Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2326 - Barber Licensing, Fees, and Regulations Modifications (Second Engrossment)
Author: Senator John C. Pederson
Prepared By: Carlon D. Fontaine, Senate Counsel (651/296-4395)
Date: April 17, 2012


Section 1 [Comprehensive examination] adds a definition of “comprehensive examination.”

Section 2 [Fees] adds fees for retaking written examinations for registered barbers and apprentices, for renewal of student permits, letters of license verification, and reinspections. 

Section 3 [What constitutes barbering] clarifies the activities that constitute barbering.  

Section 4 [Who may receive certificates of registration as a registered barber] clarifies the process for an apprentice applicant who fails to pass the comprehensive examination. 

Section 5 [Who may receive certificates of registration as a registered apprentice] clarifies the education requirements for qualifying to receive a certificate of registration as a registered apprentice.  Clarifies the process for an initial certificate of registration for an applicant who fails to pass the comprehensive examination.  Addresses the certificate of registration for persons who graduate from a barber school while incarcerated.

Section 6 [Qualifications] provides acceptable coursework for registration as an instructor of barbering for persons who have successfully completed vocational instructor training from a board-approved program or accredited college or university program.  Deletes language concerning provisional certificates of registration.

Section 7 [Admission requirements; course of instruction] provides an additional requirement that coursework include instruction on chemical waving. 

Section 8 [Application; fee] clarifies the proof of identity and other documentation to be submitted with an application for examination to the board. 

Section 9 [Examinations, conduct and scope] allows the board to conduct additional written examinations as necessary. 

Section 10 [Application] requires proof of identity documentation be submitted with an initial application.

Section 11 [Examination of nonresidents] deletes reciprocal requirement language for nonresidents.

Section 12 [Examination of nonresident apprentices] deletes reciprocal requirement language for nonresident apprentices. 

Section 13 [Certificates of registration and temporary permits to be displayed] clarifies the documents that must be displayed to include a photograph of the certificate or permit holder in addition to the certificate or permit.

Section 14 [Effect of failure to renew] provides that a barber shop owner who allows the barber shop certificate to lapse for more than one year may reinstate the registration upon paying a restoration fee.  Provides for penalties if an inspector discovers that a barber shop license has lapsed.

Section 15 [Administrative penalties] provides administrative penalties for missing or lapsed shop registration ($500) and unlicensed or unregistered apprentice or registered barber (first occurrence - $500, and second occurrence $1,000.)

Section 16 [Municipalities; regulation authorized] allows a municipality to regulate the hours of barber shops in addition to all other applicable local regulations.

Section 17 [Misrepresentation] prohibits representation as a licensed barber or barber shop to the public unless that person holds the appropriate barber license or barber shop license.

Section 18 [Symbols; barber pole] prohibits placement of a barber pole at a business unless the operator holds a valid barber license.  Provides a definition of “barber pole.”

Section 19 [Appropriation] increases the base budget appropriation to the Board of Barber Examiners for fiscal year 2013 from $257,000 to $287,000.

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