19/2009 | 822 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 04/06/2009 | 1693a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/06/2009 | 1704 | Second reading | 04/20/2009 | 2236 | HF substituted on General Orders HF523 | 04/30/2009 | 3553 | Author added Sieben |
SF 403 Moua; Skogen; Fobbe; Olson, M.; Kelash HF 130 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-0734 Short Description: Predatory offenders social networking web sites or instant messaging or chat room program access and use prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 156 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | See HF1301, Art. 1, Sec. 2 |
SF 404 Wiger HF 1041 Lillie Revisor No.: 09-1612 Short Description: Homeowner insurance notice of possible cancellation to applicants requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/12/2009 | 583a | Comm report: To pass as amended, Consent Calendar | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 702 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1853, Art. 1, Sec. 34 |
SF 405 Wiger; Rummel; Torres Ray HF 501 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-1716 Short Description: Alternative means of graduation for students; statewide education testing provision modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Education | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author stricken Hann |
SF 406 Bakk; Sparks; Ingebrigtsen; Lourey; Johnson HF 1157 Dill Revisor No.: 09-0627 Short Description: Outdoor sport equipment dealers, manufacturers and distributors franchise agreements regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Author added Johnson | 03/18/2009 | 757a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary |
SF 407 Moua; Torres Ray; Rummel; Hann; Kelash HF 173 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0326 Short Description: Children's federal and state funding sources map of money
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/09/2009 | 469a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/12/2009 | 5022a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5030 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Finance | | | See SF2, Art. 1, Sec. 14 |
SF 408 Kubly HF 532 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-1611 Short Description: Renville wastewater treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 409 Moua; Higgins; Foley; Betzold; Limmer HF 509 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0777 Short Description: Public defender representation provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 157 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 410 Moua; Doll; Fobbe; Torres Ray; Pariseau HF 1133 Champion Revisor No.: 09-0055 Short Description: Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 411 Moua HF 315 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-1133 Short Description: Ramsey county building lives program appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2088, Art. 1, Sec. 3 |
SF 412 Moua; Higgins; Betzold; Olson, M. HF 632 Jackson Revisor No.: 09-0059 Short Description: Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/12/2009 | 593 | Comm report: To pass | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3073 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/05/2009 | 4023 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2009 | 4023 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/05/2009 | 4023 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 46 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 01/01/10 (with certain exceptions) | | | See also SF2642, Sec. 79 |
SF 413 Moua; Anderson; Pappas; Foley HF 180 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-0534 Short Description: Law enforcement agency heads allowing nonlicensed peace officers to carry a firearm; penalty
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 414 Moua; Dibble; Saltzman; Sieben; Murphy HF 833 McFarlane Revisor No.: 09-0506 Short Description: Ramsey county regional railroad authority Rush Line corridor construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 | | | See HF2700, Sec. 16 (vetoed) |
SF 415 Moua; Olson, M.; Fobbe; Skogen; Kelash HF 129 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-0674 Short Description: Electronic sexual solicitation of children prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/09/2009 | 474a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Judiciary | | | See SF993, Sec. 44 | | | See HF1301, Art. 1, Sec. 6 |
SF 416 Anderson; Dahle; Saltzman; Wiger Revisor No.: 09-1490 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 158 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/05/2009 | 181 | Authors added Saltzman; Wiger |
SF 417 Lourey; Dibble; Kubly; Prettner Solon; Cohen Revisor No.: 09-1101 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 159 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 418 Olson, M.; Torres Ray; Skogen; Higgins; Scheid Revisor No.: 09-1103 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 159 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 419 Carlson; Tomassoni; Moua; Pappas; Olseen HF 2256 Laine Revisor No.: 09-1104 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 159 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 420 Foley; Rummel; Chaudhary; Bakk; Skoe Revisor No.: 09-1102 Short Description: Minnesota Health Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/02/2009 | 159 | Introduction and first reading | 02/02/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 421 Ortman; Koch HF 488 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-0609 Short Description: Cities local government aid (LGA) increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 182 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 422 Berglin HF 580 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1065 Short Description: Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) family stabilization and work programs provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 182 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/09/2009 | 467 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 2, Sec. 11-12, 15, 19-20, 22-23 |
SF 423 Scheid; Rest; Sieben HF 306 Swails Revisor No.: 09-1023 Short Description: Election noncampaign disbursement definition modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 182 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 537 | Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 701 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF1331, Art. 2, Sec. 4 |
SF 424 Michel; Bonoff HF 518 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-1513 Short Description: Minnesota management and budget (MMB) department budget forecast date modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 182 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 425 Rest; Gerlach; Day; Higgins; Sieben HF 913 Revisor No.: 09-1468 Short Description: Political campaigns independent expenditures and filing provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 182 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF1331, Art. 2, Sec. 3, 5-12, 15, 17-21 |
SF 426 Lynch; Saltzman; Olseen; Pappas Revisor No.: 09-0669 Short Description: School districts transportation aid for flexible learning year programs
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 427 Prettner Solon; Tomassoni HF 1244 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-1429 Short Description: St. Louis county day training habilitation provider rate increase appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 428 Berglin HF 1167 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-1565 Short Description: Medical education and research funds transfer requirement modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 429 Vickerman HF 566 Magnus Revisor No.: 09-1570 Short Description: Wind generation production tax levy limit inclusion removal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 430 Lynch HF 428 Welti Revisor No.: 09-0427 Short Description: School districts debt service equalization state aid increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 431 Betzold; Sieben HF 388 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-1229 Short Description: Civil commitment clinical drug trials participation prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 04/02/2009 | 1453a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/14/2009 | 2089a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 04/30/2009 | 3553 | Author added Sieben | 04/30/2009 | 3560 | General Orders: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3606 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/07/2009 | 4196 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/07/09 | | 5666 | Governor's action Approval 05/11/09 | | 5666 | Secretary of State Chapter 58 05/11/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 432 Lynch; Stumpf HF 499 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1149 Short Description: Heart disease and stroke prevention appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 183 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 433 Bonoff; Rest; Ortman; Michel HF 1331 Benson Revisor No.: 09-1502 Short Description: School finance alternative facilities bonding and levy program modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 434 Dibble; Higgins; Pogemiller; Berglin; Kelash HF 514 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-1388 Short Description: Minneapolis Grand Rounds parkway improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF781, Sec. 11, Sub. 10 |
SF 435 Frederickson; Anderson; Chaudhary; Pariseau; Sheran HF 421 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-1569 Short Description: Wildlife area land acquisition and improvements and publicly owned dams bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 436 Higgins; Moua; Berglin; Scheid; Olson, M. HF 890 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1722 Short Description: Parentage presumptions and right to custody provisions modifications and clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/25/2010 | 7177a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/25/2010 | 7181 | Second reading | 05/07/2010 | 10627 | HF substituted on General Orders HF890 |
SF 437 Dibble HF 554 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1105 Short Description: Minneapolis emergency operations center and regional fire training center bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 438 Hann; Gerlach; Fischbach; Vandeveer Revisor No.: 09-0089 Short Description: Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 184 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 439 Hann; Gerlach; Koch; Ingebrigtsen HF 169 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1289 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for right to work
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 440 Skogen; Dahle; Fobbe; Stumpf; Robling HF 895 Eken Revisor No.: 09-1166 Short Description: Commonwealth district grants program creation for rural school districts and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 441 Erickson Ropes; Marty; Dibble; Anderson Revisor No.: 09-1430 Short Description: Adverse health event reporting system modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/26/2009 | 1048a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See HF1760, Sec. 7-8, 109 |
SF 442 Erickson Ropes; Olseen HF 338 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1433 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) provisions modifications; preservation and legacy land new property tax classification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 443 Metzen HF 13 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0738 Short Description: State designer selection board repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 444 Prettner Solon HF 774 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-1658 Short Description: Greenhouse gas emissions registry establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 185 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/19/2009 | 286 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 537 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF2123, Art. 1, Sec. 54 |
SF 445 Stumpf HF 353 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1470 Short Description: Resolution to support the Lake of the Woods water sustainability foundation water quality question
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/04/2010 | 7256 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Rules and Administration | 04/12/2010 | 9555 | Comm report: To pass | 04/12/2010 | 9555 | Second reading | 04/15/2010 | 9610 | General Orders: To pass | 04/19/2010 | 9642 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/15/2010 | 11829 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/18/10 | | 12398 | Governor's action Approval 05/25/10 | | 12398 | Secretary of State Resolution 2 05/25/10 |
SF 446 Rest; Day; Pappas; Marty; Pariseau HF 512 Simon Revisor No.: 09-0654 Short Description: Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote adoption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/26/2009 | 1070 | Comm report: To pass | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 447 Rest HF 466 Carlson Revisor No.: 09-0995 Short Description: State board of education establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 448 Stumpf HF 520 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1767 Short Description: Turf seed council appropriation for native plant, forage and turf seed research
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 3 |
SF 449 Dille HF 397 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-1390 Short Description: Independent school district #466, Dassel-Cokato; bicycle trail improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 450 Dille HF 370 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-1378 Short Description: Independent school district #466, Dassel-Cokato; bicycle trail improvements grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 451 Skoe HF 121 Sailer Revisor No.: 09-1057 Short Description: Clearwater county veterans memorial highway designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 186 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/19/2009 | 287 | Comm report: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 441 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/07/2009 | 1762 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/15/09 | | 2234 | Governor's action Approval 04/16/09 | | 2234 | Secretary of State Chapter 18 04/16/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also SF2540, Sec. 4 |
SF 452 Skoe HF 568 Eken Revisor No.: 09-1748 Short Description: Becker county veterans memorial highway designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/19/2009 | 286 | Comm report: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 441 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2540, Sec. 6 |
SF 453 Murphy; Jungbauer; Skoe HF 912 Eken Revisor No.: 09-1504 Short Description: Cargo tank vehicles weight restriction exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 519a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Transportation | | | See SF2540, Sec. 35 |
SF 454 Murphy; Jungbauer; Skoe HF 994 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-1505 Short Description: Hazardous materials registration and permit requirements abolishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF928, Sec. 46(a) |
SF 455 Marty; Sieben; Murphy Revisor No.: 09-0453 Short Description: Transit (bus) fare reduction requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 456 Sheran; Langseth; Vickerman; Rest HF 567 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1663 Short Description: Bioscience business development public infrastructure grant program expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author added Rest | | | See SF2081, Art. 2, Sec.1-2 |
