1.1Senator Nelson moved to amend
H.F. No. 4024, as amended pursuant to Rule 45,
1.2adopted by the Senate April 9, 2024, as follows:
1.3(The text of the amended House File is identical to
S.F. No. 4003.)
1.4Page 33, after line 21, insert:
1.5 "
Subd. 3. Student rights. Policies under this section must also:
1.6(1) prohibit faculty, in their official capacity, from requiring students to express
1.7social or political viewpoints for the purposes of academic credit;
1.8(2) ensure learning environments, curriculum, and instruction that honor free student
1.9inquiry and discussion, and are not for the purpose of political, ideological, religious,
1.10antireligious indoctrination;
1.11(3) require student assessments to be based on appropriate knowledge of subjects and
1.12disciplines studied and prohibit discrimination on the basis of political, ideological,
1.13religious beliefs; and
1.14(4) restrict the introduction of controversial matters without a relationship to the
1.15being taught."
1.16The motion prevailed. #did not prevail. So the amendment was #not adopted.