SF 457 Higgins HF 521 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0335 Short Description: Volunteer health practitioners licensed in other states provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/23/2009 | 851a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | 04/22/2009 | 2467 | General Orders: To pass | 04/24/2009 | 2701 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/08/2009 | 4238 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/08/09 | | 5666 | Governor's action Approval 05/12/09 | | 5667 | Secretary of State Chapter 72 05/12/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 458 Dille HF 766 Shimanski Revisor No.: 09-1629 Short Description: Cities special service districts establishment deadline repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 187 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 459 Berglin HF 627 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1783 Short Description: Veterans homes medicare part D use for pharmacy costs of eligible veterans requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 1, Sec. 10 | | | See HF1122, Art. 3, Sec. 2, 18 |
SF 460 Berglin HF 802 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1651 Short Description: General assistance medical care (GAMC) new program creation; mental health urgent care and consultation services establishment; human services appropriations and appropriation reductions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 540a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/15/2010 | 7752a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/15/2010 | 7781 | Second reading | 03/18/2010 | 8046a | Special Order: Amended | 03/18/2010 | 8051 | Third reading Passed | 03/24/2010 | 8967 | Returned from House with amendment | 03/24/2010 | 8967 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 03/24/2010 | 8967 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 03/25/10 | 03/29/2010 | 9084 | Governor's action Approval 03/26/10 | 03/29/2010 | 9084 | Secretary of State Chapter 200 03/26/10 | | | Effective date Various Dates | | | See also HF2614, Art. 1, Sec. 21, 27, 35, 37, 46-51, 56; Art. 4, Sec. 17 (vetoed) | | | See also HF1 (1st Special Session), Art. 16, Sec. 14, 39-41; Art. 19, Sec. 18; Art. 25, Sec. 18-21 |
SF 461 Anderson; Carlson; Tomassoni; Marty; Bakk HF 612 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1286 Short Description: Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act; workers minimum sick leave standards establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 462 Latz; Bonoff; Murphy; Rest; Gerlach HF 525 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-1654 Short Description: DWI ignition interlock device pilot program expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 02/09/2009 | 205 | Author added Rest | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Author added Gerlach | 03/05/2009 | 419 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 527 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 891 | Comm report: To pass | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | 04/06/2009 | 1722a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/07/2009 | 1748 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 04/27/2009 | 3061 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/27/09 | | 3568 | Governor's action Approval 04/30/09 | | 3569 | Secretary of State Chapter 29 04/30/09 | | | Effective date 07/01/09 | | | See also HF3106, Sec. 2 |
SF 463 Murphy; Saxhaug; Tomassoni; Fobbe; Kubly HF 739 Solberg Revisor No.: 09-1697 Short Description: Pollution control equipment personal property tax exemption expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Saxhaug | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Authors added Tomassoni; Fobbe; Kubly |
SF 464 Scheid HF 429 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1272 Short Description: School districts statutory operating debt levy authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 188 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 465 Scheid HF 427 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1567 Short Description: School districts statutory operating debt special operating plan waiver
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 466 Scheid HF 425 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1568 Short Description: School district integration revenue formula modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 467 Erickson Ropes; Sheran; Prettner Solon; Doll HF 1094 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-1337 Short Description: Surgical technologists employment qualifications regulations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 468 Skogen; Saltzman HF 718 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-1556 Short Description: POW/MIA memorial highway designation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Saltzman |
SF 469 Olson, M.; Skoe; Saxhaug HF 503 Persell Revisor No.: 09-1489 Short Description: Bemidji veterans facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 470 Rummel; Moua; Olson, M.; Higgins HF 412 Bunn Revisor No.: 09-1475 Short Description: Homeowner warranty claims statute of repose adjustment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/16/2009 | 692 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 05/11/2009 | 4993a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5029 | HF substituted on Calendar HF412 |
SF 471 Kubly HF 533 Koenen Revisor No.: 09-1599 Short Description: Montevideo veterans home construction bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 189 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 472 Clark; Murphy; Lynch; Sheran; Fischbach HF 340 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1315 Short Description: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 473 Torres Ray; Berglin; Clark; Sheran HF 504 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1613 Short Description: Women's heart health program establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 551 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 474 Skogen HF 166 Sanders Revisor No.: 09-1208 Short Description: Unsafe recalled toys sale prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 04/14/2009 | 2100a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3078 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 10 |
SF 475 Marty; Koering; Rosen; Doll; Fischbach HF 351 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1310 Short Description: Long-term care provider rate increases
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Fischbach |
SF 476 Ortman; Limmer; Koch; Senjem HF 476 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-1034 Short Description: Property tax early payment discount provision; proposed property tax statements content requirements modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 477 Doll; Frederickson; Higgins; Skogen; Hann HF 569 Sailer Revisor No.: 09-1579 Short Description: Paint stewardship pilot program; used architectural paint collection and processing
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 190 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/26/2009 | 328 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/05/2009 | 393 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/26/2009 | 1005a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | 04/22/2009 | 2467a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/24/2009 | 2703 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/13/2009 | 5207 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/13/2009 | 5207 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/13/2009 | 5226 | Senate conferees Doll; Higgins; Hann | 05/14/2009 | 5668 | House conferees Sailer; Simon; McNamara | 05/15/2009 | 5850c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/15/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/15/2009 | 5853 | Third reading | 05/17/2009 | 5896 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/18/09 | | 6737 | Governor's action Veto 05/21/09 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 121 05/21/09 | | 6743 | Veto message laid on table |
SF 478 Scheid; Olson, G.; Bonoff; Saxhaug; Saltzman HF 623 Slocum Revisor No.: 09-1277 Short Description: Charter school provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Education | | | See SF867, Sec. 1 | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 41 |
SF 479 Sheran; Kubly; Frederickson; Dahle; Ortman HF 660 Morrow Revisor No.: 09-1751 Short Description: Minnesota Valley regional rail authority railroad track rehabilitation grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Author added Ortman | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 11, Sub. 4 |
SF 480 Marty; Torres Ray HF 577 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1309 Short Description: Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) housing penalty repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/09/2009 | 467 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 481 Berglin; Marty; Torres Ray; Dille HF 453 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1180 Short Description: Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) and food stamp provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/09/2009 | 466 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF2337, Art. 3, Sec. 1 | | | See HF2614, Art. 3, Sec. 1 (vetoed) |
SF 482 Rest; Jungbauer; Murphy; Senjem HF 547 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-1657 Short Description: Airport project costs federal stimulus grants local match requirement elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 483 Rest; Jungbauer; Clark; Senjem; Murphy HF 548 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-1656 Short Description: Airport project costs appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 484 Lourey; Gimse HF 710 Faust Revisor No.: 09-0645 Short Description: Food safety and defense task force duties and Minnesota organic advisory task force membership and procedures modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 191 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/12/2009 | 598a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/19/2009 | 831a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 846 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3071 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 78-79, 104 |
SF 485 Skogen; Ingebrigtsen HF 598 Eken Revisor No.: 09-0643 Short Description: Nursery law provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 192 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | | | HF substituted in committee HF598 | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 69-76, 107 |
SF 486 Saltzman; Wiger; Dahle; Olson, G.; Saxhaug HF 751 Benson Revisor No.: 09-0498 Short Description: School district-created site-governed schools authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 192 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 33 |
SF 487 Michel; Clark; Saxhaug; Bonoff; Robling HF 641 Peterson Revisor No.: 09-1120 Short Description: Office of early learning creation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 192 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Education | 03/05/2009 | 444 | Withdrawn and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 685a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/11/2010 | 7576 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Clark | 03/11/2010 | | Chief author added Michel | 03/18/2010 | 8017 | Withdrawn and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/23/2010 | 8869a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/23/2010 | 8925 | Author added Robling |
SF 488 Clark; Fobbe; Dille HF 717 Haws Revisor No.: 09-1810 Short Description: St. Cloud civic center expansion bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 192 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Fobbe | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Author added Dille | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 16, Sub. 6 (vetoed) | | | See HF2700, Sec. 21, Sub. 14 (vetoed) |
SF 489 Clark; Scheid; Skogen; Dille; Higgins HF 528 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-0985 Short Description: Reverse mortgage provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/05/2009 | 192 | Introduction and first reading | 02/05/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/09/2009 | 478a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/25/2009 | 964a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Second reading | 04/06/2009 | 1722a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/07/2009 | 1748 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/13/2009 | 5207 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/13/2009 | 5208 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/13/2009 | 5225 | Senate conferees Clark; Fobbe; Vandeveer | 05/14/2009 | 5668 | House conferees Davnie; Doty; Kohls | 05/15/2009 | 5793c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/15/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/15/2009 | 5799 | Third reading | 05/17/2009 | 5897 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/18/09 | | 6738 | Governor's action Veto 05/21/09 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 127 05/21/09 | | 6743 | Veto message laid on table | | | See also SF2430 |
SF 490 Pogemiller HF 1661 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1634 Short Description: Elderly living facilities property and sales tax exemptions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 207 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 491 Skogen; Ingebrigtsen HF 291 Westrom Revisor No.: 09-1032 Short Description: Mini truck regulation and registration requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF928, Sec. 13 |
SF 492 Skogen; Erickson Ropes HF 571 Sailer Revisor No.: 09-1684 Short Description: Public safety commissioner uniform administrative citation creation requirement; local units of government administrative fines imposition authority for traffic offenses and peace officer issuance restriction; mini truck use and operation regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/16/2009 | 695a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 04/30/2009 | 3553 | Author added Erickson Ropes | 04/30/2009 | 3560 | General Orders: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3606 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/16/2009 | 5870 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/16/2009 | 5871 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/16/2009 | 5890 | Reconsidered To add conferees | 05/16/2009 | | Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested | 05/16/2009 | 5891 | Senate conferees Skogen; Clark; Ingebrigtsen; Moua; Foley | 05/17/2009 | 5895 | House conferees Sailer; Hosch; Scalze; Reinert; Cornish | 05/18/2009 | 6094c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/18/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/18/2009 | 6100 | Third reading | 05/18/2009 | 6243 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 158 05/21/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also HF928, Sec. 13, 15-16 (mini truck) |
SF 493 Sheran HF 590 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-1659 Short Description: Mankato sales and use tax modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 4, Sec. 14, 21 |
SF 494 Stumpf HF 490 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1641 Short Description: Saint Vincent flood hazard mitigation bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 495 Stumpf HF 579 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1575 Short Description: Firearm safety volunteer instructors free lifetime deer license issuance
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 496 Erickson Ropes; Sheran; Berglin; Jungbauer; Frederickson HF 444 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1260 Short Description: Minnesota suicide prevention plan modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 208 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 285 | Comm report: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 02/26/2009 | 354 | General Orders: To pass | 03/02/2009 | 368 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Authors added Jungbauer; Frederickson | | | See HF1760, Sec. 11-12 |
SF 497 Erickson Ropes; Bakk HF 561 Davids Revisor No.: 09-1633 Short Description: Property tax class 4c classification requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 498 Erickson Ropes; Pappas; Robling; Rummel; Sheran HF 513 Davids Revisor No.: 09-1687 Short Description: College in the schools 9th and 10th grade pupils inclusion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Education | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Sheran |
SF 499 Lynch; Torres Ray HF 535 Thao Revisor No.: 09-0984 Short Description: Health-related licensing boards complainant information provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/02/2009 | 366 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Torres Ray | 03/02/2009 | | Chief author added Lynch | 03/19/2009 | 781 | Comm report: To pass | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Second reading | 05/15/2009 | 5755 | HF substituted on General Orders HF535 | | | See HF1745, Art. 1, Sec. 15 |
SF 500 Erickson Ropes HF 573 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1109 Short Description: Minnesota Puppy and Kitten Mill Cruelty Prevention Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 501 Lynch; Rest; Lourey; Olson, G. HF 581 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1333 Short Description: Disabled children's services medical assistance (MA) services availability expansion for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 04/02/2009 | 1454a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/02/2009 | 1468 | Second reading | 04/22/2009 | 2467 | General Orders: To pass | 04/24/2009 | 2705 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6019 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 147 05/21/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See HF1760, Sec. 84 |
SF 502 Berglin HF 629 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1782 Short Description: Veterans homes medicare federal certification application requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 1, Sec. 9 |
SF 503 Lynch; Marty; Lourey; Olseen; Sheran HF 506 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-0933 Short Description: Licensed mental health professional counselors as qualified provider under medical assistance (MA)
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 209 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 285a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Sheran | | | See HF1362, Art. 7, Sec. 1-4, 14-19, 24 |
SF 504 Betzold HF 825 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1583 Short Description: Voluntary statewide lump-sum volunteer firefighter retirement plan and fund
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 210 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 9 |
SF 505 Ingebrigtsen; Gimse; Koch; Hann; Fischbach HF 241 Cornish Revisor No.: 09-1187 Short Description: Drivers licenses or identification cards photograph image full head and face requirement; qualifying applicant head wear provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 210 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 506 Betzold; by request; Pogemiller HF 592 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1458 Short Description: Teachers retirement provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 210 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF2918, Art. 1, Sec. 50-51 |
SF 507 Ortman; Marty; Dibble; Tomassoni HF 716 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1708 Short Description: Business interest rate tax imposition provision
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 210 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Author stricken Limmer |
SF 508 Wiger; Scheid; Metzen; Sparks; Skogen HF 674 Brown Revisor No.: 09-1403 Short Description: Video lottery terminals establishment and education funding revenue dedication
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 210 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 509 Rosen; Lynch HF 966 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1895 Short Description: School swimming pool levy authority expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/08/2010 | 7398 | Author added Lynch |
SF 510 Marty; Dibble; Pappas; Robling; Moua HF 398 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-0899 Short Description: Minnesota Responsible Business Corporations Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 511 Rosen Revisor No.: 09-0908 Short Description: School districts alternative facilities bonding and levy program and deferred maintenance revenue program qualifications modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 512 Rosen; Prettner Solon; Skogen; Senjem; Dibble HF 1336 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1805 Short Description: Income tax credit for small wind turbine investment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/12/2009 | 234a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Taxes |
SF 513 Gerlach; Senjem; Pariseau HF 3194 Norton Revisor No.: 09-0906 Short Description: Nurse licensure compact
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 514 Rosen; Hann; Robling; Sheran HF 1386 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1896 Short Description: School districts and charter schools revenues mandated use and contract deadline and penalty suspension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 211 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF1328, Art. 1, Sec. 46, 48; Art. 2, Sec. 93 |
SF 515 Robling; Pappas; Rest; Gimse HF 604 Beard Revisor No.: 09-1741 Short Description: Public employee definition modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 516 Scheid; Bakk; Michel; Moua; Stumpf HF 788 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1614 Short Description: Income tax credit for equity and opportunity in education
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 517 Ortman; Hann; Day; Dibble; Senjem Revisor No.: 09-1714 Short Description: Maximum homestead property tax (cap) program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 518 Pappas; Scheid; Clark; Olson, M.; Vandeveer HF 549 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1547 Short Description: Debt management and debt settlement services regulation and enforcement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 04/03/2009 | 1473a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/14/2009 | 1769 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF2081, Art. 7 | | | See HF2123, Art. 4 |
SF 519 Moua; Sheran; Marty; Kubly HF 618 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-0378 Short Description: Senior citizen nutrition appropriations and client contributions use clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author stricken Berglin | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Kubly | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Author stricken Rosen | | | See SF695, Art. 12, Sec. 3 | | | See HF1362, Art. 13, Sec. 3 |
SF 520 Bakk; Scheid; Prettner Solon; Rest HF 686 Lenczewski Revisor No.: 09-1615 Short Description: Local government units emergency debt certificates sale authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 212 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 521 Torres Ray; Olson, M.; Moua; Limmer; Higgins HF 543 Scott Revisor No.: 09-1321 Short Description: Child support payment redirection authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 522 Torres Ray; Higgins; Rummel; Gerlach HF 419 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1368 Short Description: Lead Poisoning Prevention Act modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/02/2009 | 361 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 523 Rest; Scheid; Higgins HF 637 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-1712 Short Description: Bottineau transitway corridor bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/09/2009 | 467 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 524 Stumpf; Saxhaug HF 667 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-1903 Short Description: Red Lake county tax-forfeited land conveyance
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/12/2009 | 638 | Author added Saxhaug | | | See HF1237, Art. 4, Sec. 21 |
SF 525 Prettner Solon; Marty; Higgins; Berglin; Olseen HF 677 Bunn Revisor No.: 09-1802 Short Description: Body art establishments and technicians regulation system
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/05/2009 | 397a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Olseen | 03/05/2009 | 420 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/12/2009 | 594a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/23/2009 | 869a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/25/2010 | 8975a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/25/2010 | 9001 | Second reading | 04/06/2010 | 9263 | General Orders: To pass | 04/12/2010 | 9547 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2010 | 10539 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/06/2010 | 10539 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/06/2010 | 10539 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/10/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Governor's action Approval 05/13/10 | 05/14/2010 | 11694 | Secretary of State Chapter 317 05/13/10 | | | Effective date 07/01/10 |
SF 526 Prettner Solon; Kubly; Sparks; Sheran; Rosen HF 862 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-1788 Short Description: Electric transmission infrastructure adequacy legislative report requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 213 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | | | See SF550, Sec. 28 |
SF 527 Bonoff; Rest; Sieben; Kelash; Robling HF 400 Anderson, S. Revisor No.: 09-0412 Short Description: Telecommuting conversion and ongoing expenses income tax credit
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 528 Bakk; Olson, M.; Marty; Sparks; Johnson HF 417 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-0480 Short Description: Breach of insurance policy damages and attorney fees recovery
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 04/01/2009 | 1334a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/07/2009 | 1731a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/07/2009 | 1733 | Second reading | 04/20/2009 | 2234 | HF substituted on General Orders HF417 |
SF 529 Latz; Rest; Betzold HF 662 Lanning Revisor No.: 09-1764 Short Description: Healthy community-healthy youth initiatives grant program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 530 Rest Revisor No.: 09-1733 Short Description: Budgeting revenues relative to personal income report requirement repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 531 Pappas HF 655 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-0525 Short Description: Elections affidavits of candidacy residence and telephone disclosures requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/02/2009 | 1435a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/14/2009 | 2108 | Withdrawn | 04/14/2009 | 2108 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Judiciary | 02/15/2010 | 6957a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/15/2010 | 6968 | Second reading | 04/12/2010 | 9541 | HF substituted on General Orders HF655 |
SF 532 Rest; Lourey; Robling HF 1857 Pelowski Revisor No.: 09-1830 Short Description: Electronic mail (e-mail) notification for department of administration rule proposals and hearings
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 214 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/30/2009 | 1126 | Comm report: To pass | 03/30/2009 | 1142 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3075 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/08/2009 | 4238 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/08/09 | | 5666 | Governor's action Approval 05/12/09 | | 5667 | Secretary of State Chapter 71 05/12/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also HF3048, Sec. 1 |
SF 533 Doll; Rest; Robling; Dibble; Vandeveer HF 721 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-1688 Short Description: Metropolitan council restructuring to a council of governments
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 215 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 534 Murphy HF 1021 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-0213 Short Description: Juvenile escapee from custody of commissioner of corrections arrest authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 215 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 410 | Comm report: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5499a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/15/2009 | 5760 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF993, Sec. 55 | | | See HF1301, Art. 4, Sec. 7 |
SF 535 Tomassoni; Sparks; Metzen; Ingebrigtsen; Wiger HF 628 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-0853 Short Description: Video lottery terminals establishment; lottery terminal revenue tax imposition; state lottery director duties modifications; technical and conforming changes; gambling taxes modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 215 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 536 Higgins; Moua; Betzold; Murphy; Tomassoni HF 644 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1816 Short Description: Hiring requirements in state, Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU), university of Minnesota and cities procurement contracts authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 215 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 538a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/06/2009 | 1695a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/06/2009 | 1704 | Second reading | 04/28/2009 | 3437 | General Orders: To pass | 04/30/2009 | 3556 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 537 Latz; Moua; Pappas; Higgins HF 1044 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-1682 Short Description: Postsecondary institutions prospective student notification of potential effects of criminal convictions on future employment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 215 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 03/16/2009 | 693a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 788 | Comm report: To pass | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/27/2009 | 3073 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 2 (modified) |
SF 538 Latz; Moua; Rest; Higgins; Pappas HF 1043 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-1702 Short Description: Public employers consideration of job applicants criminal records or history during hiring process prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 538a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 787a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Second reading | 04/30/2009 | 3560 | General Orders: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3608 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF993, Sec. 30 | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 11 |
SF 539 Erickson Ropes; Marty HF 1012 Laine Revisor No.: 09-1582 Short Description: Nonprofit health plan companies maximum financial reserves limitations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 540 Erickson Ropes HF 1251 Pelowski Revisor No.: 09-1832 Short Description: Winona county economic development authority wind energy project limited liability company (LLC) formation authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/05/2009 | 393a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/18/2009 | 739 | Comm report: To pass | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Second reading | 03/19/2009 | 808 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 5, Sec. 21 |
SF 541 Higgins; Dibble; Murphy HF 949 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1362 Short Description: Traffic-control devices automatic enforcement (photo cop) authorization; trauma center assistance fund
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/16/2009 | 697a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary |
SF 542 Tomassoni; Marty; Berglin; Metzen; Cohen HF 626 Bly Revisor No.: 09-1521 Short Description: Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) assistance extension; unemployment compensation extension and special emergency program; foreclosure moratorium and tenant rights; jobs creation program; state employee layoff prohibition (People's Bailout)
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 543 Koering; Skogen; Olson, M.; Sheran; Rosen HF 760 Ward Revisor No.: 09-1742 Short Description: Minnesota Faith in Action funding allocation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 216 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/12/2009 | 236 | Author added Sheran | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author added Rosen |
SF 544 Koering Revisor No.: 09-0640 Short Description: English as official state language
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 545 Prettner Solon; Marty; Koering; Sheran; Clark HF 249 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0813 Short Description: Mental health and substance abuse review licensed doctoral level psychologist final determination not to certify authorization; psychological impact of medications in psychology practice; health care reform review council membership requirements modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Sheran | 03/05/2009 | 399a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 420 | Withdrawn and re-referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 686a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Author added Clark | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3076 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1760, Sec. 2, 5, 37, 111 | | | See SF2596 |
SF 546 Betzold HF 726 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1578 Short Description: State trooper (patrol) retirement disability benefits modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 2, Sec. 1-3, 15-20, 23-24 |
SF 547 Betzold Revisor No.: 09-1898 Short Description: Minister credentials for solemnizing marriages county filing fee requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 548 Betzold HF 695 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1914 Short Description: Marriage provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1337 | Comm report: To pass | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4469 | General Orders: To pass | 05/11/2009 | 4491 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/17/2009 | 5895 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/18/09 | | 6735 | Governor's action Approval 05/20/09 | | 6735 | Secretary of State Chapter 129 05/20/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also HF910, Sec. 17 |
SF 549 Dibble; Rest; Olseen; Carlson; Dille HF 898 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-1699 Short Description: Greenhouse gas reduction goals and strategies; sensible communities grant program; vehicle miles traveled reduction; appropriations transfers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 217 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/16/2009 | 258a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/19/2009 | 287a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Transportation | 02/26/2009 | 331a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 527a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Education | 03/30/2009 | 1159a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 4, Sec. 6, 9 | | | See HF1237, Art. 1, Sec. 25 |
SF 550 Prettner Solon HF 863 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-1884 Short Description: Omnibus energy conservation provisions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/30/2009 | 1181a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/30/2009 | 1202 | Second reading | 04/02/2009 | 1424a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/06/2009 | 1710 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/04/2009 | 3570 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/04/2009 | 3570 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested | 05/05/2009 | 4045 | Senate conferees Prettner Solon; Doll; Dibble; Senjem; Sparks | 05/07/2009 | 4196 | House conferees Hilty; Falk; Johnson; Kalin; Beard | 05/13/2009 | 5353c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/13/2009 | 5376 | Motion did not prevail To reject conference committee report | 05/13/2009 | 5377 | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/13/2009 | 5377 | Third reading | 05/15/2009 | 5707 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/15/09 | | 6734 | Governor's action Approval 05/19/09 | | 6734 | Secretary of State Chapter 110 05/19/09 | | | Effective date Sec. 1, 11-12, 19, 35, 38 07/01/09; Sec. 2-10, 13-18, 20-33, 36, 37 05/20/09; Sec. 34 Local Approval | | | See also HF1182, Sec. 1 | | | See also SF2873, Sec. 7-10 |
SF 551 Olseen; Skogen HF 1265 Poppe Revisor No.: 09-1409 Short Description: Mail balloting expansion and special elections submitting questions mailing ballots time modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/23/2009 | 895a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 68 | | | See SF848, Sec. 5 |
SF 552 Rosen HF 1384 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-0574 Short Description: Early childhood, youth, community education and after school enrichment minimum revenue increase for school districts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 553 Saltzman; Marty HF 65 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0752 Short Description: Student service learning hours high school graduation requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 554 Saltzman; Saxhaug; Latz HF 1034 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1753 Short Description: Charter school employment protection provision
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF867, Sec. 13 |
SF 555 Lourey HF 544 Faust Revisor No.: 09-1670 Short Description: Day care facilities fire pits in outdoor play spaces prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 218 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 556 Lourey HF 570 Champion Revisor No.: 09-0233 Short Description: Highway rest area activities prohibitions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/19/2009 | 287 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/26/2009 | 1003a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762a | General Orders: Amended, progress | 04/28/2009 | 3437 | General Orders: To pass | 04/30/2009 | 3559 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2540, Sec. 3 |
SF 557 Bakk HF 732 Dill Revisor No.: 09-1861 Short Description: Brimson firefighters relief association board of trustees membership
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 10, Sec. 57 |
SF 558 Sheran; Olson, M.; Erickson Ropes HF 1089 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1843 Short Description: Kinship care definition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Comm report: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1089 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Judiciary |
SF 559 Pogemiller Revisor No.: 09-1108 Short Description: University Research Park (URP) bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 560 Latz; Moua; Higgins HF 891 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1891 Short Description: Criminal records expungement law provisions expansion and modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 788a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 02/25/2010 | 7198 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Moua | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author added Latz | 03/17/2010 | 7827a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/19/2010 | 9683a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/19/2010 | 9714 | Second reading | 04/21/2010 | 9772 | General Orders: To pass | 04/26/2010 | 9999 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/14/2010 | 11695 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/14/2010 | 11695 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/14/2010 | 11701 | Senate conferees Latz; Higgins; Ortman | 05/14/2010 | 11702 | House conferees Champion; Hilstrom; Cornish | 05/15/2010 | 11817c | Conference committee report | 05/15/2010 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/15/2010 | 11818 | Third reading | 05/15/2010 | 11833 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/18/10 | | 12402 | Governor's action Veto 05/27/10 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 381 05/27/10 |
SF 561 Moua; Marty; Higgins HF 702 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1739 Short Description: Juvenile justice system decision points study requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 219 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/09/2009 | 477a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4253a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5497 | General Orders: To pass | 05/16/2009 | 5872 | HF substituted on Calendar HF702 |
SF 562 Moua; Olson, M.; Latz; Higgins HF 882 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1769 Short Description: Criminal history evidence in actions against private employers limitations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 786a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/26/2009 | 1062a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/26/2009 | 1073 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF993, Sec. 10 | | | See HF1301, Art. 5, Sec. 6 |
SF 563 Moua; Betzold; Higgins; Olson, M. HF 720 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0207 Short Description: Uniform Child Witness Testimony by Alternative Methods Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 564 Moua; Foley; Higgins HF 881 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1812 Short Description: Civil rights restoration upon incarceration release
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 533a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 785a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 565 Moua; Pappas; Betzold; Olson, M. HF 1247 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1402 Short Description: University of Minnesota private equity investment data classification and regulation; Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) enrollment data supply to secretary of state for voting purposes requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1313a | Comm report: Amended | 04/01/2009 | | Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to Higher Education | | | See HF1853, Art. 2, Sec. 1 (U of M) | | | See SF1331, Art. 1. Sec. 6 (MnSCU) |
SF 566 Vickerman HF 510 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-0646 Short Description: Pesticide control law and fertilizer, soil amendment and plant amendment law modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/19/2009 | 784 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 49-50, 62-65 |
SF 567 Saltzman; Stumpf; Clark; Ingebrigtsen; Wiger HF 648 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-1558 Short Description: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator instruction requirement for school districts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 220 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Education | 03/30/2009 | 1160a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/30/2009 | 1202 | Second reading | 04/16/2009 | 2138 | General Orders: To pass | 04/17/2009 | 2185 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/15/2009 | 5704 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/15/09 | | 6734 | Governor's action Approval 05/19/09 | | 6734 | Secretary of State Chapter 107 05/19/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See SF1328, Art. 2, Sec. 10 |
SF 568 Scheid; Rest; Higgins HF 1360 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-1574 Short Description: City donated public safety equipment civil liability immunity extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/09/2009 | 221 | Introduction and first reading | 02/09/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 890a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/30/2009 | 1127 | Comm report: To pass | 03/30/2009 | 1142 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/08/2010 | 6846 | Author added Higgins | 02/25/2010 | 7142a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/25/2010 | 7181 | Second reading | 03/04/2010 | 7301 | General Orders: To pass | 03/11/2010 | 7580 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 569 Ingebrigtsen; Rosen; Gimse; Hann HF 484 Lanning Revisor No.: 09-1431 Short Description: Salvia divinorum schedule I controlled substance schedule addition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 570 Dahle HF 669 Bly Revisor No.: 09-1828 Short Description: Minnesota campus compact and service learning grants appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 571 Murphy; Pariseau HF 1393 Kelly Revisor No.: 09-1595 Short Description: Landfill cleanup program provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 572 Kubly HF 588 Falk Revisor No.: 09-1940 Short Description: Independent school district #378, Dawson-Boyd; Dawson school complex geothermal heating system construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 573 Dahle HF 602 Beard Revisor No.: 09-0307 Short Description: Public utilities commission recording and reporting of proceedings; cold weather rule technical corrections
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/12/2009 | 581a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/24/2009 | 946 | HF substituted on General Orders HF602 | | | See SF550, Sec. 4-5, 30, 37 |
SF 574 Dahle HF 1038 Jackson Revisor No.: 09-0305 Short Description: Public utilities unlawful rate revenues refund orders provisions
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 238 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/12/2009 | 582a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 04/30/2009 | 3560 | General Orders: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3608 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF550, Sec. 14 |
SF 575 Scheid HF 768 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-1279 Short Description: Child care assistance program modification and basic sliding fee waiting list elimination appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 239 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 576 Betzold HF 289 Sanders Revisor No.: 09-1202 Short Description: Game and fish lottery and drawing preferences provisions for military service members expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 239 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF1116, Sec. 18 |
SF 577 Ingebrigtsen HF 585 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1592 Short Description: English as official state language
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 239 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 578 Betzold HF 1123 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-1814 Short Description: Teachers retirement association (TRA) and public employees retirement association (PERA) modifications; TRA uncredited military service pension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 239 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 4, Art. 7, Sec. 1, 3-6 | | | See SF2918, Art. 7, Sec. 1, 3-7 |
SF 579 Lynch; Koering; Clark; Metzen; Tomassoni HF 505 Poppe Revisor No.: 09-1559 Short Description: Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) associate of applied science degree requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education | 03/24/2009 | 921a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | | | See SF2083, Art. 2, Sec. 44 |
SF 580 Day HF 639 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1850 Short Description: Medford sales and use tax imposition authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 581 Rest Revisor No.: 09-1735 Short Description: June accelerated sales and use tax payment repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 582 Ingebrigtsen; Pariseau HF 415 Howes Revisor No.: 09-1460 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for right to bear arms
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 583 Gimse; Gerlach; Ingebrigtsen; Hann HF 646 Seifert Revisor No.: 09-1852 Short Description: Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) electronic benefit transfers modification; Minnesota-grown foods bonus demonstration project application
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 584 Ingebrigtsen; Limmer; Pariseau HF 593 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1593 Short Description: Firearm purchase permit expiration date modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 240 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 585 Gerlach; Ingebrigtsen; Vandeveer; Gimse; Jungbauer HF 636 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1594 Short Description: Legislators per diem payment limits
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 586 Olseen HF 789 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-0306 Short Description: Public utilities commission rate determination deadline modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/12/2009 | 582a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/24/2009 | 947 | HF substituted on General Orders HF789 | | | See SF550, Sec. 6, 8 |
SF 587 Hann; Gerlach; Koch; Vandeveer; Michel HF 158 Peppin Revisor No.: 09-1226 Short Description: Legislators per diem living expenses payments prohibition during special session called due to failure to pass major legislation during the regular session
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 588 Betzold; by request HF 1248 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-1899 Short Description: Comprehensive law enforcement data access of witnesses identity restrictions in active investigations modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 589 Betzold; by request HF 874 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-1897 Short Description: Administration department advisory opinion legislative rejection and appendix requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 590 Chaudhary; Bakk; Tomassoni HF 758 Persell Revisor No.: 09-1833 Short Description: Big Rice Lake cooperative wild rice management pilot project
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 591 Hann; Michel HF 311 Peppin Revisor No.: 09-1099 Short Description: Ethanol producer payment program and minimum ethanol content in fuel requirement repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 241 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 592 Hann; Gerlach; Vandeveer; Dille HF 998 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1845 Short Description: Resolution claiming sovereignty under the tenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution over certain powers and serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/18/2009 | 758 | Author added Dille |
SF 593 Bonoff; Dibble; Rest; Carlson; Marty HF 1339 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1894 Short Description: Motor vehicles wireless communication devices (cell phones) use provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/15/2010 | 7750a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/15/2010 | 7781 | Second reading |
SF 594 Higgins; Scheid; Fischbach; Marty; Olseen HF 921 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1380 Short Description: Safe patient handling plans in clinical settings requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Olseen | 02/26/2009 | 327a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 443 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF1760, Sec. 81-83 |
SF 595 Moua; Pappas; Rummel; Pogemiller; Higgins HF 701 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1801 Short Description: Minnesota institute for public policy establishment and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Higgins |
SF 596 Pappas HF 607 Clark Revisor No.: 09-1432 Short Description: Polybrominated diphenyl ether manufacture and sale restriction
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 597 Pappas HF 656 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1243 Short Description: Constitutional amendment to lower voting age to 16
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 242 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 598 Fischbach HF 830 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1876 Short Description: Property tax agricultural products definition expansion to commercial processing of milk into cheese products
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 599 Rest HF 678 Peterson Revisor No.: 09-1846 Short Description: Motor vehicle lighting display requirements expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF878, Sec. 13 (study) |
SF 600 Torres Ray HF 740 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-0485 Short Description: Statewide science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) initiative appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 601 Tomassoni; Day; Bakk HF 464 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1487 Short Description: Speed limit when passing increase
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | | | See HF108, Sec. 1 |
SF 602 Tomassoni HF 640 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1839 Short Description: White municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 603 Tomassoni HF 615 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1840 Short Description: Aurora water treatment facility grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 604 Ingebrigtsen; Scheid HF 659 Hackbarth Revisor No.: 09-1645 Short Description: Farm wineries provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 243 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/23/2009 | 865a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1476, Sec. 2-4, 12 |
SF 605 Jungbauer HF 757 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-0239 Short Description: Transportation department (DOT) aircraft pilot disability and retirement provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 1-3 |
SF 606 Rest HF 873 Marquart Revisor No.: 09-1993 Short Description: Voting in primary age reduction
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 607 Anderson; Vickerman; Pariseau; Frederickson; Chaudhary HF 1007 Wagenius Revisor No.: 09-1703 Short Description: Environment and natural resources appropriations; legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota resources (LCCMR) membership modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 608 Dibble; Rosen; Marty HF 752 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-0935 Short Description: Adult mental health fatality review team establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 609 Dahle HF 684 Brod Revisor No.: 09-1172 Short Description: City aid base increase authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 610 Pappas HF 860 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1917 Short Description: University of Minnesota regent candidate nomination meeting time requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 244 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education |
SF 611 Sparks; Metzen; Michel; Lourey; Scheid Revisor No.: 09-1723 Short Description: State building code modifications; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials in heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 612 Latz; Betzold; Michel; Foley; Ortman HF 776 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-0051 Short Description: Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/08/2010 | 7374a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/08/2010 | 7382 | Second reading | 03/23/2010 | 8926 | General Orders: To pass | 03/25/2010 | 8999 | HF substituted on Calendar HF776 |
SF 613 Skogen; Gerlach; Scheid HF 534 Davids Revisor No.: 09-1705 Short Description: Certificates of insurance authorization and issuance regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 04/14/2009 | 2100a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 05/07/2009 | 4198 | HF substituted on General Orders HF534 | | | See HF1853, Art. 1, Sec. 18-19 |
SF 614 Fischbach; Moua; Higgins HF 302 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-0541 Short Description: Crime of fourth degree assault expansion to include protection of secure treatment facility personnel at locked psychiatric hospitals
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 615 Prettner Solon; Berglin; Koering; Lourey; Higgins HF 665 Swails Revisor No.: 09-1737 Short Description: Hennepin county specialty psychiatric hospital construction project moratorium exception
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 552 | Comm report: To pass | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 04/14/2009 | 2109 | General Orders: To pass | 04/20/2009 | 2238 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/06/2009 | 4052 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 51 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also SF2743, Sec. 1 |
SF 616 Rest; Dibble; Higgins; Marty; Senjem HF 722 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-0801 Short Description: Tax preparation services provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 879a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Taxes | | | See HF1298, Art. 12, Sec.1 |
SF 617 Rummel; Doll; Carlson; Frederickson; Sieben HF 529 Sailer Revisor No.: 09-1496 Short Description: Renewable energy design projects for K-12 schools grants bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 245 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Sieben |
SF 618 Saltzman; Skoe; Bonoff; Frederickson; Skogen HF 458 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1674 Short Description: Development and regulation of consumer products advisory council
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/05/2009 | 443 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 619 Scheid; Dahle; Sparks; Skogen; Gerlach HF 773 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-1931 Short Description: Health carrier definition clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 620 Kelash; Carlson; Fobbe; Stumpf HF 91 Slocum Revisor No.: 09-0652 Short Description: School district health and safety revenue allowable use for elevator repair costs
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 621 Sheran; Prettner Solon; Pappas; Anderson; Rosen HF 562 Wagenius Revisor No.: 09-1602 Short Description: Higher education asset preservation and replacement (HEAPR) projects capital budget expenditures standards expansion for building energy efficiency improvements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/26/2009 | 333 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Higher Education | 03/09/2009 | 474a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Capital Investment | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 27 |
SF 622 Day HF 853 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-1921 Short Description: Dodge Center and Owatonna trunk highway #14 reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 623 Day HF 1134 Kath Revisor No.: 09-2000 Short Description: Owatonna veterans home construction bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 246 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 624 Vickerman HF 682 Magnus Revisor No.: 09-1439 Short Description: Buffalo Ridge railroad authority state loan forgiveness
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 04/14/2009 | 2091 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF1309, Art. 1, Sec. 3, Sub. 2(d) |
SF 625 Ingebrigtsen; Vickerman; Gimse HF 685 Nornes Revisor No.: 09-1545 Short Description: Operation Happy Note grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 626 Olseen; Dahle; Kelash; Olson, G. HF 781 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1364 Short Description: Income tax subtraction for voluntary firefighter or volunteer emergency medical service provider pension or retirement income
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 627 Metzen; Carlson; Chaudhary; Cohen; Gerlach HF 753 Sterner Revisor No.: 09-1796 Short Description: Minnesota zoological garden repair and infrastructure projects bond issue and appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 8 |
SF 628 Wiger HF 1471 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-2014 Short Description: Payday loans regulations; consumer small loans repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 629 Koch HF 339 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1280 Short Description: Minnesota fair plan creation; city local government aid (LGA) program elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 630 Koch HF 165 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1169 Short Description: Public funds use prohibitions and restrictions; public contracts regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 247 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 631 Saxhaug; Koering HF 621 Anzelc Revisor No.: 09-1838 Short Description: Northern pike spearing slot limit elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 632 Langseth HF 919 Scalze Revisor No.: 09-0225 Short Description: Local capital improvement requests information requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 23, 24, 47 |
SF 633 Sheran; Berglin; Erickson Ropes; Lynch; Rosen HF 984 Norton Revisor No.: 09-1564 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) primary care health care providers primary caries (cavities) prevention performance encouragement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 552a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 699 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Finance | 02/25/2010 | 7196 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Berglin | 02/25/2010 | | Chief author added Sheran | 04/13/2010 | 9568a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/13/2010 | 9572 | Second reading | 04/15/2010 | 9610 | General Orders: To pass | 04/19/2010 | 9638 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/05/2010 | 10413 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2010 | 10413 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/05/2010 | 10413 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/07/10 | 05/12/2010 | 11146 | Governor's action Approval 05/11/10 | 05/12/2010 | 11147 | Secretary of State Chapter 307 05/11/10 | | | Effective date 08/01/10 |
SF 634 Moua HF 714 Thao Revisor No.: 09-0936 Short Description: High-risk children collaborative services and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 635 Stumpf HF 411 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1635 Short Description: Bovine tuberculosis herd buyout program appropriation modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4251 | Comm report: To pass | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 105 |
SF 636 Tomassoni HF 750 Sertich Revisor No.: 09-2043 Short Description: Floodwood business park development grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 248 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 637 Erickson Ropes; Vickerman; Fobbe; Pogemiller; Dille HF 611 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1623 Short Description: Disabled veteran owned small businesses designation as targeted group for contracts
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 638 Scheid; Dahle; Tomassoni; Metzen; Day HF 1056 Howes Revisor No.: 09-1908 Short Description: Construction subcontractors prompt payment requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/05/2009 | 393 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Judiciary | 03/16/2009 | 693 | Comm report: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 05/04/2009 | 3602 | HF substituted on General Orders HF1056 |
SF 639 Carlson; Sieben; Metzen; Doll; Jungbauer HF 45 Bigham Revisor No.: 09-0331 Short Description: Careless driving resulting in death penalty imposition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 04/14/2009 | 2091a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary |
SF 640 Kelash; Fobbe; Chaudhary; Skogen; Gerlach HF 1539 Rosenthal Revisor No.: 09-1900 Short Description: Public waters temporary drawdown
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/19/2009 | 805a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Second reading | 04/22/2009 | 2467 | General Orders: To pass | 04/24/2009 | 2707 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/27/2009 | 3069 | Author added Gerlach | 05/05/2009 | 4024 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2009 | 4024 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/05/2009 | 4024 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 48 05/07/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See SF1110, Sec. 37 |
SF 641 Prettner Solon; Fischbach; Olson, M.; Stumpf; Senjem HF 823 Norton Revisor No.: 09-1803 Short Description: Dental therapists licensing and practice limitations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See SF2083 | | | See SF1106 |
SF 642 Murphy; Langseth; Kubly; Dibble; Ortman HF 846 Lieder Revisor No.: 09-2052 Short Description: Rail service improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 249 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 643 Sheran; Rosen; Kubly; Vickerman HF 1048 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-1821 Short Description: Workforce Investment in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) program unemployment benefit eligibility
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/26/2009 | 327 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 03/12/2009 | 601a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 04/02/2009 | 1423 | General Orders: To pass | 04/06/2009 | 1708 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/21/2009 | 2411 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/23/09 | | 3484 | Governor's action Approval 04/27/09 | | 3485 | Secretary of State Chapter 25 04/27/09 | | | Effective date 04/28/09 |
SF 644 Dille; Tomassoni HF 748 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1560 Short Description: Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) board of trustees semester credits policy requirement removal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Higher Education |
SF 645 Ortman; Higgins; Moua; Latz HF 1126 Eastlund Revisor No.: 09-1879 Short Description: Nonviolent controlled substance (drug) offenders mandatory minimum sentences and conditional release program modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 785a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF802, Art. 3, Sec. 7-12, 23 |
SF 646 Betzold; by request; Scheid; Moua; Ortman; Limmer Revisor No.: 09-1336 Short Description: Business screening services definition modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 647 Metzen; Carlson; Sieben HF 828 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-2145 Short Description: St. Paul Robert Street corridor transitway bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Carlson | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Sieben | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 | | | See HF2700, Sec. 16 (vetoed) |
SF 648 Vickerman HF 1004 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-2037 Short Description: Cottonwood county intermediate care facility for the developmentally disabled (ICF/MR) facility relocation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/18/2009 | 759 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance |
SF 649 Fischbach HF 979 Severson Revisor No.: 09-2048 Short Description: Adjusted property tax levy limit base calculation modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 250 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 650 Olson, M. HF 772 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-1971 Short Description: Medical examination frequency limitations by physicians for motor vehicle insurers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection |
SF 651 Pappas HF 645 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-1630 Short Description: Education and career plan requirements for high school students
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 652 Lynch; Rosen; Erickson Ropes; Lourey HF 666 Norton Revisor No.: 09-1250 Short Description: Nursing home and home care regulations modifications and tuberculosis screening requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 653 Scheid; Rest HF 276 Slawik Revisor No.: 09-0723 Short Description: Income tax dependent care credit and education credit provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 02/16/2009 | 262 | Author added Rest |
SF 654 Erickson Ropes; Lourey; Rosen HF 826 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1493 Short Description: Elderly services customized living service rate cap elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/19/2009 | 779a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 655 Gimse; Dille HF 630 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1886 Short Description: Animal cruelty prevention assistance by counties and cities special levies use restriction elimination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 251 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 656 Prettner Solon; Doll HF 864 Hilty Revisor No.: 09-1996 Short Description: Appliance energy standards analysis by legislative energy commission
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/19/2009 | 287 | Comm report: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Doll | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 442 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 657 Anderson; Prettner Solon; Dibble; Doll; Clark HF 680 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1995 Short Description: Federal stimulus energy programs funding direction and appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Doll | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Authors added Clark; Anderson | 03/05/2009 | 405a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Prettner Solon | 03/05/2009 | | Chief author added Anderson | 04/16/2009 | 2119a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/16/2009 | 2134 | Second reading | 04/20/2009 | 2295a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 04/24/2009 | 2699 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/29/2009 | 3527 | Returned from House with amendment | 04/29/2009 | 3527 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested | 04/29/2009 | 3528 | Senate conferees Anderson; Prettner Solon; Kubly; Dille; Rummel | 05/04/2009 | 3570 | House conferees Kalin; Hilty; Sailer; Brynaert; McNamara | 05/15/2009 | 5777c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/15/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/15/2009 | 5793 | Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6020 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 138 05/21/09 | | | Effective date 05/22/09 | | | See also SF3318, Sec. 3-5 | | | See also SF3275, Art. 5, Sec. 18 |
SF 658 Sieben; Higgins; Wiger; Rest HF 1282 Poppe Revisor No.: 09-1530 Short Description: Election day polling place challenger requirements modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/24/2009 | 943a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 659 Olseen; Sieben; Rest; Carlson HF 1229 Poppe Revisor No.: 09-1994 Short Description: Election judges restrictions clarifications and appointment lists modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/23/2009 | 892a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/23/2009 | 897 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 56, 58-59 |
SF 660 Marty; Sieben; Pappas; Rest HF 1053 Simon Revisor No.: 09-2079 Short Description: Automatic voter registration for drivers license applicants; secretary of state additional data requirement from public officials for voter registration system maintenance
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 687a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/26/2009 | 1005a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4251 | Comm report: To pass | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5501 | General Orders: To pass | 05/14/2009 | 5676 | HF substituted on Calendar HF1053 |
SF 661 Pappas; Sieben; Marty; Rest HF 817 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-2078 Short Description: Voter registration provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 252 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 690a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/23/2009 | 895a | Comm report: Amended | 03/23/2009 | | Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to Higher Education | 03/25/2009 | 984a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Higher Education | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 12 |
SF 662 Carlson; Rest; Sieben Revisor No.: 09-1597 Short Description: Absentee ballot envelope validity, write-in votes, general election canvass, automatic recounts and state funded recounts provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 253 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Sieben | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 66 |
SF 663 Erickson Ropes; Rest; Sieben HF 1010 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-1864 Short Description: Military and overseas voting provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 253 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/02/2009 | 1416 | Comm report: To pass | 04/02/2009 | 1420 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 664 Pogemiller HF 765 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1907 Short Description: Minneapolis Northtown rail yard bridge bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 253 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 12, Sub. 3 |
SF 665 Lourey; Dibble; Torres Ray; Higgins HF 934 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1837 Short Description: Foster care children medical assistance (MA) eligibility to age 21
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 253 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 284a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Authors added Torres Ray; Higgins |
SF 666 Marty; Dibble; Torres Ray; Higgins HF 985 Hayden Revisor No.: 09-1835 Short Description: Children aging out of foster care transition plan and eligibility modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 253 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 285 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Authors added Torres Ray; Higgins | 04/03/2009 | 1525a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/03/2009 | 1689 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3072 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/15/2009 | 5704 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/15/09 | | 6734 | Governor's action Approval 05/19/09 | | 6734 | Secretary of State Chapter 106 05/19/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See also SF2642, Sec. 52 | | | See also SF2690, Art. 2, Sec. 3; Art. 3, Sec. 7 | | | See also SF2855, Art. 3, Sec. 8 |
SF 667 Pogemiller HF 787 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1874 Short Description: Minneapolis Father Hennepin regional park capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 668 Pogemiller HF 852 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1875 Short Description: Minneapolis Grand Rounds national scenic byway bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF781, Sec. 11, Sub. 10 |
SF 669 Betzold HF 741 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-2001 Short Description: Minneapolis firefighters relief association and Minneapolis police relief association public employees retirement association (PERA) membership
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 6 |
SF 670 Dahle HF 689 Knuth Revisor No.: 09-1566 Short Description: Strategic tree planting eligibility for conservation improvements expenditures
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | | | See SF550, Sec. 18 |
SF 671 Sieben; Torres Ray; Metzen; Chaudhary; Jungbauer HF 424 Hansen Revisor No.: 09-1527 Short Description: Critical Areas Act of 1973 modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/02/2009 | 360a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/18/2009 | 758 | Author added Jungbauer | 03/19/2009 | 826a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1231, Art. 2, Sec. 5, 27 |
SF 672 Skogen; Stumpf; Bonoff; Clark; Saxhaug Revisor No.: 09-1815 Short Description: School districts education mandates simplification and repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 254 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/12/2009 | 638 | Authors added Clark; Saxhaug | 03/19/2009 | 838a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 6, 18, 34, 50, 55, 68, Art. 3, Sec. 15, Art. 4, Sec. 7, 10, Art. 5, Sec. 1 | | | See SF3, Art. 1, Sec. 1, 4-6, 8-19 |
SF 673 Stumpf; Anderson HF 1052 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1938 Short Description: Kennedy energy conversion building project (Go Green Business Center) appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/05/2009 | 409 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See SF657, Art 3. Sec. 7 |
SF 674 Marty; Sieben; Murphy; Doll; Carlson HF 690 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-1261 Short Description: Minnesota Clean Car Act
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications | 03/05/2009 | 390a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 675 Kubly; Fischbach; Sheran; Erickson Ropes; Lourey HF 842 Olin Revisor No.: 09-1726 Short Description: Ambulance emergency medical services technical changes
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/25/2009 | 972a | Comm report: To pass as amended, Consent Calendar | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Second reading | 03/30/2009 | 1148 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/08/2009 | 4238 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/08/09 | | 5666 | Governor's action Approval 05/12/09 | | 5667 | Secretary of State Chapter 70 05/12/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 676 Torres Ray; Marty HF 706 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1291 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) retroactive provider payments; elderly waiver services additions; medical assistance (MA) eligibility time frames determination
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/19/2009 | 783 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance |
SF 677 Skoe; Langseth; Stumpf HF 1289 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-1808 Short Description: Spot-check inspection of commercial motor vehicles by state patrol probable cause requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 678 Skoe; Langseth; Stumpf Revisor No.: 09-1577 Short Description: Trailers hauling farm products rear-end protection requirement exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 255 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 679 Olson, M. HF 749 Howes Revisor No.: 09-2042 Short Description: Hubbard county trunk highway #64 culvert reconstruction or replacement bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/12/2009 | 256 | Introduction and first reading | 02/12/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 680 Tomassoni; Bakk Revisor No.: 09-1992 Short Description: Constitutional amendment for increased terms of legislative offices
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 263 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 681 Bakk HF 885 Lenczewski Revisor No.: 09-0114 Short Description: Tax policy, technical, administrative changes and clarifications to income, corporate franchise, estate, sales, use, mortgage, property, gross receipts, fuel, cigarette, tobacco, insurance, gambling, liquor, minerals, solid waste and various taxes and tax-related provisions; local government aid (LGA) provisions modification and tax data provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 263 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 05/06/2009 | 4166a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/06/2009 | 4193 | Second reading | 05/07/2009 | 4233 | General Orders: Stricken and laid on table | | | HF substituted in committee HF885 | | | See HF1298, Art. 7-11 | | | See HF3729, Art. 9 |
SF 682 Koch; Hann; Vandeveer HF 489 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-0970 Short Description: State agencies periodic sunset (abolishment) and evaluation provision
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Author added Rest | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Author stricken Rest |
SF 683 Scheid HF 334 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-0990 Short Description: Creditor remedies provisions modifications; prejudgment garnishment prohibitions; creditors exemption claims hearings
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | HF substituted in committee HF334 |
SF 684 Sheran; Langseth; Vickerman; Lynch; Rest HF 868 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-2018 Short Description: Bioscience business development public infrastructure grant program expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Author added Vickerman | 02/26/2009 | 328a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 02/26/2009 | 332 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 366 | Chief author stricken, shown as co-author Langseth | 03/02/2009 | | Chief author added Sheran | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 418 | Authors added Lynch; Rest | 03/05/2009 | 440 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/30/2009 | 3535 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/04/09 | | 4196 | Governor's action Approval 05/06/09 | | 4196 | Secretary of State Chapter 35 05/06/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 685 Dibble; Marty; Sheran; Prettner Solon HF 1077 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1477 Short Description: Respiratory therapists licensing provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/05/2009 | 395a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/12/2009 | 664 | General Orders: To pass | 03/16/2009 | 699 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF1447, Art. 2, Sec. 1-9 |
SF 686 Pappas Revisor No.: 09-2022 Short Description: St. Paul teachers retirement fund association postretirement cost-of-living adjustment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 7 |
SF 687 Wiger HF 907 Lillie Revisor No.: 09-0367 Short Description: Employee invention agreements regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 264 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 688 Lynch; Koering; Skoe; Langseth; Erickson Ropes HF 730 Thao Revisor No.: 09-1910 Short Description: Health plan companies formulary-based wound care coverage requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/26/2009 | 1100a | Comm report: Amended | 03/26/2009 | | Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 689 Murphy HF 836 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1934 Short Description: Rural residential districts town roads speed limits modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 690 Saxhaug; Koering; Lourey; Rosen; Lynch HF 657 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1216 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) 24-hour customized living services modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Author added Lynch | 03/18/2009 | 755a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 691 Erickson Ropes; Vickerman; Chaudhary HF 900 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1030 Short Description: Railroads pesticides application regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/30/2009 | 1121a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See HF1122, Art. 1, Sec. 60 |
SF 692 Stumpf; Ingebrigtsen; Vickerman; Dille HF 762 Eken Revisor No.: 09-1902 Short Description: Grasslands definitions repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources | 03/18/2009 | 739 | Comm report: To pass | 03/18/2009 | 757 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Environment and Natural Resources | | | See SF1779, Art. 1, Sec. 64 |
SF 693 Lynch; Senjem; Moua; Rest; Dibble HF 1452 Liebling Revisor No.: 09-1210 Short Description: Sales tax exemption for health care facilities pollution control machinery and equipment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 694 Berglin HF 1361 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-2082 Short Description: Prenatal alcohol or drug use grant appropriation modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 265 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 04/03/2009 | 1512a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/03/2009 | 1689 | Second reading | 04/20/2009 | 2295 | General Orders: To pass | 04/22/2009 | 2464 | Calendar: Third reading Passed |
SF 695 Berglin HF 1362 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-2083 Short Description: Omnibus health and human services appropriations
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance | 04/25/2009 | 2765a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Rules and Administration | 04/25/2009 | | Joint rule 2.03, referred to Rules and Administration | 04/25/2009 | 3056a | Comm report: Amend previous comm report To pass as further amended | 04/25/2009 | 3057 | Second reading | 04/27/2009 | 3083a | Special Order: Amended | 04/27/2009 | 3419 | Third reading Passed | 04/27/2009 | 3420 | Laid on table | 04/28/2009 | 3433 | HF substituted by motion [HF1362] |
SF 696 Berglin; Lynch; Lourey; Sheran; Rosen HF 1140 Huntley Revisor No.: 09-1983 Short Description: Patient-centered decision making for surgical procedures and medical conditions requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 551a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | | | See SF695, Art. 10, Sec. 62 |
SF 697 Prettner Solon; Erickson Ropes; Rosen HF 703 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1233 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) nursing facilities moratorium exception and rate adjustment modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | | | See SF695, Art. 1, Sec. 6 | | | See HF1362, Art. 8, Sec. 6 |
SF 698 Tomassoni; Metzen; Koch; Sparks; Saltzman HF 1081 Mahoney Revisor No.: 09-1219 Short Description: Small business growth acceleration program eligibility expansion and Enterprise Minnesota, Inc. grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/12/2009 | 627 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | | | See HF2088, Art. 1, Sec. 3, Art. 2, Sec. 28-29 |
SF 699 Saxhaug; Fobbe; Olson, G.; Torres Ray HF 539 Slocum Revisor No.: 09-0913 Short Description: Children with disabilities requirements modifications; safe schools levy payment for mental health crisis intervention team training for peace officers and sheriffs
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Education | | | See HF2, Art. 1, Sec. 2 |
SF 700 Olson, M.; Skoe HF 1130 Persell Revisor No.: 09-2127 Short Description: Bemidji state university capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 266 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 701 Tomassoni; Bakk; Anderson; Langseth HF 683 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-2073 Short Description: Mountain Iron municipal wastewater treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 702 Tomassoni; Murphy; Berglin; Saxhaug; Bakk HF 691 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-2089 Short Description: State employees vacation donation program modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/14/2009 | 1963a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/04/2009 | 3614 | Comm report: To pass | 05/04/2009 | 3705 | Second reading | | 6743 | Rule 47, returned to Finance | | | See SF2082, Art. 2, Sec. 61 |
SF 703 Koch; Dibble; Dille HF 845 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-1795 Short Description: Biomass electrical generation facility property tax exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 704 Dahle; Lourey; Sheran; Berglin; Prettner Solon HF 384 Thissen Revisor No.: 09-1114 Short Description: Health care technology standards and tools development
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/23/2009 | 851a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/12/2009 | 5024a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/12/2009 | 5030 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5497 | General Orders: To pass Rule 22.3 suspended, lie-over waived | 05/16/2009 | 5873 | HF substituted on Calendar HF384 |
SF 705 Tomassoni; Saxhaug; Jungbauer HF 888 Anderson, B. Revisor No.: 09-1481 Short Description: Transportation infrastructure projects funding through state-chartered banks
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/23/2009 | 313 | Author stricken Metzen | 02/23/2009 | 314 | Author stricken Sparks |
SF 706 Moua; Metzen; Foley HF 947 Thao Revisor No.: 09-1136 Short Description: Parents Fair Share program appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 267 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 707 Saxhaug; Higgins; Moua HF 448 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-0927 Short Description: 911 system referral to mental health crisis teams authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/01/2009 | 1341a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Second reading | 04/01/2009 | 1343 | Author added Moua | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3077 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/17/2009 | 5895 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/18/09 | | 6735 | Governor's action Approval 05/20/09 | | 6735 | Secretary of State Chapter 128 05/20/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 | | | See HF1760, Sec. 106 |
SF 708 Fobbe; Dahle; Scheid; Erickson Ropes; Olseen HF 903 Mullery Revisor No.: 09-1880 Short Description: Mortgage foreclosure consultants provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/12/2009 | 581a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1088a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 03/30/2009 | 1146 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/05/2009 | 4025 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2009 | 4025 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/05/2009 | 4045 | Senate conferees Fobbe; Ingebrigtsen; Scheid | 05/07/2009 | 4197 | House conferees Mullery; Johnson; Zellers | 05/16/2009 | 5885c | Conference committee report | 05/16/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/16/2009 | 5885 | Third reading | 05/18/2009 | 6020 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 141 05/21/09 | | | Effective date 06/21/09 |
SF 709 Bonoff; Hann; Rest; Murphy HF 929 Ruud Revisor No.: 09-1847 Short Description: Minnetonka municipal street improvement districts authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/09/2009 | 470a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Transportation | 03/25/2009 | 990 | Author stricken Olson, G. |
SF 710 Sheran; Senjem; Tomassoni HF 295 Loeffler Revisor No.: 09-1448 Short Description: Disabled persons consumer-directed community supports option state budget methodology for adults modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 02/19/2009 | 291 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/26/2009 | 330a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 711 Marty; Senjem; Tomassoni HF 266 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1381 Short Description: Children with developmental disabilities services costs parental contribution requirements modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 02/26/2009 | 331a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 04/30/2009 | 3553a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/30/2009 | 3553 | Second reading | 05/13/2009 | 5657 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5767 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/18/2009 | 6019 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 145 05/21/09 | | | Effective date 07/01/09 | | | See HF266 |
SF 712 Higgins; Foley; Rest; Moua; Ingebrigtsen HF 1269 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-2119 Short Description: Criminal justice agencies reports electronic version submission requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | See SF802, Art. 3, Sec. 1-2 | | | See SF1118 |
SF 713 Robling; Betzold; Olseen; Gerlach; Jungbauer HF 834 Kohls Revisor No.: 09-1809 Short Description: State employee suggestion system for cost-savings to the state award program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 268 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/09/2009 | 474 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Finance | 04/03/2009 | 1522a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/03/2009 | 1689 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3071 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See SF2, Art. 1, Sec. 15 |
SF 714 Tomassoni HF 847 Rukavina Revisor No.: 09-2107 Short Description: Mountain Iron water and sanitary sewer infrastructure extension grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 269 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 715 Rosen; Frederickson; Sheran; Sparks; Langseth HF 1335 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1930 Short Description: Winnebago wastewater treatment piping grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 269 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 716 Rosen; Lynch; Lourey; Fischbach HF 1334 Gunther Revisor No.: 09-1990 Short Description: Medical assistance (MA) treatment of life insurance policies, nursing facility private pay residents rate charging modifications and long-term care employer health insurance costs payment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 269 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 717 Hann; Gerlach; Koch HF 699 Demmer Revisor No.: 09-1631 Short Description: Teacher contracts negotiation prohibition during school year; failure to settle teacher contracts penalty repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 269 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 718 Hann; Gerlach; Vandeveer; Limmer; Koch HF 806 Buesgens Revisor No.: 09-2104 Short Description: Charter schools school district lease of unoccupied buildings authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 269 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Education |
SF 719 Hann; Vandeveer; Limmer HF 395 Lenczewski Revisor No.: 09-1449 Short Description: State gambling facility (casino) location voter approval requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 720 Hann HF 426 Drazkowski Revisor No.: 09-1580 Short Description: School districts staff development account reserves mandate repeal
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 721 Foley; Erickson Ropes; Higgins; Sieben; Limmer HF 1156 Paymar Revisor No.: 09-2010 Short Description: Conciliation court referees authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | | | See SF2018, Art. 2, Sec. 11 | | | See SF1627, Art. 3, Sec. 5 | | | See SF802, Sec. 33 |
SF 722 Kelash; Moua; Marty; Limmer; Saxhaug HF 954 Lesch Revisor No.: 09-1701 Short Description: National instant criminal background check system information transmittal requirement for persons civilly committed, found not guilty by reason of mental illness or incompetent to stand trial; firearm possession restoration petition for committed persons authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/14/2009 | 1772a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4467a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/11/2009 | 4488 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/14/2009 | 5690 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/14/2009 | 5691 | Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested | 05/14/2009 | 5701 | Senate conferees Kelash; Moua; Ingebrigtsen | 05/15/2009 | 5707 | House conferees Lesch; Norton; Cornish | 05/17/2009 | 5899c | Conference committee report, delete everything | 05/17/2009 | | Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill | 05/17/2009 | 5904 | Third reading | 05/18/2009 | 6021 | House adopted SCC report and repassed bill | | | Presentment date 05/20/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Approval 05/21/09 | | 6737 | Secretary of State Chapter 139 05/21/09 | | | Effective date Sec. 1 07/01/10; Sec. 2-6 08/01/09 |
SF 723 Lynch; Sheran; Prettner Solon; Koering; Erickson Ropes HF 1391 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-2118 Short Description: Medical transportation services broker use prohibition; social worker level of need determination authorization; access transportation medical assistance (MA) coverage expansion
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/25/2009 | 976a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 724 Saltzman; Rosen; Langseth; Dibble; Ortman HF 799 Davnie Revisor No.: 09-1854 Short Description: Income tax credit for investments in qualified high technology business ventures
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 270 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | 03/18/2009 | 740 | Comm report: To pass and re-referred to Taxes |
SF 725 Moua; Prettner Solon; Cohen; Clark; Dille HF 922 Nelson Revisor No.: 09-1885 Short Description: Public housing rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 726 Vandeveer; Johnson HF 321 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-1276 Short Description: Independent school district #831, Forest Lake; fund transfer authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 727 Berglin; Senjem; Torres Ray; Sieben HF 1032 Fritz Revisor No.: 09-1562 Short Description: Self-advocacy program for persons with developmental disabilities; Advocating Change Together (ACT) medical assistance (MA) services grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/05/2009 | 419 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Finance | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Author added Sieben | 05/06/2009 | 4122a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/06/2009 | 4158 | Second reading | 05/08/2009 | 4262a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/11/2009 | 4481 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | | See HF2088, Art. 1, Sec. 3 |
SF 728 Latz HF 791 Simon Revisor No.: 09-1717 Short Description: St. Louis Park fire station and municipal service center building construction and remodeling sales tax exemption
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Taxes |
SF 729 Rest HF 940 Zellers Revisor No.: 09-1536 Short Description: Hennepin county human resources board and department personnel rules modifications; Victory Memorial Drive historic district task force sunset extension
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/16/2009 | 692a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/16/2009 | 698 | Second reading | 04/25/2009 | 2762 | General Orders: To pass | 04/27/2009 | 3080 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 05/05/2009 | 4025 | Returned from House with amendment | 05/05/2009 | 4025 | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 05/05/2009 | 4025 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 05/05/09 | | 4476 | Governor's action Approval 05/07/09 | | 4476 | Secretary of State Chapter 50 05/07/09 | | | Effective date Sec. 1-2 Local Approval |
SF 730 Saltzman; Bakk; Sparks; Scheid HF 968 Hosch Revisor No.: 09-1361 Short Description: Residential construction board
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 271 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs |
SF 731 Sheran; Rosen HF 795 Brynaert Revisor No.: 09-1942 Short Description: Independent school district #77, Mankato; fund transfer authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | 03/12/2009 | 638 | Author added Rosen | | | See HF2, Art. 5, Sec. 12, Sub. 2 |
SF 732 Dibble; Ortman; Higgins; Chaudhary; Torres Ray HF 809 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-1954 Short Description: Metropolitan transit self-sufficiency discount passes to charitable organizations authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation |
SF 733 Skoe; Saltzman; Sparks; Michel HF 1794 Welti Revisor No.: 09-1756 Short Description: Independent contractor definition clarification for truck driver-operators for workers compensation, unemployment compensation and income taxation purposes
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Business, Industry and Jobs | | | See SF910 |
SF 734 Prettner Solon; Sheran; Erickson Ropes; Bakk HF 1002 Murphy, E. Revisor No.: 09-1572 Short Description: Innovation in nursing education demonstration projects grant program
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/12/2009 | 638 | Authors added Erickson Ropes; Bakk | 03/23/2009 | 849a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance |
SF 735 Scheid; Koering; Jungbauer; Betzold; Lourey HF 917 Jackson Revisor No.: 09-0336 Short Description: Human services department and county agency direct access to corrections department data
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 736 Doll; Dibble; Anderson; Rosen; Senjem HF 1049 Kalin Revisor No.: 09-2110 Short Description: Energy conservation improvement program plans approval regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 272 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications |
SF 737 Marty; Chaudhary HF 719 Laine Revisor No.: 09-1946 Short Description: Independent school district #282, St. Anthony-New Brighton; fund transfer
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF2, Art. 5, Sec. 12 |
SF 738 Limmer; Jungbauer; Moua; Vandeveer; Rest HF 988 Mariani Revisor No.: 09-0599 Short Description: Real ID Act compliance prohibition
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 04/14/2009 | 2092 | Comm report: To pass | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 05/04/2009 | 3602 | HF substituted on General Orders HF988 |
SF 739 Jungbauer; Vandeveer HF 1068 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-2035 Short Description: Schools background check fees waiver for volunteers
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Education | 03/05/2009 | 418 | Author added Vandeveer | | | See HF2, Art. 2, Sec. 32 |
SF 740 Jungbauer HF 1074 Abeler Revisor No.: 09-2055 Short Description: Anoka county design build contract process use for construction of intersection of U.S. highway #10 and county state-aid highway #83
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 519 | Comm report: To pass | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 725 | General Orders: To pass | 03/18/2009 | 760 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | | 6744 | Returned from House amended (subsequent to adjournment) Message not reported | 02/04/2010 | 6763 | Returned from House with amendment | 02/04/2010 | 6763 | Laid on table | 02/08/2010 | 6847 | Taken from table | 02/08/2010 | | Senate concurred and repassed bill | 02/08/2010 | 6848 | Third reading | | | Presentment date 02/09/10 | 02/15/2010 | 6956 | Governor's action Approval 02/11/10 | 02/15/2010 | 6956 | Secretary of State Chapter 181 02/11/10 | | | Effective date 02/12/10 |
SF 741 Ingebrigtsen; Higgins; Moua; Rosen; Berglin Revisor No.: 09-1913 Short Description: Youth intervention programs grants appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 742 Ingebrigtsen; Gimse HF 485 Anderson, P. Revisor No.: 09-1546 Short Description: Alexandria Pope/Douglas waste-to-energy facility construction grant bond issue and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF2360, Sec. 8 |
SF 743 Dahle HF 1615 Sanders Revisor No.: 09-0628 Short Description: Petroleum and biodiesel products weights and measures standards update
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 273 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/12/2009 | 592a | Comm report: To pass as amended, Consent Calendar | 03/12/2009 | 637 | Second reading | 03/16/2009 | 702 | Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/07/2009 | 1762 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/15/09 | | 2234 | Governor's action Approval 04/16/09 | | 2234 | Secretary of State Chapter 17 04/16/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 744 Latz; Higgins; Moua; Foley; Ingebrigtsen HF 963 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1324 Short Description: Children of incarcerated parents mentoring grant appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 274 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance |
SF 745 Rest HF 1152 Kahn Revisor No.: 09-1867 Short Description: Election vacancies in nomination provisions modifications
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 274 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/24/2009 | 945a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Second reading | 05/14/2009 | 5681 | General Orders: To pass | 05/15/2009 | 5770 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | | | See SF1331, Art. 1, Sec. 36-39, 41-45 | | | See SF278, Sec. 1-10, 15 |
SF 746 Rest HF 878 Hortman Revisor No.: 09-0510 Short Description: Highway centerline relocation provision; county state-aid highways and municipal state-aid streets; advertising devices placement; lands abutting rail bank property
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 274 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 03/12/2009 | 518a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 03/18/2009 | 759 | Withdrawn | 03/18/2009 | 759 | Second reading | 04/16/2009 | 2134 | HF substituted on General Orders HF878 |
SF 747 Rest; by request; Limmer HF 519 Nelson Revisor No.: 09-0198 Short Description: Shoreland areas nonconforming lots regulation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 274 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 04/02/2009 | 1432a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Environment and Natural Resources | 04/07/2009 | 1732a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 04/14/2009 | 2090 | Comm report: To pass | 04/14/2009 | 2106 | Second reading | 04/23/2009 | 2670 | Author added Limmer | 05/07/2009 | 4199 | HF substituted on General Orders HF519 |
SF 748 Rest; by request HF 620 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-0364 Short Description: Metropolitan council annual audit requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 274 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 749 Betzold HF 950 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-2155 Short Description: Public employees retirement association (PERA) postretirement option for general plan members
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 5, Sec. 2 |
SF 750 Betzold HF 982 Murphy, M. Revisor No.: 09-2146 Short Description: Minnesota state retirement system (MSRS) allowable service credit for job-share employees modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | | | See SF191, Art. 12, Sec. 15 |
SF 751 Clark; Senjem; Moua; Rest; Dibble HF 872 Marquart Revisor No.: 09-1953 Short Description: Property tax exemption for institutions of public charity clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Taxes | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Author added Moua | 03/24/2009 | 949 | Authors added Rest; Dibble |
SF 752 Vickerman HF 931 Hamilton Revisor No.: 09-2147 Short Description: Worthington Campbell Soup factory site cleanup and redevelopment grant prior appropriation modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See HF855, Art. 1, Sec. 36 |
SF 753 Dille HF 564 Urdahl Revisor No.: 09-1620 Short Description: Ethanol production from whey feasibility study and report
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans |
SF 754 Dille; Vickerman HF 839 Juhnke Revisor No.: 09-1922 Short Description: Minnesota veterinary diagnostic laboratory appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Finance | | | See SF1779, Art. 1, Sec. 3 |
SF 755 Koch; Vickerman; Koering; Olseen; Erickson Ropes HF 797 Emmer Revisor No.: 09-2103 Short Description: Horses and equines definition clarification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 275 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/05/2009 | 400a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/05/2009 | 417 | Second reading | 03/05/2009 | 444 | General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to Taxes | 02/18/2010 | 7016 | Withdrawn and re-referred to Agriculture and Veterans | 03/01/2010 | 7216a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/01/2010 | 7232 | Second reading | | | See SF2737, Art. 1, Sec. 4 |
SF 756 Vandeveer; Dille; Doll HF 880 Dettmer Revisor No.: 09-1965 Short Description: Watershed districts and watershed management organizations information submission to counties requirement
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 276 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Environment and Natural Resources |
SF 757 Carlson HF 619 Hornstein Revisor No.: 09-0273 Short Description: Fuel decal fee collection for International Fuel Tax Agreement authorization
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 276 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Transportation | 02/19/2009 | 286 | Comm report: To pass | 02/19/2009 | 290 | Second reading | 03/02/2009 | 368 | General Orders: To pass | 03/05/2009 | 442 | Calendar: Third reading Passed | 04/16/2009 | 2111 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 04/15/09 | | 2234 | Governor's action Approval 04/16/09 | | 2234 | Secretary of State Chapter 21 04/16/09 | | | Effective date 08/01/09 |
SF 758 Moua; Limmer; Olson, M.; Berglin; Scheid HF 818 Hilstrom Revisor No.: 09-1893 Short Description: Vulnerable adults financial exploitation, investigation, protection and cause of action establishment
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 276 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 03/12/2009 | 593a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Health, Housing and Family Security | 03/23/2009 | 852a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Commerce and Consumer Protection | 03/30/2009 | 1118a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Finance | 05/08/2009 | 4253a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 05/08/2009 | 4255 | Second reading | 05/11/2009 | 4479 | HF substituted on General Orders HF818 |
SF 759 Latz; Metzen; Saltzman HF 819 Atkins Revisor No.: 09-2033 Short Description: Event ticket sales regulation and penalty
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 276 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary | 04/07/2009 | 1731a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 04/07/2009 | 1733 | Second reading | 04/16/2009 | 2134 | HF substituted on General Orders HF819 |
SF 760 Latz; Moua; Higgins; Olson, M. HF 883 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1933 Short Description: Racial profiling elimination provisions modification
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 276 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Judiciary |
SF 761 Higgins; Prettner Solon; Gerlach; Rest; Clark HF 1398 Winkler Revisor No.: 09-1905 Short Description: Local government units publication of official notices alternative to newspaper publication
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 277 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight |
SF 762 Moua; Wiger; Saltzman; Rummel; Torres Ray HF 1065 Thao Revisor No.: 09-1134 Short Description: High-risk children early intervention collaborative programs establishment and appropriation
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 277 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to Health, Housing and Family Security |
SF 763 Moua; Foley; Higgins HF 545 Champion Revisor No.: 09-1813 Short Description: Civil rights restoration notice requirements
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 277 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/12/2009 | 531a | Comm report: To pass as amended and re-refer to Judiciary | 03/19/2009 | 784a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/19/2009 | 807 | Second reading | 05/12/2009 | 5036a | General Orders: To pass as amended | 05/13/2009 | 5223 | Calendar: Third reading Passed Rules suspended, lie-over waived | 05/16/2009 | 5869 | Returned from House | | | Presentment date 05/16/09 | | 6736 | Governor's action Veto 05/20/09 | | | Secretary of State Chapter 116 5/20/09 | | 6743 | Veto message laid on table |
SF 764 Moua; Olson, M.; Kubly; Prettner Solon; Vandeveer HF 456 Johnson Revisor No.: 09-1647 Short Description: State agencies electronic meetings authority
DATE | D-PG | ACTIONS | 02/16/2009 | 277 | Introduction and first reading | 02/16/2009 | | Referred to State and Local Government Operations and Oversight | 03/09/2009 | 471a | Comm report: To pass as amended | 03/09/2009 | 479 | Second reading | 03/26/2009 | 1088 | General Orders: To pass | | |